After sending away the Liu brothers, Jiang Yang began to think about how to deal with the remaining people in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady is considered useless. Yi Zhonghai will not say anything about her in the future. Now that the aunt is divorced, she may starve to death.

Jia Zhang has been abandoned by Jia Dongxu. She did not pay the fine and compensation. It is not known how long she will be locked in the cage this time.

It is estimated that Jia Dongxu will have gone to see his father when she comes out, but Banggeng should be more obedient without her guidance.

It is unknown whether Qin Huairu, the white lotus, can grow up to the situation in the play.

Liu Haizhong's family is now in pieces and all his money has been stolen, but his salary is so high that living is not a problem.

With Sha Zhu's temper, he will definitely not be able to pay back the debt within five years, and he will have no place to live in the future. How pitiful!

Speaking of houses, Yi Zhonghai has no place to live after he moves out, and Auntie wants to sell the house. If he pays for it, will Yi Zhonghai come out to beg him?

In this way, the one who lives the best is Xu Damao, the little gangster, who follows him to pick up the spoils and watch the show.

Yan Bugui's family is also good, and he has not suffered any disaster, but his calculating temper remains unchanged, and he cannot escape the misery of his old age.

"Then let's go ask Auntie about the house first."

Jiang Yang thought about it, came to Yi Zhonghai's door, and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

"Who is it?"

Auntie opened the door with a bowl in her hand, and frowned when she saw Jiang Yang, but soon relaxed.

Liu Xianglan thought: Yi Zhonghai and him used to have conflicts, but now it has nothing to do with me.

"Jiang Yang, is there anything?"

"I heard that Auntie is going to sell her house. Can we talk?"

"Yi Zhonghai and I have divorced. Don't call me Auntie anymore. You can call me Auntie Liu. Come in and talk."

Liu Xianglan opened the door and turned back to the table to continue eating.

Jiang Yang sighed that people's growth has nothing to do with age. Even Auntie Liu, who was so weak before, can now grow up.

"Auntie Liu, how much do you plan to sell this house for?"

"500 yuan, two rooms in total."

"Are you going to leave the Siheyuan after selling the house?"

"I plan to go back to my hometown. I've lived here enough."

Going back to the countryside now is simply asking for death. She has no use even if she has money. If she has money, she can still think of ways to deal with it in the city.

And only when she is in the Siheyuan, others will think that Yi Zhonghai is not good when they see her. It would be best if he could have another child.

Every time Yi Zhonghai, the old dog, sees Liu Xianglan or her child, his expression is definitely very good. This giant generator of emotions cannot be wasted.

"Aunt Liu, you haven't been to the countryside. The city is in such a difficult situation now, and the countryside is even worse. You taking money back to the countryside is no different from seeking death."

"Is it so serious?"

Liu Xianglan stopped what she was doing, frowning. She no longer has any relatives in the countryside, and even if she goes back now, she doesn't know the situation in the village.

"Aunt Liu, how about my advice to you?"


"I don't want to explain too much about Yi Zhonghai's affairs, and he always comes to me every time. I don't have any hostility towards you."

"You are only in your 40s now, you can definitely marry again, and you still have the opportunity to have a child of your own.

I see Uncle Liu in the front yard, who is also in his 40s this year. He is the only one in his family. He is honest and decent, and he doesn't have the kind of twists and turns that Yi Zhonghai does.

It's a good family. Do you want to consider it? If you agree, I can help you ask."

"If you insist on selling the house, I can buy the house at the price you said."

After saying these words, Jiang Yang stopped and asked her to think about it.

After listening to Jiang Yang's deception, Liu Xianglan couldn't help but ponder.

Liu Mingsheng is indeed honest, otherwise he wouldn't be bullied so badly by Yi Zhonghai.

And he is also an old resident of the Siheyuan, and everyone knows the situation at home.

Continuing to live in the Siheyuan, she can also relax a little, and she can find someone to help her if she encounters any problems in the future.

Thinking about it this way, she thinks Jiang Yang's idea is quite good. Apart from Liu Mingsheng, she has gone through the Siheyuan and there is no other more suitable person.

The most important thing is that she still wants to have a child of her own, which has become her inner demon. If she marries someone else, she may not have children anymore, but Liu Mingsheng's wife left early and left no children.

"Xiao Jiang, then help me ask him what he thinks, I have no objection."

After saying this, Liu Xianglan's old face rarely turned red.

Jiang Yang was overjoyed,

Smiling, he replied, "Okay, leave it to me."

He pushed the door open and walked quickly to the front yard.

"Oh! I didn't expect that I have the ability to be a matchmaker. I should match Sha Zhu and Jia Zhang tomorrow. That feeling, haha~~~"

"Knock, knock, is Uncle Liu here?"

"I'm here."

A moment later, a middle-aged man with a beard opened the door and saw Jiang Yang, with a smile on his face.

Every time Jiang Yang bullied Yi Zhonghai, he was the happiest one. He was so sour that he wanted to come to Uncle Liu's house to eat something."

"I've eaten, Uncle Liu, eat by yourself. I came here today to tell you something."

"Well~~~ If you have something to say, just tell me. I can't do anything else. I still have some strength."

Liu Mingsheng continued to eat, with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Liu, do you want a wife?"



Liu Mingsheng's eyes dimmed a lot. When he got married, his wife died not long after. After that, he offended Yi Zhonghai and was labeled as a wife-killer. Otherwise, how could he not get a wife as a worker?

"Xiao Jiang, I don't want to get a wife, but in my situation, the matchmaker is unwilling to come to my house."

"Uncle Liu, you are all deliberately spreading rumors by Yi Zhonghai. Everyone in the hospital knows it, and I have found a candidate for you. You will definitely be satisfied with it!"


Liu Mingsheng swallowed his saliva. He still trusted Jiang Yang very much. He said he would confront Yi Zhonghai.

"Yes, it's Auntie."


"Xiao Jiang, you are not mistaken, Auntie is Yi Zhonghai's wife!"

Jiang Yang nodded seriously and said: "Auntie and Yi Zhonghai have divorced, Yi Zhonghai has left the house, don't you want to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai?"

"Think about it, if you and Auntie try hard to have a few children, how can Yi Zhonghai stand in front of you in the future? I guess he wants to hide in a dog hole every time he meets."

"And Auntie has taken Yi Zhonghai's property now, how good will your life be in the future? Use the money earned by Yi Zhonghai, marry his wife, and have your own children, is there anything better than this?"

"I asked Auntie, if you agree, you can go to get the marriage certificate today, how about it?"

Fuck, Jiang Yang was moved by what he said. If he had such an enemy, he would have to endure eating Auntie even if she grew into a pile of poop.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll do it~~~"

"Let's go, Xiao Jiang, let's go find Liu Xianglan now and make this a done deal."

Liu Mingsheng's eyes were red and his hands were shaking because of Jiang Yang's trick. This was not only the joy of marrying a wife, but also the pleasure of revenge.

Thinking about the scene of meeting Yi Zhonghai with Liu Xianglan in his arms and holding the child in his arms in the future, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.


Jiang Yang was dragged by Liu Mingsheng to the door of Yi Zhonghai's house.

"Aunt Liu, Uncle Liu agreed. My suggestion is that you get married early and try to have a child early. You are not young anymore, so you have to hurry up."

"Okay, okay, Xianglan, I'll go get a certificate now, what do you think?"

"Okay, I agree."

Jiang Yang took a small step back and said to Xianglan, "I underestimated the old man."

"Ahem, let me make a suggestion. Uncle Liu, your house belongs to the factory. You can rent it to Yi Zhonghai. Let him pay you rent every month. You can live in the middle courtyard."

Yi Zhonghai has no house. If he really wants to move out of the courtyard, how can he live in agony?

Liu Mingsheng's idea is the same as Jiang Yang's. How can he live without him?

"Xiao Jiang, you are right. This can also bring in more income."

"Okay, you can do the next things. I'll wait for your wedding candy."

Jiang Yang left happily. Qin Huairu didn't dare to go out when she saw Jiang Yang coming and going. Yi Zhonghai, such a powerful person, was played by Jiang Yang.

She is not Jia Zhangshi, who has no brains at all.

That night, Liu Mingsheng took Liu Xianglan to deliver wedding candy door to door. Few people held weddings in this situation and couldn't afford it.

This scene shocked the whole courtyard.

"Old Yan, what's going on? Liu Mingsheng married Liu Xianglan?"

The third aunt couldn't figure out what this meant.

"None of your business, eat your candy."

He saw Jiang Yang come to Liu Mingsheng's house in the morning, and then this happened, which clearly showed that Jiang Yang was making trouble again.

Adding to the previous rumors, he felt that Jiang Yang was getting more and more terrible, and he was playing with others more advanced than Lao Yi.

Look at the courtyard now, few people who went against him had a good time, even Liu Haizhong's family was punished.

The moment Sha Zhu received Li Xianglan's wedding candy, he felt that the world was collapsing, and he took

He stayed at the door with candy for a long time. Banggen saw him in a daze, carefully snatched the candy from his hand, and quickly ran back to his home.

When Shazhu saw this scene, he had no interest in chasing.

He felt that what happened recently was like a dream. He had no interest in talking, or even in living.

What happened to them had nothing to do with Jiang Yang.

At this moment, he was eating hot pot with He Yushui at home.

Looking at the table full of vegetables and meat, He Yushui's eyes were dazzled.

"Brother Jiangyang, you are so good to me."

She didn't care where these things came from. She only felt Jiang Yang's concern for her, which was what Shazhu couldn't give her.

And now the two of them did everything, she didn't hesitate at all, and sat in his arms.

In the face of such a delicious hot pot, there are still people who can't bear not to eat, and turn to eat sausages. It's really rare.

There was obviously no wind in the room, and the flames in the stove were swaying left and right.

The sudden rain stopped, and the soup in the hot pot was almost boiled dry. Jiang Yang added a lot of soup, and the two began to replenish their energy.

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