The next morning, Jiang Yang opened his eyes lazily and was shocked when he saw the gray eaves tile structure. His laziness was swept away. "What's wrong? I didn't wake up in Blue Star?" Jiang Yang quickly turned over and got up. He opened the door and saw that it was still a courtyard. "System, what's going on? Why didn't I go back? I can't go back, right?"

[After the system is upgraded, the host's time in this world will pass 5 times faster]

"Wow, you said such critical information, you should tell me after you upgrade!"

[You didn't ask]


"Damn it!"

Fortunately, sleeping in Blue Star like this, the courtyard is directly five days, so it's okay.

Now it's November 20th here.

It's only more than a month away from the Chinese New Year, and there are still 13 months left before he can get married.

Starting from 1960, life will be more difficult.

Jumping around in his own home, it turns out that a good body is the most precious resource for a person.

Jiang Yang happily took out breakfast from the space and ate it. He actually has a lot of things to do in the courtyard now.

In the previous month and a half, he used his identity as the son-in-law of the Lou family to contact many herbal medicine stores and Chinese medicine experts.

Let them help him produce three kinds of medicine.

【Angong Niuhuang Pill】This is the complete version of Niuhuang Pill, the main benefit of Tianchen Pharmaceutical.

【Wuzi Pill】An ancient aphrodisiac, used by the nobles in ancient times.

It is composed of Cuscuta, fried leek seeds, Alpinia oxyphylla, fried fennel seeds, fried Cnidium monnieri and other medicinal materials.

【Qibai Paste】An ancient beauty and skin care medicine.

It contains Angelica dahurica, Bletilla striata, Raw Atractylodes macrocephala, White Poria, Bletilla striata, Aconitum carmichaelii, Asarum. Grind these medicinal materials into fine powder, mix them with egg white, apply them on the face before going to bed every night, and wash them off after 30 minutes.

(ps: Don't try it yourself, the author also checked it online)

One is to enhance the physical fitness of the body, one man needs it, one woman needs it, and these three medicines are specially selected by him.

In fact, there are better prescriptions, but it is difficult to mass produce, and the required medicinal materials are too rare.

For example, there is an aphrodisiac.

【Flying Dragon Pill】is composed of wild ginseng, deer antler slices, blood clotting, tiger and lion whip, walrus whip, deer whip, gecko, ramie, Morinda officinalis and other medicinal materials.

This kind of material is very difficult to configure in Blue Star, not to mention this world.

After breakfast, Jiang Yang pushed his bicycle to the middle courtyard. At this moment, there was a dispute in the He family. It was no wonder that He Yushui came back.

He put down his bicycle, pushed open the half-closed door and walked in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Sha Zhu raising his hand to hit someone. How could he bear this?

He stepped forward, grabbed Sha Zhu's slap, and protected He Yushui behind him.

"Silly pig, you have grown up, and you only bully your sister?"

When He Yushui saw Jiang Yang protecting her again, her heart was thumping as if it was about to jump out.

The living expenses for September and October were given by Jiang Yang. Because Jiang Yang was not at home, she borrowed the living expenses for November from her classmates.

Today is the weekend. She finally saw her brother. When she asked him for living expenses, he refused to give her money and owed a lot of debts.

How could she live like this?

And this stupid brother even thought she was meddling in other people's business and wanted to beat her.

He Yushui looked at the tall figure in front of her, and then looked at her stupid brother. She couldn't help but feel wronged and burst into tears.

"Brother Jiang Yang, wuwu~~~"

"Jiang Yang, it's you again. My family's affairs have nothing to do with you. Let me go!"

Sha Zhu struggled several times, but couldn't get away at all.

"Humph, you can only bully others at home. Sha Zhu, you are such a waste."

Jiang Yang pushed Sha Zhu away, making him stagger and fall on the bed.

"Yushui, your brother is hopeless. It's better to separate from him! Otherwise, if Shazhu continues to fail, you won't have a place to live next time you go home."

He Yushui's tears kept flowing. She looked at her brother and saw that he was full of disdain. She gritted her teeth and replied,

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Jiang Yang. You decide."

"Okay, you go out first, let me talk to Shazhu."


He Yushui wiped her tears, bit her lips, and turned to leave the He family.

He Yuzhu still had that disdainful look and mocked, "Jiangyang, you are so capable. You actually let my sister separate from me. Without me, she can't live!"

"Oh, Shazhu, you are going to make me laugh to death."

Jiang Yangran couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, and walked to Shazhu and sat down.


At first you were a good brother who took care of your sister, but since you got close to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, you are no longer like that. "

"Do you know what kind of life the deaf old lady had every time you asked her to take care of He Yushui?"

"A little girl of 8-9 years old not only had to serve tea and water to the deaf old lady and clean the house, but also had to be scolded by her. You probably don't know that your sister doesn't believe you, a fool, when she is fooled by an old woman."

"You think Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are good to you, but they just want you to take care of them in their old age. In their eyes, He Yushui is a burden who eats dry food and eats their food."

"Yushui grew up under their contempt and oppression. What did you do as a brother? Be an accomplice? "

Sha Zhu was more and more frightened as he listened, recalling the past when He Yushui hugged his thigh and cried, asking him not to send her to the house of an old man or a deaf old lady.

He thought it was just a child who was afraid of strangers. Combined with Jiang Yang's words, he trembled all over and roared,

"I don't believe it, you lied to me! It's not true."

"It's not true~~~"

Seeing this, Jiang Yang sneered and continued to speak.

"Let's not talk about these, let's talk about the lunch box you brought. Since you brought the lunch box to the Jia family, has He Yushui eaten it even once?"

"Ask yourself, has she eaten it? Every day, your sister Qin, sister Qin, you are treated as a rich man and you still think you are taking advantage, idiot."

"Look again, since you didn't bring the lunch box, has Qin Huairu looked at you straight? Saying you are a pig is an insult to pigs, stupid."

"Forget it, you fool believe it after hearing too much. Now let's talk about the separation of you and He Yushui. Do you have any objection? "

Shazhu's eyes were red and he was panting. He recalled according to Jiang Yang's words that Qin Huairu had hardly said a word to him after she lost her lunch box.

Adding to the fact that Yi Zhonghai had ignored his request for help before, he was filled with violent emotions.

"Ah~~~ Jiang Yang, it's all your fault. If you hadn't reported me, I wouldn't have lost my lunch box for Sister Qin, and Sister Qin wouldn't have ignored me."

When his eyes swept over Jiang Yang, he couldn't control himself anymore and flew towards him, as if he wanted to tear him apart alive!

Seeing Shazhu rushing towards him, Jiang Yang was overjoyed and kicked him quickly, sending him flying.

"Bang" hit the wall, leaving a layer of dust and a silly pig.

Feeling his own strength, Jiang Yang couldn't help but sigh: "It's so cool after this body is strengthened."

Coming to Shazhu again, he stepped on his face and said with a smile: "You, the Siheyuan God of War, don't seem to be that good!

You are covered in shit and you dare to attack me. I have to report to the police station. With all your crimes and the confession, you should be able to eat peanuts. "

"No, don't report it. I was wrong."

Sha Zhu hugged Jiang Yang's legs and begged for mercy.

He had already registered at the police station. If Jiang Yang added fuel to the fire, he would definitely die.

"I want to split the family. I am willing to split the family. But you have to return my confession to me after the division."

"You can't get it for free. 200 yuan, take the confession."

"I don't have money. Can I owe it to you first?"

Sha Zhu lay on the ground, hugging his legs. He looked so pitiful in the mist.

"Get up first, let's talk about the division. "

Sha Zhu got up, patted the dust off his body, rubbed the place where he was kicked, and was actually fine.

This scene made Jiang Yang feel helpless. This dog is very thick-skinned. This kick on Xu Damao will definitely break several bones.

"There is no money at home. There are only these two rooms left. At most, Yu Shui will be given one house."

"The house must be half for each of us. You are also occupying your father's workstation. How about selling your workstation and dividing the money?"

"What will I eat if you sell it?" Sha Zhu raised his head. Is this going to kill him? "Half and half, Yu Shui will get half of her room."

"No problem, when the time comes, just ask someone to separate it. The title deed must be written in Yu Shui's name. I won't share the workstation with you. After all, you have raised her for so many years, so we are even. "

Sha Zhu gritted his teeth and nodded. He could accept losing half of the house. It was originally left by He Daqing for the two siblings. Keeping the work position was the most important thing.

"Now let's calculate the last fortune of your family. Maybe you don't know yet. In fact, your father has sent living expenses to you and your siblings every month since the year he left, but it was intercepted by your dear uncle."

"As for why he intercepted it, simply put, he wanted you to completely sever your relationship with your father so that you can provide for him in his old age."

"So your most respected uncle and grandmother are playing you as a fool."

"You lied to me!"

Sha Zhu held his head and roared. All the things he heard today were tearing him apart.

The worldview constructed in the past.

It seemed as if the past twenty years were just a dream.

"I don't believe it. You are lying to me, right?"

Looking at the poor fool in front of him, Jiang Yang shook his head, "You can go to the post office and ask. If it doesn't work, you can ask your father directly, or ask your aunt directly. She must know about this."

"No! It's not like that. It's not true! Woo woo~~~"

The fool finally couldn't stand it and cried.

"You can cry all you want. You can divide this money into two years. After you turn 18, this money will be used as living expenses for Yushui.

According to your father's monthly 10 yuan, you can get 120 yuan. I'll give you this money, and you won't have anything to do with Yi Zhonghai anymore."

Jiang Yang took out 120 yuan from his pocket and gave it to Sha Zhu, "Remember, that money has nothing to do with you anymore."

"Okay, I got it."

Sha Zhu stretched out his trembling hand and took the 120 yuan. This little money not only bought out his relationship with He Daqing, but also cut off his relationship with He Yushui.

"Let's go, I'll take you and Yushui to apply for a new house deed."

Jiang Yang took the dazed Sha Zhu out of the He family, and He Yushui was guarding the door.

"Brother Jiang Yang!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to divide the family."


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