As Rossi said, after this letter was sent to the Navy headquarters, the Navy headquarters began to be on full alert, because they did not know how the gray country pirate group with the ability to shuttle space in their hands would attack over, so they must be vigilant against the sudden attack of the gray country.

But a day, two days, three years passed, and Rossi did not move at all, which made many angry admirals begin to scold their mothers.

What is this called! After sending the letter but there is no movement, aren’t you playing tricks?

You must know that comprehensive vigilance is not casual, it takes a huge amount of manpower and material resources, even generals at the level of lieutenant generals must be on standby at any time.

Three days passed like this, and just when some people thought that this was just Rossi’s prank and some slack, suddenly several bombs appeared at the Navy headquarters and detonated, making the entire Navy headquarters on full alert in a hurry.

After some panic, everyone found out that they had only dropped several times the bombs and blew up several dormitories!

Steel Bone Kong’s face was also very gloomy, and he didn’t expect things to develop to such a point.

Because now the comprehensive alert made the entire Navy headquarters scream, just a few bombs made the Navy soldiers panic.

What made Steel Bone Kong even more annoyed was that those bombs did not hit people, but because some naval soldiers themselves panicked, collided with each other and suffered some injuries, and even some navies even opened robberies and injured their companions.

“This is our well-trained Navy, this is the elite of the Navy headquarters? A few random bombs actually scared them half to death, I see, in this way, there is no need for others to attack them, you will solve yourself first, how do you train your soldiers? Steel Bone Kong said.

“Marshal, in fact, you can’t all blame those soldiers, because of the full alert, everyone’s spirits are already tense, and suddenly there is an explosion, making their spirits panic at once, and this will lead to stampede and accidental injury!” A lieutenant general said.

“That’s my order to be on guard, it’s a mistake!” Steel Bone Kong said.

“No, Marshal, I just think we are very passive like this! We can’t always be on guard like this, and if the enemy never attacks, can we always be on full alert? Not to mention the huge cost of manpower and material resources, we can’t do many things! A lieutenant general said.

“It is natural for the Navy headquarters to maintain a certain amount of vigilance, even if there is no threat from the gray country, for the safety of the Navy headquarters, it should maintain a certain amount of vigilance, but Vice Admiral Doug is also right, if we keep a full alert, we can’t do anything.” Sengoku said.

“Warring States, what do you say?” Steel Bone Kong said.

“The marshal might as well let the soldiers relax their vigilance, change the comprehensive vigilance to basic vigilance, and then arrange elite personnel to be on secret alert, so that the outside is loose and the inside is tight, even if the gray country suddenly calls, we have enough to deal with it, the most important thing is that we need the assistance of the world government to find out the location of the gray country as soon as possible, and there are only thousand-day thieves who catch thieves for a thousand days?” Sengoku said.

Warring States is known as a wise general, he is the best at arranging troops, and he can see the current form at a glance and make the most reasonable arrangements.

“I see it’s okay!” “Well, that’s good!” The admirals said in a discussional manner.

Hearing the arrangement of the Warring States, Steel Bone Kong also nodded with satisfaction.

“I will coordinate on the side of the world government, and the arming here will be handed over to you!” Steel Bone Kong said.

“Yes!” Warring states.

The meeting then adjourned.

After the meeting, Sengoku invited Karp and Tsuru to his office.

“Things are in trouble!” In his office, Sengoku rubbed his brows and said,

“What is there to worry about, just come and fight!” Karp said.

“It’s really troublesome, we’re completely passive!” Tsuru said.

“Don’t worry, Xiaohe, as long as that kid Luo Nandi dares to appear, the old man will definitely let him taste my iron fist.” Karp said.

As the top powerhouse in the world, even if Bin Si has the ability to far exceed the attack, it is impossible for a strong person like Karp to make a move.

If the gray country doesn’t know how to sneak up on Karp, then things are simpler, the question is, will the gray country be so stupid?

“As long as we don’t take down Binzi for a day, we will fall into passivity one day, I’m not afraid of Rosinandi’s attack on the naval headquarters, here are masters like clouds, if Rosinandi’s people come, they can’t get any bargains, I’m afraid that Rosinandi will take a shot and directly assassinate important members of the world government, or heads of state, or even Draco.” Sengoku said.

“So that the Navy will be passive!” Tsuru said.

“Now the problem is not to find the so-called gray country!” Sengoku said.

In fact, during this time, the Warring States have notified naval divisions around the world to pay attention to the gray country, or the location of Rosinandi’s gang, but there is no news at all.

“Now it’s only to see if the spy system of the world government can find Rosinandi!” Tsuru said.

“I’m afraid it’s difficult, in the past two years, the world government has not given up looking for Rosinandi’s whereabouts, but before the O’Hara incident, there was no news of Rosinandi at all, and now it is almost impossible to find Rosinandi in a short time!” Sengoku said.

“Are you saying that the espionage system of the World Government has not investigated any news of Rosinandi and his gang in the past two years?” Tsuru asked suddenly.

“Yes, in fact, after this incident, I went to the CP organization to retrieve Luo Siandi’s information, hoping to investigate the location of Rosinandi, but Luo Siandi’s information in the past two years was blank, only looking for some people suspected of being Rosinandi’s group, but then disappeared without a trace.” Sengoku said.

“Can’t even the CP organization find out a trace of Luo Nandi’s news?” Karp said thoughtfully.

“With the espionage ability of the world government, as long as Rosinandi and others exist in this world, there will always be some clues, not to mention that Rosinandi is not a person, those under his command are not fuel-saving lamps, it is impossible to hide with Rosinandi for so long!” Tsuru said.

“Being able to conceal the espionage system of the world government, I think of an old friend!” Karp said.

“Golden lion!” Sengoku was also stunned and said.

Not long ago, the golden lion successfully escaped from the deep-sea prison Imper and disappeared without a trace, even if the world government tried its best to track him down, it was not found that he had a meeting with Whitebeard, and then disappeared.

“You say he’s the same as the golden lion?” Sengoku said move.

The golden lion is there, in fact, the navy and the world government think about it, but even if they know that he is in the air, it is useless, and the world government and the naval roots cannot find out his position in the air.

“More likely on the empty island!” Tsuru said suddenly.

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