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"Hello, I have checked it out. The person who issued the order No. 1440 is a driver."

At one o'clock in the morning, Shen Qiu received a call from Hua Ling. With the help of money, it didn't take five hours at all. Three hours later, Hua Ling had investigated everything clearly.


"This is not an ordinary driver. I checked and found that this man is the driver of K City Mayor Liu Wen'an. His name is Chen Zhong. I also found some interesting things. Do you want to listen to it? Just think of it as a free gift for you. Anyway, you have already paid so much money."

Hua Ling on the other end of the phone seemed to be cheering. Obviously, a huge sum of 50 million can make a person feel better (isn't this nonsense!)

"It is not surprising that K's mayor Liu Wen and the city party secretary Sun Zheng have been fighting overtly and covertly. Liu Wen'an has always wanted to replace Sun Zheng, while Sun Zheng wants the person sitting in the mayor's position to be his puppet and not jump too much."

Shen Qiu stood in the Hilton Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in K City, overlooking this city of lights and wine. Even at one o'clock in the morning, the city was still brightly lit and dazzling.

He sipped the coffee in the cup in small sips. This was learned from Emiya Kiritsugu. Although he no longer needs coffee to maintain his spirit, this habit has been retained.

"These two people, each of them has their own little tricks in mind, but Liu Wen'an's methods are still far inferior to Sun Zheng. Every time he collected a bunch of evidence to bring down Sun Zheng, Sun Zheng would always get there first and turn the danger into a blessing."

"After repeating this several times, Liu Wen'an, no matter how dumb he was, realized that there was a traitor on his side! So his military advisor gave him an idea, which was to recruit a killer on this killer app to assassinate Sun Zheng."

"Big families like theirs usually have some loyal people like assassins, so they don't need to do it themselves to get rid of such things. As for assassination,——"

Hua Ling squatted for a moment and said with a smile

"Success would be the best, even if it didn't, they could find out the traitor in their team, but who cares? But then something unexpected happened, and the killer seemed to have an assistant, and Sun Zheng's son Sun Junze was assassinated by him."

"But it is true that the blessed are blessed by heaven. Guess what? He was shot three times but none of them hit his fatal part. He is still alive and well after lying in the hospital for two months. The same goes for the driver. He will probably be released after two years in the city's third prison."

Shen Qiu listened to Hua Ling's words quietly. His emotions did not fluctuate at all. After exchanging the bloodline of the Void Prophet, he was able to control his emotions better. He did not show his emotions on his face, and did not let others know his thoughts.

"Thank you very much. I will transfer the other two thousand to your designated account. In addition, I would like to give you a piece of advice. It is best to leave K City as soon as possible. It is not very convenient here at this time.."

"Hehe, of course I know. Don't worry, I have already bought the tickets. I will leave tonight. I can more or less guess your identity. I guess you are working for the boss, right? Haha, no more words, bye."

After Hua Ling hung up the phone, he pulled out the SIM card in his phone and cut it off. After thinking for a while, he still felt that it was not safe enough, so he smashed the phone to pieces and left with satisfaction. After

Shen Qiu hung up the phone, he felt a surge of blood in his chest!

A purple energy began to leak out uncontrollably. Good, very good, very good. Since these high-ranking figures like to use others as pawns, how about letting them feel the feeling of being pawns themselves?

"K Mayor Liu Wen'an, K City Party Secretary Sun Zheng, driver Liu Zhong, and Sun Zheng's son Sun Junze."Shen Qiu took a deep breath and made a preliminary list in his mind.

The people on it are all doomed to die, but they still need to think about it a little bit and not act too rashly.

"Let's start with you - Sun Junze."

After searching for a while on the laptop, Shen Qiu set his sights on this second-generation official who killed Sister Nan with his own hands. He is now 21 years old and studies at K. In a sense, he is a"celebrity" in K University and even the entire K city."

This celebrity is not a compliment.

When he was 17 years old, he got the school beauty Xia Yi pregnant. That school beauty was not a good person either - she wanted to take advantage of the mother's status and force Sun Junze and his family to accept reality.

However, the man he liked was far more ruthless than she had imagined. After repeatedly persuading Xia Yi to have an abortion and being rejected, Sun Junze, who was angry and humiliated, directly hired a few gangsters to beat Xia Yi half to death.

If you don't want to have an abortion, then I will help you with it.

"Don't you see what kind of person you are? You want to marry into my Sun family. You are a daughter of a laundry woman, not even worthy of carrying shoes for our Sun family. When I was good to you, you were considered my girlfriend."

""When I'm not on good terms with you, you're not even my girlfriend!"

These were the last words Xia Yi heard before she fainted. Sun Junze didn't dare to kill her and sent her to the hospital, but the girl's life was over.

After being discharged from the hospital, she went to the police station to report the case but was perfunctorily rejected. She had no choice but to look for the media, but the big media had already been ordered by Sun Zheng and were kicked out before they could even get in the door.

As for the small media, they all treated her story as gossip. It was rare that a tabloid published her news seriously, but no one cared.

Finally, Xia Yi, who was desperate, chose to jump into the river to commit suicide, hoping to get attention, but she thought too much, and disappeared without even a splash.

As for Sun Junze - he forgot about it in a few days, and hooked up with another girl. With his identity as the son of the secretary of the K City Party Committee, as long as he opened his hand, there were countless girls throwing themselves at him.

"There are a lot of gossips about him on K's community forum. Wait, this is it."

Qiu, who was browsing K's forum, saw a post that was posted ten minutes ago.

"Hey, guys, let's go out to the bar and see who we met. It's the famous Mr. Sun. Guigui is really jealous. Half of the girls in the bar are surrounding him. Why don't we have such luck?" There was also a picture attached, which was Sun Junze dancing in the disco!

As for the replies below, most of them were"Of course it's okay if you can be born into a good family.""Alas, ordinary people have no way to survive in this world." There were replies like this.

As for Shen Qiu, he saw the name of the bar at a glance!

"Since you are so eager to die, I will not be polite."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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