“Have you started?” Karp said, hearing the report.

“The attraction of one trillion is really great, and it has attracted so many people.” Borusalino says to you.

“These people are just some cannon fodder, most of them are mercenaries from the war house, and Foxfield’s slave army, even if they are all destroyed, no one will feel distressed, and the dead mercenaries do not have to pay the rest of the employment fee.” Tsuru said.

“It’s all a bunch of miscellaneous pieces, it’s better to die!” Sakaski on the side said coldly.

In order to be afraid of the pirates and warmongers who rushed up, they ransacked the Chambord Islands by the way, so the naval headquarters has strengthened its military strength on the Chambord Islands, and even sent Sakaski over to guard the Chambord Islands with Karp and others. 、

You must know that the Chambord Islands not only have a large number of civilians, but also close to the naval headquarters, and the most important thing is that it is a tourist place for the world’s nobles, so the world government and the naval headquarters have ordered that the war must be controlled within the illegal zone.

“The problem is that there doesn’t seem to be any movement on the gray country side, and the gray country team in the four seas has no signs of being mobilized, even if they have the ability to teleport space, but to teleport such a large number of troops, it should be action!” But why didn’t you see movement? Borusalino asked.

“They don’t move teams from all over the world at all.” Karp said lightly.

Hearing Karp’s words, Borusalino and Sakaski and others looked at each other in amazement, dealing with hundreds of thousands of troops, they did not mobilize the teams from all over the world, does the gray country have such strength?

“Boiling, it’s really spectacular, the big battle of more than 100,000 people, the battleships are really dense, let me take a good look, how Rosinandi will deal with this war!” Above the soap bubble park, a seat was woven out of thread, and Doflamingo sat by the clouds, looking down like a good show.

“Have you started?” Rosie raised her head and said lightly.

“There are quite a few people coming!” Reilly said.

“Let’s continue!” Rossi said.

After speaking, he continued to do the training of inheriting swordsmanship.

At the same time, in the war room of the Blood Praetorian Guard in the empty island of Beka.

“It seems that our guests have arrived, so let’s get started!” Anilu said with a smile.

Aniluraki and Binhiss sat at a round table.

“The battle begins!” Bing hissed and looked up.

“Radio connection!” Anilu’s eyes flashed with electricity.

At the same time, an invisible electric wave emanated from his body, quickly transmitted to the body of Laqi and Bin hissing next to him, and immediately the three felt that their thinking was connected with the thinking of the other two.

“Data transfer begins!” Anilu said.

Anilu then transmitted the data he saw and sensed by the radio waves to Lachi.

“Supercomputing!” Laqi’s eyes began to flicker, quickly analyzing the data transmitted by Anilu, and then transmitted to the two people through Anilu’s radio waves.

Receiving the data analyzed by Lachi, Anilu waved his hand, and a virtual screen appeared on the desktop in front of him.

If anyone sees this virtual screen, they will be surprised to find that everything in the Chambord Islands is reproduced in this virtual screen with incredible clarity.

Through the huge information collected by Anilu’s powerful insights and radio waves, and then through Rachi’s data analysis, Anilu uses radio waves to present them.

The connection between the three is transmitted by radio waves, and Lachi’s processing of this information is almost instantaneous, so the image on the virtual screen is almost synchronous with what is happening in the Chambord Islands.

“That’s a lot of people!” Anilu said with a smile.

On the virtual screen there are many red dots and green dots, red dots indicating enemies that appear, green dots indicating non-hostility, and many blue dots indicating uncertainty.

“Known data, the total number of enemy people appearing in the Chambord Islands is 137,631 people, in addition to these ships that appeared on the sea of Chambord, there are many ships watching from afar, and the people who appear on the Chambord Land now are some cannon fodder to test our strength!” Lachi said.

“Let the members of the twenty-first to forty-first teams prepare, the battle is about to begin, and as soon as the wormhole is opened, start shooting immediately!” Binh picked up a phone bug and ordered.

“Don’t you have to shoot the gun? It’s boring! Anilu said.

“None of these people need to use a slap rifle, but there are many of them I recommend using Thunder Strike!” Lachi said.

“It depends! If the number of people is too small, it is not cost-effective to use Thunder Strike, it will scare them! Bin hissed.

“Use my Wanlei to deal with these people, I think too much of them!” Anilu said disdainfully.

“This is the Chambord Islands, and there is the lawless zone ahead! But why doesn’t there seem to be movement on it? A mercenary with a telescope on a huge battleship said without stopping looking at the Chambord Islands.

“I didn’t see anyone, let’s fight something, or I’ll loot the Chambord side back!” Another mercenary said.

Mercenaries in the dark world are no different from pirates, and while taking commissions, they can also become robbers for money.

“Ransack Chambord? Don’t think about it, you guys look there, if you still have this idea, I can accompany you! At this time, a mercenary pointed in a direction and said.

“Wow, naval hero Karp, Grand Staff Crane, Monster Vice Admiral Sakaski, and Borusalino, this is half of the naval combat power concentrated here!”

“No wonder, this is inhabited by Draco, pay attention when attacking for a while, don’t rush out of the lawless zone, otherwise it will lead to the monster of Karp!”

“Look, there’s action over there!” At this time, a mercenary said.

With the mercenary’s words, some fleets on the other side, one by one, big men rushed towards the Chambord Islands.

In these fleets, it can be roughly divided into two parts, one is the slave army of Lord Foxfield, and the other is the mercenaries he hired from the War House!

It was those slave armies who acted at this time!

“Kill, this time the lord has an order, and those who have made meritorious achievements can be free to get rid of the status of slaves, and even become officers of the slave army, and those who were originally officers can be promoted three ranks in a row.” The commander of a slave army on the battleship said.

Hearing this officer’s words, the eyes of all the slave soldiers, whether slaves or officers, burst into longing and excitement.

The human eyes were dyed red, revealing the bloodthirsty and ferocity of wolves.

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