After listening to Ma Hua's words, although He Yuzhu was silent on his face, he had a complicated feeling in his heart.

Hey, it seems that Jia Dongxu really discovered something by accident, and then suspected Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, the two of them wanted to persuade Jia Dongxu at first, it can be seen that Jia Dongxu has always been uncompromising, in order to hide the matter between the two, so he chose to join forces to take action against Jia Dongxu.

However, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's approach has to be said to be perfect, anyway, except for He Yuzhu, who knows a lot, it is obvious that no one else has any suspicions about Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Including Jia Zhang's family, although they felt that Jia Dongxu's death had something to do with Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, they didn't think that the two of them secretly killed Jia Dongxu, but they all felt that Jia Dongxu was affected, and the accident happened after a moment of carelessness.

In this regard, He Yuzhu, who didn't want to get involved in the courtyard, was wary of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu because of their ruthlessness.

As soon as He Yuzhu thought that Jia Dongxu was dead, it was inevitable that Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's two would develop like in the original play, and in this way, I don't know if there will be that 06 wronged boss in the courtyard who will be entangled by them?

He Yuzhu thought about it again and again, and felt that if Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu dared to come to him this time, then he would definitely not be soft-hearted, and he must directly attack Yi Zhonghai and solve Yi Zhonghai at one time.

In this way, Qin Huairu is the only one left, she must have been frightened, and with Yi Zhonghai's experience, it is estimated that she does not have the courage to pester him again.

He Yuzhu thought that so far, it has been almost twelve years since He Daqing left, and the sum of the money that has been deducted by Yi Zhonghai over the years has been as much as thousands of yuan.

And this money is not a small amount in this year, as long as He Yuzhu calls the police and contacts some contacts, then with Yi Zhonghai's actions, even if he doesn't eat guns, he will be directly sent to the frontier to labor reform for decades, and whether he can come back alive in the future is a question, anyway, the probability must be very low!

However, He Yuzhu couldn't help but sigh when he thought that Qin Huairu was pregnant again, and his previous help to Jia Dongxu did not only let Jia Dongxu live for a few years, but at least gave the Jia family an extra child.

I don't know if Qin Huairu is pregnant with a boy in her belly this time?

If so, then Jia Dongxu can be regarded as having a son.

If not, it can only be said that the Jia family should be out of business if it is fate.

After all, giving birth to three daughters in a row is the reason why Jia Dongxu's "seeds" are all causes!

In this regard, He Yuzhu was also full of curiosity, and planned to wait for Qin Huairu to give birth to a child in the future, and he had to arrange for Ma Hua to inquire whether the child was a man or a woman.

In the next two days, MCA told He Yuzhu everything about Jia Dongxu.

The characterization of Jia Dongxu's death in the rolling mill was faster than what Ma Hua and others guessed, and an announcement was issued only the next day, and just as He Yuzhu thought, everyone in the rolling mill had no doubts about Jia Dongxu's death, they all felt that it was an accident, and there was not much discussion, but more people were speculating about the orphans and widows of the Jia family, who would take over the work left by Jia Dongxu.

Most people speculate that it will be Jia Dongxu's wife Qin Huairu, and there have been rumors in the factory about Qin Huairu's beauty over the years, and many of Jia Dongxu's workers have also seen it, so many people began to look forward to Qin Huairu, a beautiful widow, coming to work in the factory.

However, although Jia Zhang's family also accepted the death of her son Jia Dongxu, she was very dissatisfied with the conditions given by the rolling mill, even if there was persuasion from Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, but Jia Zhang, who had complained about the two of them, did not listen to the two of them at all, and directly went to the rolling mill with the portrait of Jia Dongxu, which made the faces of the leaders of the rolling mill very unpleasant.

In the end, Li Huaide, the deputy factory director, came forward to persuade Jia Zhang.

But the nonsense Jia Zhang didn't listen to Li Huaide's words at all, just holding Jia Dongxu's portrait and saying how bad the rolling mill was to their Jia family, and how bad the rolling mill was to their orphans and widows, which made Li Huaide angry and had a headache at the same time.

After all, the whole factory was watching, and he didn't have a good attitude towards Jia Zhang's family.

And just when Li Huaide was about to lose patience, Qin Huairu, a new pretty widow, also appeared in the factory, and then Li Huaide took Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai to the office.

As for what the four of them said in the office, Ma Hua and the others didn't know.

Anyway, the final result was that Jia Zhang's family stopped making trouble, accepted the conditions offered by the factory, and obediently left the rolling mill. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When He Yuzhu learned about these situations, he couldn't do anything except sigh with emotion, he definitely couldn't help Jia Dongxu get any justice.

However, after he knew that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu went to the rolling mill in order to persuade Jia Zhang's family, he was even more convinced that Jia Dongxu's death was inseparable from the two of them, and the two of them must have a ghost in their hearts, and they were afraid that Jia Zhang's would make a big deal and make the above and the rolling mill thoroughly investigate the cause of Jia Dongxu's death, so that they would always stand on the side of the rolling mill.

It's a pity that with Jia Dongxu's accident, as long as Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu don't say it, even He Yuzhu can't know what happened between the three of them, which led to such a situation!

Speaking of which, He Yuzhu was also very curious about how Li Huaide persuaded Jia Zhang's family in the end, so he specially invited Li Huaide to a meal, and Li Huaide did not hide it after knowing his intention, but explained with a smile.

It turned out that all the reasons were on Qin Huairu, Li Huaide moved his mind after seeing Qin Huairu, a pretty widow, and then in order to get Qin Huairu in the future, he specially promised to give the Jia family an extra 200 yuan in compensation. []

He also said that as long as Qin Huairu took over, although she could only be an apprentice, she could be paid according to the highest apprentice salary.

And in view of the situation of the Jia family, it can be allowed to wait for Qin Huairu to officially give birth to a child before officially joining the company, and during this period, a relief subsidy of 15 yuan per month can be given 047.

For such conditions, Jia Zhang's family was not satisfied and wanted to continue to make trouble, but Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu tried their best to stop her and persuade her to accept it when she saw it.

And Li Huaide also pretended to have a tough attitude and said that if Jia Zhang's family was unwilling to agree to such conditions, then their rolling mill would make a big trouble and find trouble with Jia Dongxu, after all, Jia Dongxu's accident also had something to do with him.

In the face of such a threat, Jia Zhang's did not dare to make trouble, and she was also worried that the rolling mill would not give her so much money after the matter became bigger.

In the end, Jia Zhang's family asked Qin Huairu to promise to hand over all the money to her for safekeeping, as her pension money, and only after Qin Huairu agreed, did she choose to accept Li Huaide's conditions, and no longer make trouble, but went back to handle Jia Dongxu's funeral with Qin Huairu and others.

After listening to Li Huaide's words, He Yuzhu didn't have any thoughts about Li Huaide's idea of beating Qin Huairu, but felt that if Qin Huairu was really taken by Li Huaide, with Li Huaide's ability, he should no longer be willing to watch Qin Huairu hook up with other men in the factory, and he was also capable of supporting Qin Huairu and the Jia family.

In this way, Qin Huairu, who has something to rely on, should not be able to beat him He Yuzhu's idea, then he can be regarded as saving some trouble!

Therefore, He Yuzhu no longer pays more attention to the situation of the Jia family, as long as Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu do not come to the door, he is willing to stay in the last line, and will not take the initiative to solve Yi Zhonghai's .......

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