Silent Crown

Chapter 176

Silent Crown Chapter 176

Late at night, the midnight bell dissipated in the sky above the Sacred City. The main hall was in darkness. The pillars rose as if extending into the darkness. Small spots of silver light hung in the air and shone like stars. Sparks flew when they crashed against each other. It was as if the entire starry sky was hidden inside the hall.

An old man clad in a red priestly robe sat under the starry sky. He raised his head, watching the shining stars intently, staring at the dazzling Milky Way. This was the reflection of the Aether Sea that represented the resounding power between the skies and earth.

Each star represented a Resonance level musician. Each crash represented a ground-shaking battle and fight. The light from the countless aether illuminated the hall. Stars filled the sky.

Those that had not broken past the Barrier of Knowledge had no right to be included. Resonance musicians were in the lowest, dimmest section. The starry sky was ordered from high to low and divided into nine levels.

At the highest point, three stars shone like the sun in the dark starriness. Those lights were the scepters of the three kings, Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. For centuries, they fought the darkness and illuminated the world. They had announced the end of the Dark Ages and the arrival of the Golden Age.

Like blazing suns in the sky, they glowed day and night. There was endless darkness outside their darkness. That was the Dark Worldthe dark territory that humanity had not yet and could not enter.

As time passed, the old monk in a red robe sat in the darkness, focused on meditating and pondering. Until the clanging of metal boots on the stone ground rang out in the distance.

The old monk was startled from his thoughts. He could not help but yawn and ask quietly, “It’s so late. Who would come?”

“It is Father Bann of the Knights Templar. You’ll see him in three minutes,” a mature yet gentle voice answered. “Bishop Albert, you should tidy up. If you meet a knight from the Knights Templar like this, you might lose credibility and prestige.”

“Ah, here again.” The corners of Bishop Albert’s mouth twitched. He raised his sleeve to wipe the saliva from his beard. “This is okay. We’re both servants of God, no need to worry about too much. And anyway, what prestige does an old guy like me have before the Knights Templar that represents the power of God?”

Soon, the distant figure neared. His old armor reflected the starlight, glowing with a cold shine.

“Bishop Albert.” He saluted to the old bishop gravely and then looked up at the dome overhead. “Your Majesty, Nibelungenlied, long time no see.”

“We meet again, Father Bann,” a gentle voice came from above. “We meet again. I have already sent the new robe to your home. Tomorrow is your promotion ceremony. You should rest earlier tonight.”

“Thank you for your reminder. I will do it,” Bann nodded.

Albert gazed at Bann’s forever-emotionless face and could not help but sigh. “I always feel like I can’t breathe when I’m with you serious people. You should smile some more, Bann.”

“I will take note of that.” Bann was still emotionless.

“Never mind, you just keep doing that.” Albert shook his head helplessly. He lifted a hand to move the starry sky and asked, “You’ve just returned from the Armageddon Defense Line and tomorrow is your big day. Why are you here at midnight instead of sleeping? You want to talk to an old guy like me?”

“No,” Bann replied. “I just came to look.”

“Has anyone told you that you don’t know how to hold a conversation?”

“Yes.” Bann nodded. “Many.”

Albert suddenly felt weak. It was so tiring to communicate with someone like this guy. “Then look around. I’ll keep observing.” He stopped talking and raised a finger, guiding the starry sky down. He zoomed into a certain point and retrieved the records with experience. One could see time turn back and stop somewhere.

Before Albert, the stars shook violently. Flash after flash burst out. Those flashes were blood-red and filled with an ominous aura. There was the vague mark of an eye within it.

“What is this?” Bann asked with furrowed brows. Satan?”

“Yes, it’s the mark left behind by Hyakume,” Albert said. “Those men will do something big again in recent days. I’m afraid they’ll need the Knights Templar to take care of the mess in the end.”

Bann studied the distribution of the stares and compared it to the map in his heart. His expression darkened. “Where?”

“Avalon,” Albert stated. “The source of all evil in Anglo. It’s getting messier these days.”

Bann seemed to think of something, his expression darkened even more. There seemed to be thunderstorms in his eyes. “Are there more detailed records?” he asked.

“If there is, then I wouldn’t be squatting here analyzing everything at midnight.” Albert scratched his chin, messing up his beard. “Look, here’s the recorded image of last night.” He pointed at the wavering sky and the streaks of light that flashed, extinguished and disappeared.

“Nibelungenlied first sensed the aether tide that burst in Avalon and discovered it was related to the blood sacrifice to Satan. It raised its security two levels and reported to me directly. But because of the enchantment over Avalon, we have no way of knowing exactly what happened. The message from their Musician Union was unclear too. Seems that they don’t want the Church to look into it. But through our observations of the aether world, we found many interesting things.”

“Interesting?” Bann furrowed his brows.

“That’s right. Look.” Albert adjusted the starry sky and redisplayed the recording. Stars lit up and went out continuously in the chaotic sky. But there seemed to be a thin veil over it that made one unable to see clearly.

But in the blurriness, a stark celestial object appeared in the darkness and crept up. Its brightness was blinding. In comparison, the other stars were like dust. All flashes of light and blood were dispersed by the giant star and disappeared. Even Avalon’s enchantment was unable to stop it, and it rose to the sky.

All there was in the night sky was that single shining star. The brightness rose and illuminated Bann’s eyes, causing him to arch an eyebrow slightly. “What is that?”

“A unique phenomenon created by a musician’s resonance with the Originator. At first, we thought that it was the ripple caused by someone breaking through the Barrier of Knowledge. But now, it just seems similar. Its essence is completely different. It is too complete”

Albert paused the starry sky and enlarged the star. It grew bigger and bigger until the two of them were enveloped in it. Bann gazed around and saw numerous music notes jumping and connecting with each other. The notes formed a detailed yet complete music score. The constantly changing music score was breathtakingly meticulous. Each detail was perfect.

“Do you see it?” Albert murmured, drunk in the beauty. “It’s been years since I’ve seen such a unique music score. It doesn’t contain any impurities. It is pure and clean like moonlight.” He paused and sighed. “It’s beautiful to the point of being terrifying. It’s as if it contains a soul.”

“Is it a projection from a saint?”

“I’ve already compared it to the records.” Albert shook his head. “Of the nine saints, six are exploring the Dark World, and the remaining three were nowhere close to Avalon. I’ve also consulted Mr. Haydn. He seems to know something, but he won’t tell me.”

Bann froze. “Does Nibelungenlied not have any records?”

“This is what makes me feel the most defeated.” Albert pursed his lips and looked up above. “What was your exact quote?”

“Sir, Nibelungenlied is not all-powerful,” the gentle voice stated. “We are only recorders.”

Bann wrinkled his brows. As a judge for a so many years, he had sensed an unsaid meaning. Nibelungenlied did not directly answer Albert’s question. It did not say it knew or it did not know. It did not even coldly refuse to answer and say “no comment.”

This question had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. No matter how many times the question was asked, Nibelungenlied would answer like this, adding another mystery to Bann’s mind.

“But I tried to research what happened in Avalon through other channels and found an interesting thing.” Albert pulled a small paper box from his pocket and opened it for Bann. “Do you want to play? These are the much-loved ‘legend poker cards’ of Avalon’s gamblers.”


“That’s right. Many legendary figures are printed on the cards. Some even update their content according to changes in eras. It’s surprisingly interesting. I’ve decided to take this opportunity and tell the Church to release a set too. It’ll be called musician poker. What do you think?” Albert spouted as he shuffled the cards with expertise.

“Don’t stray from the topic,” Bann reminded him.

“Right, let’s continue. Some of the content is quite good, but others aren’t so reliable. Like that weird guy who runs naked under the moon, and some dog? I don’t know what they’re thinking. But that isn’t the main point. The main point is that in the newest version, there’s a new card.”

The cards flipped in his hands and one shot out, flying toward Bann. He caught it easily and looked at the front. It was a pure black card, but in the blackness, one could see a faint shadow. The silhouette of the robe revealed a subtle ferocity. The figure gripped his cane and his posture was polite, but it felt so strange. The artist had clearly put in a lot of effort to make the aura so realistic.

“Whatis this?” Bann asked.

“Sherlock Holmes,” Albert said. “Everyone calls him Holmes, the Vengeful Spirit. According to our research, it can be said that this man inadvertently caused the riot and became its biggest winner.

“He’s become a terrifying legend in Avalon. People who broke the rules will wake up from their nightmares and see him standing before the bed to punish them for their sins.”

“A dark musician?” Bann asked.

“No, the Silence Governance looked at his reports and made comparisons. They haven’t found any characteristics of dark musicians on him. Otherwise, he would’ve been on our wanted list a long time ago.

“In addition, this guy is like a dark musician killer. It’s been confirmed that the brothers Blue Teeth, Yellow Foot, and Red Eye were all killed by him. But some also say that Holmes never kills peopleit sounds like a contradiction, right?”

“No.” Bann shook his head. “There are punishments crueler than death in this world.”

Albert stared deeply into him. He could not help but smile in self-mockery. “Yes, that’s true. That’s why he seems even crueler”

“Do you think the phenomenon has something to do with him?”

“By process of elimination, there’s the possibility. But elimination isn’t the most reliable method. As of now, we don’t know anything. I’ve already told Nibelungenlied to record the melody. The next time it appears, we’ll be able to collect more detailed information.”

Albert paused and looked up. “But no matter what, many abnormalities will become more obvious as Avalon’s Shadow wakes. So Bann, are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“Ready for fighting against natural catastrophes.”

Albert’s words stunned Bann. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what I mean. Don’t forget that King Arthur created Avalon’s Shadow to fight against the weaponry and power of the sea monster. Its awakening means that the sea monster Leviathan, one of the ‘four living creatures’ and more powerful than most natural catastrophes, will come back to life as well.”

Albert rose and said quietly, “If Anglo’s royalty still cannot complete the task given by their ancestors, we’ll have to act out of our responsibilities. At that time, Avalon will become another Armageddonanother battleground for humanity and the gods to fight to the death. This is Nibelungenlied’s decision.”

Bann looked up at the dome in silence. Above the dome, the gentle voice sounded. “This will be a tragic sacrifice. We have no other choice. We can predict that there will be the possibility in the near future.”

Bann was silent for a long while before shaking his head slowly. “Since this is Nibelungenlied’s prediction, the Knights Templar will obey.”

“Don’t tell anyone of what we’ve said today. The Cardinal hasn’t made an official decision yet. We can only wait and see for now.” Albert patted his shoulders. “Go home and rest. Don’t think about these heavy topics. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be the third commander of the Knights Templar.” With one last glance at Bann, Albert’s red robe disappeared in the darkness.

Bann raised his head and studied the starry sky. After a long pause, he suddenly asked quietly, “Nibelungenlied.”

“Yes, lord Bann,” the gentle voice replied.

“Is there any word on what I consulted about a few days ago?”

“Yes, there is news,” Nibelungenlied told him. “The child you adopted is living happily in Avalon. He has been accepted by the Royal Academy of Music and became a student with good grades. As you wished, he has a trustworthy teacher and a new life. Occasionally, there are problems, but life is mostly average.”

“That’s great.” Bann’s eyes grew content.

“In a few days, you’ll receive his letter,” Nibelungenlied said. “But if you can’t wait, I can read it to you.”

“No need.” Bann shook his head. “There are so many hardships and troubles in this world. I should leave some good news for tomorrow.” He turned and left as he had come. All that remained in the darkness were the shining stars.

Under the starlit sky, the city was shrouded in fog. The dark streets were still and silent.

“Is it here?” Ye Qingxuan stood before an old mansion. He stared past the iron bars and thick fog into the hidden building. According to his imagination, the Professor would live in a sewer or some eerie ditch, or even a hidden room in the slums. Either way, it would be a place filled with sinister darkness and secrets.

But he had never expected thatthe Professor had bought an old mansion with a garden on Queen’s Avenue, the wealthiest street in Avalon. Ye Qingxuan quietly estimated the cost and suddenly wanted to cry for being poor as a dog. How could this woman be so rich?!

After thinking for a long time, he finally raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

Ding! The crisp bell sounded behind the gate and resounded in the white mist. Soon, a hunched figure with a cane appeared in the mist. He hobbled over and raised the lantern in his hands. Illuminating the youth’s face, his voice grew dark and complicated with unrestrained hatred. “Oh, what a rare guestlong time no see, Mr. Holmes.”

Ye Qingxuan cocked his head. Using the lantern, he saw the ugly face clearly. The face was unbelievably disfigured, as if there was a layer of chicken pox and measles on it, but one could still see his original appearance.

“Sam, the Pyramid King?” Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment and understood. He could not help but laugh. “Truly long time no see. How have you been?”

“Come with me.” Instead of replying, the Pyramid King took out his key and opened the gate. “Master has been waiting for a long time.”

The next time Ye Qingxuan saw his master, it was at the very back of the mansion. There was only one lonely lantern in the vast library.

Under the light of the lantern, one could vaguely see the four walls crammed with old books. The books seemed to fill every crack and reached upward, extending into the darkness that light could not reach.

“You came later than I thought,” a cool voice came from beside the lantern. She was leaning back in an ottoman with a blanket over her knees. Her expression was lazy and seductive, as if she had woken up from a short nap. Sensing that the youth had sat down before her, she raised her hand and pointed at the tea set on the table. “Newly arrived flower tea. Pour a cup for yourself and, while you’re at it, pour me one too.”

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Ye Qingxuan stared at her and she stared back. After a long pause, Ye Qingxuan sighed and picked up the kettle to pour her another cup. Flumes of hot steam rose from the delicate enamel porcelain teacup. It blurred the beautiful face like mist.

“We finally meet again.” Ye Qingxuan looked into her eyes and asked, “Should I call you Lady Moriarty orProfessor Lola Caput?”

“Lola is fine.” An authentic guest lecturer of the Royal Academy of Music, the up and coming star of the School of Revelations, the renowned history scholar, the weak and ill-bodied ladyLola Caput smiled. “Now that I see it, you look exactly like the Professor back then when you furrow your brows.”

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