The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Also, they knew that you withheld the child support for Shazhu's brother and sister, and they asked for double compensation, and I paid it!

In the end, there was only 350 yuan and two big fish left at home. According to the rules, I should give you half of the property, but I don't want the rest. The remaining money and house in the family must belong to me, and you won't get a penny."

Yi Zhonghai's teeth hurt. Damn, why do things pile up? If this matter is exposed, he can be shot.

Think about how he went from being worth tens of thousands to having only more than 2,000 in assets now. How can this life be so painful?

Thinking of the fact that the aunt helped him deal with the troubles with Shazhu at the end, what more can he ask for?

"Hey! All for you! Do as you wish."

"Okay, I will ask Director Wang from the Street Office to witness it for us, and change the name on the title deed. From now on, you can have your own way."


People in the courtyard were busy doing big things outside, and Jiang Yang was there too.

It turned out that He Yushui broke into Jiang Yang's house directly after the aunt left, and after seeing Jiang Yang, she threw herself into his arms.

"Brother Jiang Yang, I like you."


How to respond to this? He has a fiancée. In Blue Star, being able to hang around is freedom of love, but in this world, at least this matter, messing around will cause trouble.

"Yushui, I have a fiancée!"

"I know, I don't care, I just want to follow Brother Jiang Yang."

He Yushui said, holding his neck and offering her lips.

Jiang Yang was reserved for three seconds, then hugged her skinny body and began to fight back.

In the violent storm, He Yushui felt like a banana leaf in the rainstorm.

Afterwards, when Jiang Yang looked at He Yushui, her face turned red and she covered her face like an ostrich.

Jiang Yang chuckled. How could this scene look like the rolling hiding from the rain on Blue Star? As long as the head is not wet, it is not considered raining.

In the evening, Jiang Yang made a fine dinner for the two of them, and he also bought a cooking proficiency skill book for this.

"Wow, brother Jiang Yang, what you cook is even better than what my silly brother cooks."

"If it tastes good, eat more, and we will continue in the evening!"


He Yushui replied softly, she wanted to too!

That night, snowflakes fell from 49 cities, and Jiang Yang's bed was warm as spring!


The next morning.

Jiang Yang got up early and finished his morning class before starting to make breakfast.

White rice porridge with big meat buns.

The fragrance spread to the courtyard, and every household came out to sniff. After finding out that it was Jiang Yang's family, they did not do anything more.

Qin Huairu smelled the meat and could not help but drink two more mouthfuls of corn paste with the fragrance.

"Dongxu, the money has been received. We need to buy more food. The price may increase in the future."

"I know. I will go to the pigeon market to buy it in the evening."

They got the money from their family yesterday, more than 1,300 yuan, and neither of them thought about saving Jia Zhang.

Jiang Yang accompanied He Yushui to finish breakfast, and then he rode away from the courtyard. He had to see the results of the medicine production.

At first, he wanted to cooperate with these people, but they refused. In the end, he took out the food and they agreed to do it.

At this time, money was not as important as food.


This is the place designated by Jiang Yang to receive medicines. Their backyard is a huge yard.

"Jiang Yang, you are finally here. If you don't come, our goods will be full."

As soon as he appeared, a white-haired old man came to greet him.

"Mr. Qian, don't worry. I will always need these things. Don't worry."

"That's good. I'll take you to see the finished products first."

Mr. Mo's name is Qian Liu. He has been practicing medicine for generations. He is the 8th generation. He has a grandson who also studies medicine with him.

"Jiang Yang, these three warehouses are filled with three kinds of finished products. When will you come to take them away?"

"Someone will come to take them away today. Just don't close the back door. Do you have enough medicinal materials? Will the higher-ups check if you purchase too much medicinal materials?"

"Of course they will, so after this batch of goods is sold out, we can only supply a small amount in the future."

Because of the rise of Western medicine, the previous Chinese medicinal materials have been squeezed a lot. The reason for cooperating with Jiang Yang this time is also to consume the inventory.

Otherwise, it would be a pity to waste these medicinal materials.

Jiang Yang thought: "It seems that I can only do the high-end market. But it's okay, mass-market products are too complicated and annoying."

"Okay, you can see if there are other large quantities of medicinal materials that can be made into other medicines. As long as the effect is good, I want them all.


"I know, I'll let them know."

Waving away Mr. Qian, Jiang Yang looked around twice, and calmly sorted and took away the things on both sides, and got the specific quantity.

Angong Niuhuang Pills: 3320 pills

Wuzi Pills: 15661 pills

Qibai Paste: 18466 boxes

Such a small amount is not enough to affect the foundation of Tianchen Pharmaceutical. Although their efficacy is weak, they can produce in batches after all, which is incomparable.

They have a larger share of the mid-range market, and even if they lose the high-end market, there will be no fundamental damage.

"Alas, it seems that it is a bit difficult to take revenge on this. There are too many restrictions here. I thought too well before, and now it's embarrassing!"

After dealing with these things, Jiang Yang rode his bike to Lou's house. There was a bag of oranges at home, which Lou Xiao'e especially liked to eat.

"Son-in-law, you are here."

"Mother Chen. "

Jiang Yang walked in after saying hello. Coming to Lou's house now was like going home.

Tan Yali was the only one in the living room, reading a book with great interest.

Jiang Yang did not disturb them. He put the oranges on the coffee table, took two from the table and walked to the basement.

At this time, the two of them must be appreciating antiques downstairs. He had lived like this before.

"Hey, Jiang Yang, you're here."

Lou Xiao'e found Jiang Yang, threw the things in her hand and rushed to him.

"Oh my baby!"

Lou Dehua ignored Jiang Yang and reached out to catch a seal thrown by Lou Xiao'e.

Jiang Yang hugged Lou Xiao'e and smiled, "You almost dropped Dad's baby."

"It's okay. There are a lot of things. They are not very valuable. Let me see what you hide behind?"

"Dangdang! Your favorite oranges."

"Well, you are so nice. "

Lou Xiao'e hugged his head and kissed him, which made Lou Dehua say that he couldn't stand it.

"That's enough, you treat me as if I don't exist."

"Ahem, Dad, you eat one too."

Jiang Yang decisively handed over another orange. He ate moths, but he couldn't let his father-in-law have nothing to eat.

"Hmph, you go, I won't learn today."

As an old father, I was speechless to this daughter. She completely forgot about her father after having a man. How miserable!

"Dad, I actually came to see you today. "

Jiang Yang did not forget that the main thing today was not to flirt with Lou Xiao'e, but to have something important to do.

Since he chose Lou Xiao'e as his wife, he could not escape the cause and effect of her family.

They would definitely be liquidated during the storm, but with him, they would not be bullied like they were on TV if they left a year earlier.

Whether he would leave or not would depend on the specific situation later. Now he had a substitute puppet, so he was not at all weak.

"Looking for me?" Lou Dehua was full of doubts, put down the antique in his hand, waved his hand and said, "Then let's go to the study to talk."

"I'll go too."

Lou Xiao'e held Jiang Yang tightly, peeled the orange in her hand slowly, and her expression was very sweet.

They came to the window, where a set of tea sets was placed.

The three of them sat down, and Lou Xiao'e took the initiative to make tea.

"Jiang Yang, what do you want to say?"

"Dad, I heard that the eldest brother and the second brother are now developing in Hong Kong City? "

"Yes, business is not allowed here. These two guys want to try their luck outside, so I let them go to Hong Kong City, where it is more free. According to the news they sent, the development is so-so."

"Jiang Yang, don't listen to my dad. It's obvious that the eldest and second brothers are doing very well, but you still have to be stubborn."

Lou Xiao'e saw her father pretending to be arrogant, and decisively sabotaged him. Is it difficult to praise them? They are not outsiders.

Lou Dehua's old face turned red. How does it feel to be stabbed in the back by his own daughter?

Seeing this, Jiang Yang hurriedly said: "It depends on who you compare with. Dad is so successful in business. Compared with him, it must be so-so. If you compare with me, I don't know how much higher it is."

This is more reasonable. The more Lou Dehua looks at Jiang Yang, the more he likes him! He doesn't miss his own daughter. Alas, it's all debt.

"Jiang Yang is right. The two little bastards dare to fly solo before they have learned much. If it weren't for my rich family, I would support them and let them start from scratch. They won't starve to death. "

"Dad, I think you can increase the investment in the port city. I got a piece of news. Although it is not very accurate, you have to be prepared."

Lou Dehua's face suddenly became solemn, "What news?"

"You are also aware of the steel mill. In the future, it will become the main target of attack for businessmen like you, and it will be very severe, so you need to leave yourself a way out."

"Although there is no accurate news yet, we can't help but be prepared!"

Lou Dehua looked out the window, looking at the white snow, his eyes full of disappointment.

He used to be known as Lou Bancheng, and he had so many industries in his hands. Now he has handed them all over, and only

There is a right to share.

And some industries were handed over completely, and he didn't even ask for a share. He thought that this was enough to show his attitude.

Jiang Yang's words today hit him hard. It's not that he didn't want to develop in Hong Kong City, especially when he heard his son talk about how free Hong Kong City was. He is not unable to move now, and he also wants to continue to stir up the business world.

But as a traditional Long countryman, he still hopes to live in his homeland, even if he is asked to hand over all his industries.

"Is the news accurate?"

"80%, especially now that it is so difficult, and you capitalists have no worries about food and drink every day, this will aggravate the situation."

"Alas! I know about it, I will arrange it, you go and have fun."

Lou Dehua sighed slowly, stood up and stood in front of the window, looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers, not knowing what was in his mind.

Jiang Yang didn't say anything else. After drinking the tea in the cup, he pulled Lou Xiao'e into her boudoir.

When there were no outsiders, Lou Xiao'e liked to stick to his arms the most. After more than a month of getting along, the two had already done what they should and shouldn't do.

Which man and woman can stand lying together every day and doing nothing, unless it is impossible.

However, he was not in good condition before, and now that he has recovered, he must give the big white goose a perfect experience.

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