"Then where does he live? I can go directly to his house, I must give this thing a try, maybe there is a chance. "

Seeing that Liang Ladi was still unwilling to give up, Nan Yi was helpless, and directly spread his hands and said: "It's not that we don't help you, it's that we don't know where Director He lives?" "

Liang Ladi, who had a plan, was still unwilling to give up and said: "You don't know, then can you help me ask, with such a big factory, there must be many people who know where He Yuzhu lives?"

Please help, you also know my situation, this is not easy to come to the main factory from the machine repair branch once, I must try to grasp this opportunity, so as to change the fate of me~ and the children.

Otherwise, continue to stay in the machine repair branch, with the treatment of the branch, and wait for Da Mao and them to grow up a little more, it will be really difficult for me to feed them alone.

Please rest assured, when I see Director He, I promise that I will not tell me his address, nor will I anger him, I just want to give it a try and work hard for myself. "

For Liang Ladi, she really made up her mind to ask He Yuzhu for a good time, because compared to continuing to stay in the branch, the salary of the main factory really made her envious and jealous.

If you want to say that there is no chance, but with the two examples of Nan Yi and Ding Qiunan, Liang Ladi feels that she is not without a chance.

At least, compared to other people, she can still see He Yuzhu through Nanyi, and she has a reason to ask He Yuzhu.

Judging from He Yuzhu's actions to help Nan Yi and Ding Qiunan, he himself should be more interested in talent and selflessness, and such people are generally very sympathetic.

In order to make the family's life better, Liang Ladi will not feel that there is anything wrong with being cheeky and begging people, nor will she feel embarrassed, as long as she can achieve her goal, she is good at pretending to be pitiful and selling misery.

Even, she can give more!

And Nan Yi saw Liang Ladi say this, and he didn't know how to persuade Liang Ladi, because looking at her attitude, it was obvious that he had already determined this matter, and with his understanding of her, it was estimated that no matter how much he said, Liang Ladi would not be able to change her mind.

After thinking about it for a while, Nan Yi still couldn't bear to refuse Liang Ladi, sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll ask, you wait here, Qiu Nan, you accompany Liang Ladi and wait for me." "

Hearing Nan Yi's words, Ding Qiunan nodded expressionlessly and said, "Well, I know." "

Liang Ladi was overjoyed, and at the same time, she hurriedly and sincerely said "thank you" to Nan Yi and Ding Qiunan.

Nan Yi returned to the dormitory building where he lived alone, found a few people who were also staying in the canteen, and after some inquiry, he successfully learned the detailed address of He Yuzhu from a person.

Soon, Nan Yi appeared in front of Liang Ladi again, handed Liang Ladi the note with He Yuzhu's address in his hand, and said, "This is Director He's home that I inquired about, if you think you can do it, go by yourself." "

Saying that, Nan Yi looked at Liang Ladi, who took the note excitedly, and said solemnly: "In addition, Comrade Liang Ladi, this time we helped you so much for the sake of being a colleague before, and for the sake of Da Mao's children, who were also more pitiful."

But we don't know each other very well in the end, we can help you this time we are already very benevolent, if you fail with Director He, don't come to us again, we really don't have the ability to help you. "

Nan Yi's words made Liang Ladi stunned, and her excitement calmed down a lot, but she soon figured it out, she was indeed not very familiar with Nan Yi and Ding Qiunan, and it was already very good for the two of them to help themselves to this extent.

After all, speaking of which, it was she Liang Ladi who misunderstood Nan Yi at the beginning, and Nan Yi not only helped Da Mao regardless of his previous suspicions, but also gave him a meal coupon to them at the beginning, and now he has given himself a chance, and he really can't continue to trouble them.

Moreover, Nan Yi's attitude is also very obvious, she will look for them again in the future, it is estimated that the little things are fine, and the big things like today, which make them embarrassed, are estimated to definitely not help her again.

Liang Ladi thanked the two of them again with a smile, and then said goodbye, carefully put away the note in her hand, got on her bicycle and rode in the direction of Qianmen Street, which said hello to Nanyi.

And Nan Yi and Ding Qiunan looked at the departing Liang Ladi, and while the two of them were relieved, Ding Qiunan also expressed his recognition and support for Nan Yi's approach, which made Nan Yi both happy and proud.

Subsequently, the two of them no longer thought about Liang Ladi, but happily went to the place where the two had already discussed and went on a happy date.

And Liang Ladi's side, kept asking all the way to find the He family in the Hutong of Puchen City, knocked on the door of the He family with anticipation, and kept thinking about what he would say after seeing He Yuzhu in his heart.

It's a pity that it was He Yushui, who went home to rest on the weekend, who opened the door for Liang Ladi, and was very surprised when she saw Liang Ladi, and hurriedly asked Liang Ladi about her intention after learning that Liang Ladi was coming to find her brother He Yuzhu.

In the face of He Yushui's inquiry, Liang Ladi just introduced herself, and then she didn't want to say too much, after all, what she wanted to ask He Yuzhu for help was not suitable for too many people to know.

Although she felt that the woman in front of her should be He Yuzhu's family, she was also worried that she would guess wrong, so she insisted on seeing He Yuzhu, saying that what she wanted to say could only be said to He Yuzhu alone.

As a result, Liang Ladi's words and performance made He Yushui misunderstood, and immediately looked back nervously, and saw that the sister-in-law and sister-in-law's parents at home did not come out, so he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly walked out of the door and closed the door smoothly.

Immediately, He Yushui pulled Liang Ladi to a hidden corner, and said with a serious expression: "This Comrade Liang Ladi, I am He Yuzhu's sister, and my name is He Yushui.

Tell me seriously, what is your relationship with my brother, why did you come to him, and what do you have to say to my brother personally?"

Hearing that the girl in front of her was He Yuzhu's sister, Liang Ladi's attitude was much more respectful, but she still hesitated a little and said, "This, this ......"

Looking at Liang Ladi's spitting appearance, the suspicious look in He Yushui's eyes became even heavier, although she believed that her brother was not the kind of person who pinched flowers and grass, but she didn't dare to guarantee that her brother would not make a mistake for a while.

The Liang Ladi in front of her looks very similar to the kind of story that has a relationship with a man and then comes to the door because she is pregnant with a child.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the beautiful Liang Ladi again, He Yushui couldn't help but look down, carefully looked at Liang Ladi's belly, and saw that it was not very big, so she quietly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she still couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "What kind of relationship do you have with my brother?"

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