As soon as He Yuzhu entered the cafeteria, he saw Jia Dongxu holding a plate and licking it non-stop, which made him realize once again that it was not easy for Jia Dongxu.

In order to avoid causing Jia Dongxu's embarrassment, He Yuzhu silently walked up to Jia Dongxu, and after hesitating, he didn't know what to say?

Fortunately, Jia Dongxu, who had eaten seven or eight minutes at this time, was much better than before, even if He Yuzhu's footsteps were very light, he also noticed that someone was approaching him.

After he concentrated on licking the plate clean, he looked up and saw that it was He Yuzhu, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, but said calmly: "Here, thank you for today's meal, I will repay you if you have the ability in the future." "

Jia Dongxu's reaction surprised He Yuzhu, he smiled and said: "Since you feel better, let's go home and rest, I have already told your deputy factory director Li, he has approved your leave." "

But after listening to He Yuzhu's words, Jia Dongxu shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Zhuzi, I understand your kindness, but I can't go home, I want to go back to work, I really can't afford to rest now." "

Saying that, Jia Dongxu 06 stood up, but maybe he was so excited that he didn't stand firm all of a sudden, and his body shook a few times, so shocked that He Yuzhu thought he was going to faint again, so he hurriedly helped Jia Dongxu.

"Look at you like this, it's really dangerous to work like this, this life is much more important than earning money, if you have an accident, in your family's situation, life will definitely be more difficult, and whether orphans and widows can survive is a problem. "

Looking at Jia Dongxu, who was silent, He Yuzhu sighed, and continued: "Forget it, help people to the end, send Buddha to the west, since I helped you, it is not bad to help again."

Why don't you just wait here for me to finish my work, and then come with me to a place, and I'll lend you a hundred catties of grain, presumably with this food, you can hold on for a few more months. "

Hearing that He Yuzhu was willing to take the initiative to borrow food for him, Jia Dongxu suddenly became excited, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

But before he could express his gratitude, he heard He Yuzhu say again: "According to my observation, although the current famine is still continuing, it will not last long, the situation in the country is improving, this month the grain station supplies more grain, and it will not be closed as early as before, which shows that this year's harvest in the field is not bad, and it should be relieved." "

"Really, Pillar, did you get the news?"

Jia Dongxu was really pleasantly surprised at this moment, for him, even if He Yuzhu was willing to borrow grain from him, he could only rely on it for a while, but if the famine passed for several years and the grain returned to the price of three years ago, then their family would be able to feed them with only his own salary.

Seeing that Jia Dongxu actually asked like this, He Yuzhu hurriedly shook his head and said: "What news can I get, this is just a speculation I made based on the situation on the market, think about it, if the country has no food in its hands, why will it supply more and more?"

When Jia Dongxu learned that such news was guessed by He Yuzhu himself, not from the mouth of the leader above, although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he thought about it and felt that He Yuzhu's analysis was very reasonable.

Indeed, if the country does not harvest a large amount of grain, then for the sake of social stability, it will certainly strictly control the grain on the market, as in the previous two years.

If you think about it carefully, the amount of food available on the market in the past two months has indeed increased compared to before, and the price of food on the black market has also dropped slightly.

Jia Dongxu thought that it was because everyone had no money in their hands in the past three years, and the price of grain had dropped somewhat, but now it seems that the fundamental reason is that there is more food.

Thinking of this, Jia Dongxu couldn't help but be happy: "Also, I thought it was because of the National Day before, but now it seems that it is indeed as you think, it should be that the disaster has been alleviated."

Oh, that's great news, it's been three years, three years, and if I don't get back to normal food supply, I really don't feel like I'm going to be able to hold on. "

Saying that, Jia Dongxu almost cried with joy, and then he looked at He Yuzhu, and said with an extremely sincere attitude: "Thank you Zhuzi, I did it wrong before, I apologize to you, thank you for being willing to help me at this time." "

For Jia Dongxu, he looked down on He Yuzhu in the past, and even had a grudge against He Yuzhu a year ago because He Yuzhu didn't help him, but with He Yuzhu helping him at a critical moment today, he suddenly felt relieved in his heart, and he didn't have any resentment towards He Yuzhu, but was very grateful to He Yuzhu.

After all, in the past three years, everyone has taken food more seriously, more important than their own lives, and now even his master Yi Zhonghai has not had much food to support the Jia family every month, Jia Dongxu really didn't expect that He Yuzhu would be willing to help him at this time.

Jia Dongxu is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful, and he won't be the same as his mother Jia Zhang, who feels that He Yuzhu should help him, and he has already understood the truth that "helping is love, not helping is duty".

And He Yuzhu also noticed the change in Jia Dongxu's attitude, nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "Okay, just live a good life."

I'll ask Liu Lan and them later, to see if there is a place to sleep temporarily, you can rest first, and call you when I'm done.

By the way, Jia Dongxu, I would like to remind you one last time, when the situation gets better, what about you, it's best to find a way to make your family's hukou into a city hukou, even if your mother can't change it, you have to change your wife Qin Huairu's 433 over, so that not only her, but even your children can eat the supply of food.

Otherwise, when your children grow up and eat more, it is estimated that it will be difficult to feed you alone even if you do not encounter a famine, and if you encounter a year like this in the past two years, it is estimated that your whole family will not survive. "

He Yuzhu's words are actually not alarmist, in the original play, if it weren't for Jia Dongxu's death, Qin Huairu, who inherited her husband's job, has since become a city hukou, so that the stick terrier and several people also have a supply of food.

As far as the situation of the Jia family is concerned, even with the help of Silly Zhu and others, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's family of five will definitely not eat so well, and the stick terrier will never even be unwilling to eat Wowotou.

On the contrary, it is estimated that their family has to eat wowotou most of the time, and occasionally rely on the original owner Silly Zhu and others to improve their food.

Hearing He Yuzhu talk about the hukou, Jia Dongxu was also worried about it, but this matter is not something that can be solved by saying that it can be solved, his wife Qin Huairu must have a formal job if she wants to become a city hukou.

For Jia Dongxu, if he had known that there would be such a situation a few years ago, he would definitely be bankrupt and willing to spend money to arrange a job for his wife as soon as possible, no, he should have resolutely opposed it when his mother prevented his wife Qin Huairu from changing to a city hukou.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and Jia Dongxu has no ability to go back to the past and change everything! .

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