After a long time of running, Jiang Yang had almost delivered all the meat. The last one was Chen Xueru's, and he left it until the end.

"Sister Xueru, why are you always in a daze every time I come?"

"What do you care!"

Since the last time, Chen Xueru's mind has been uncontrollably thinking about this bad guy every day. Can she tell him?

"Hehe, I don't want to care. It's almost the New Year. I'm here to give you a gift."

Jiang Yang pushed the meat in front of her and opened the bag. A piece of pork belly weighing about 2 pounds appeared in front of her.

She couldn't help swallowing her saliva. The last time she ate meat was when she ate braised meat with Jiang Yang and the others. She had been craving for it for a long time.

"Humph, this is what you gave me, not what I wanted."

She hugged the meat and walked to the backyard.

Jiang Yang followed with a smile. Seeing that it was already noon, he couldn't help but suggest: "Why don't you cook some for lunch? I haven't had lunch yet!"

Chen Xueru was a little happy in her heart. This guy finally didn't come and go in a hurry.

"For the sake of the meat, then you wait a moment, I'll cook!"

"No, I'll cook it, let you taste my cooking skills."

"Can you do it?"

Chen Xueru didn't believe it. Although the chefs in the restaurant are generally men, more men still can't cook.

Especially since Jiang Yang is so young, it's good enough to cook it. It's a pity to waste such good meat.

Jiang Yang's eyes turned and he asked provocatively: "How about a bet?"

"What's the bet?"

"Simple, I cook, if you think it tastes good, you agree to one of my conditions, if you think it doesn't taste good, I agree to one of your conditions. How about it?"

"Hmph, let's bet, who's afraid of you."

The choice is in her hands, no matter whether it tastes good or not, just say it doesn't taste good, "Hehe!"

Jiang Yang couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched her cheeks, and smiled: "Then you just wait."

"Hmph, call me when you're done, I'll go to the front to look after the store."

Chen Xueru was touched by Jiang Yang, her face flushed and she ran out of the backyard, she didn't want the house, let Jiang Yang do whatever he wanted.


Jiang Yang came to the kitchen and looked at the ingredients, it was so miserable, except for the cabbage, it was cabbage.

He could only take out some side dishes from the space and make three dishes, braised pork, stir-fried pork with green peppers, and a spicy cabbage.

Except for the braised pork, which took a little time, the three dishes were quickly prepared. Without Jiang Yang shouting, Chen Xueru came over following the smell.

"It smells so good, it looks delicious!"

"Come and try it!"

Jiang Yang specially steamed rice today, and braised pork without rice always feels like something is missing.

Chen Xueru picked up a piece with chopsticks and slowly put it into her mouth.

The sweet and delicious taste exploded in her mouth, making her unable to help but shout: "It's so delicious, better than the ones made in restaurants."

Only after she finished speaking did she realize that she shouldn't have said it.

Facing Jiang Yang's teasing eyes, Chen Xueru's face flushed and she was very embarrassed. "I admit defeat, and I'll talk about any conditions after dinner."

Chen Xueru quickly brought the food to the table and accompanied Jiang Yang for lunch.

"Hmm~~~ It's delicious, I didn't expect you to cook so deliciously."

After eating and drinking, Chen Xueru leaned back in the chair, gently stroking her belly, feeling very satisfied.

"Hey, did you forget something?"

"Hmph, just tell me."

Chen Xueru bit her lips lightly, her eyes dodging, feeling both expectant and nervous.

Jiang Yang said nothing, and put his arm around her waist, "Then dance with me."


Chen Xueru complained in her heart: That's it? Coward!

There was no music, Jiang Yang hugged Chen Xueru's slender waist, and the two danced ballroom dance in the room. Feeling the heat from Jiang Yang's big hands, she blushed without doing anything.

Her body was soft, and she could only rely on Jiang Yang for most of the gravity.

The hot air they exhaled rushed straight to the sky, and the occasional touch always aroused their desire.

Gradually, the two came together and kissed passionately.


It started snowing outside the house again, one piece or two pieces, adding another layer of quilt to the snow that had not yet melted.

The sudden rain had just stopped.

Chen Xueru felt unprecedented satisfaction, leaning against Jiang Yang, unwilling to wake up for a long time.

Jiang Yang rested at Chen Xueru's place until 5 pm before leaving.

There was someone waiting for him at home.

When he rushed home, every household started cooking. He saw Yi Zhonghai cooking by himself, and his face was covered with dust, and he couldn't help but joked,


, isn't this an old man? You actually have to cook for yourself? This is not in line with your status. Where are your ancestors? Why didn't they come to protect you? "

"Did you burn the wrong incense and worship the wrong grave?"

"Jiang Yang, don't you want to get well during the New Year?"

Yi Zhonghai trembled all over. Now he earns 33 yuan a month. After deducting the rent, he has to take care of two people's meals. Even if the deaf old lady eats one meal a day, it will lower his living standard.

He was ready to let the old lady fend for herself after the New Year.

I didn't expect that Jiang Yang would not let him go during the New Year and had to come and mock him several times.

"What's the matter? Do you still want to do it? If you get a little shit on your ass, I will report you and let you eat shit."

Jiang Yang is not afraid of bullets and guns now, so how can he be afraid of this moral bitch?

The moral bitch of Lan Xing has already hidden in prison to repent.

"Humph! "

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly and turned around to close the door.

He went to Shazhu to pay back the money today, and he almost died of anger.

Shazhu actually asked him to take the IOU. What an IOU, when did he ever ask for it?

He threatened a few words, and Shazhu said he would go to the police station to report that he embezzled his child support, which made Yi Zhonghai completely helpless.

The money from the Jia family can't be collected, and now even the money from the silly Shazhu family can't be collected. He can already imagine his future life.

The key point is that he can't cook, he doesn't eat well, sleep well, and work even worse every day. Now the first-level workers in the factory dare to yell at him.

It's nothing, because Yi Zhonghai is now a bad guy, no one will help him .

Except for Jia Dongxu, all his disciples broke off relations with him. He is now completely alone, especially when he sees Liu Xianglan and Liu Mingsheng together, the blood in his heart is stuck in his mouth and can come out at any time.

Jiang Yang earned a wave of emotional points and walked home happily. This Yi Zhonghai is really a big boss. Others can give 5 points, and he starts with 50.

He is a little reluctant to do it too heavy, in case it is too bad.

Dinner is much simpler. The two of them eat hot pot again. Halfway through, Xu Damao and his wife smell the smell and come.

Jiang Yang simply opened all the doors and windows to let everyone in the compound smell it. This emotional value is like a river, flowing.

Yan Bugui's house.

"Dad, I want to eat meat. "

The youngest Yan Jie Di shrugged her nose and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. The air smelled of meat, and it was so fragrant that even steamed bread was not fragrant.

"What meat do you want to eat? Do you think I'm delicious? I'll give you a few bites. What year is it now? I've tried my best to prevent you from starving to death."

"You're all eating. Can you compare with Jiang Yang? If you have the ability to eat meat by yourself, let your father and I take advantage of it."

Yan Bugui decisively ended the conversation at home. The more he talked, the more uncomfortable he felt.


"Mom, it smells so good. I want to eat hot pot too!"

In the Jia family, Bang Geng habitually started to throw chopsticks and act like a spoiled child. In the past, this would definitely be rewarding, but now without the support of Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu would not spoil him.

In the future, it will be Qin Huairu who will be embarrassed. Now she is the master of the house, how could it be possible.

"Will Bang Geng be obedient?"

"Obedience! "

Bang Geng nodded subconsciously. If he listens, will there be something delicious?

"Be obedient! Let's eat steamed bread. Hot pot is not delicious."

Bang Geng's face fell instantly. Is this a new trick to deceive children?

"I don't want to! I want to eat hot pot. Wow~~~ Grandma, please come back soon. My mom won't let me eat hot pot~~~, please come back and beat her up!"

"If you don't listen, I'll beat you up! "

Qin Huairu clapped her hands and glared at Banggeng, thinking that she didn't feel angry every time Jia Zhang beat her.

Banggeng lowered his head silently when he saw this. Qin Huairu was the only one who would beat him at home.

In the detention center, there was a rare extra meal today. Half of Jia Zhang's meal was taken away by someone. She didn't dare to say a word and hid beside the toilet to eat the remaining steamed bread.

Who made her so cheap?

Originally, Sister Hua had let her go. She hadn't invited her to drink yellow tea for a long time, nor did she deliberately bully her.

As a result, this guy was good. Seeing that his sentence was about to end, he took the toilet in the middle of the night and poured a little on everyone's face. This time he was beaten by the crowd and entered the solitary confinement room as he wished.

But when he came out of the solitary confinement room, he encountered the compensation issue. Jia Dongxu didn't pay her at all, and he was sentenced to three years of labor reform again.

Now he is back in the cell, as obedient as a grandson.

"Dongxu, why don't you save mom? I don't want to drink yellow soup at night! Yue~~~"

Thinking of what she was going to encounter tonight, she finally shed tears.

Jiang Yang had a hot pot tonight and gained more than 500,000 emotional points in the courtyard. These experience babies are really amazing.

It's a pity that I can't eat it often, otherwise I will definitely report you.

"Brother Jiang Yang, this hot pot is delicious, especially in this kind of weather, you will feel warm after eating it."

He Yushui's mouth was full of oil. Even his brother, who is a chef, has never eaten such good things.

"If you like it, eat more."

Jiang Yang also likes to eat hot pot. He used to eat it often when he was studying, but rarely after graduation. It's a complete waste of the pot bottom for one person.

The atmosphere is very important when eating hot pot.

"Wife, you eat more meat, this is rare."

Xu Damao didn't care, and kept putting meat and picking it for his wife, not polite at all.

Jiang Yang didn't care, mainly because he had enough to eat, and it was lively when there were more people. Even if he came to accompany, it was worth this meal.

What's more, Jiang Yang can still use him in the future. Didn't he use him in the previous incident with the deaf old lady?

"Be careful."

Liao Chunmei was not like Xu Damao. She blushed and warned in a low voice. They were here to eat for free. In this era, it was great to be able to eat meat. It was so excessive.

"Hey, don't be polite to my brother Jiang, just eat."

"Don't be polite, come and eat your fill, don't eat half full and say I didn't treat you well."

Jiang Yang's words made her feel at ease, and she picked up her chopsticks faster.

The meat was delicious to begin with, and now it was so fragrant, she wanted to throw her tongue in and roll it around and eat it.

In the evening, He Yushui made a meat hot pot, once again melting the winter cold with passion.

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