After asking the question, Zuo Qingcang loosened the palm of the right hand slightly, and then heard the man bracing himself and saying, “It’s all our people on the boat, you can’t run away.”

Zuo Qingcang glanced at him coldly, the right hand squeezed his mouth tightly again, then the two fingers of his left hand rolled violently at each other’s wound.

The man’s entire body bowed, and the blue muscles on his forehead were violently raised, but Zuo Qingcang squeezed his mouth with his right hand, pressed it to the ground, and made a snarling and a roar.

“I asked the last time, where is the antidote?”

The man reached into his belt with his right hand, took a small bottle out of it, and put it in front of Zuo Qingcang. Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “You eat it by yourself, and I’ll see if I have nothing to eat.”

Seeing that the other party did not hesitate to take the antidote, Zuo Qingcang nodded, and slowly released his right hand and left hand. But when the man was sighed in relief, Zuo Qingcang’s two fists suddenly slammed heavily on his Supreme Yang’s hole. He couldn’t send out a bit of struggle, and stopped breathing completely after three seconds.

Zuo Qingcang picked up the vial of the other person’s antidote and ate all the antidote in one breath.

From the violent attack to the taking of antidote, there are many places where errors and mistakes can occur, but Zuo Qingcang has no way to think so much now, because he is in a too dangerous situation and his lower body is paralyzed Once he was careful, he would die.

After taking the antidote, Zuo Qingcang felt a cool sensation coming from his waist, as if the antidote was working, but he did not at all quietly wait for the antidote to work, but began to move the body.

During the carrying process, he searched the man’s body again and found a dagger from the other’s ankle. Then suddenly doubts appeared in his eyes. He touched the leather armor, the axe around his waist, the necklace around his neck, and the strange hair accessory.

‘No … this guy doesn’t seem to be a soldier on board. ‘

A clear comprehension flashed through Zuo Qingcang’s mind: ‘Isn’t it the Prince Jade who attacked me? ‘He originally thought it was Cao Sheng who sent someone over and wanted to kill Liu Zhicheng on the boat. At that time, the sea was vast, and it was quite normal for a person to die.

But now I feel the other person’s equipment, but it seems that things are not so simple.

He remembered the sentence that the other party had just said: ‘All of us are on the boat, you can’t run away. ‘

Zuo Qingcang frowned, in the darkness, he moved the body to the ship where he was lying, and covered it with a blanket, as if he was still sleeping. As for himself, he slowly crawled behind the door and waited there quietly with an axe and a dagger.

A few minutes later, two loud noises came.

“What happened to Old Song? I haven’t been here for so long.”

“Damn it, shouldn’t it have discovered any baby? This layer is all officers.”

Two consecutive footsteps came from the outside. When the two checked into the third room, they walked into Zuo Qingcang’s room. There was no candlelight, only the dim light coming from outside the room, and the two men were immediately attracted by the body on the ship.

A person waved his hand, slowly pulled out the axe on the back belt, and moved lightly towards the body on the boat. The other person also brushed out and took out the axe, and followed him step by step.

The first person walked to the bed and suddenly rolled up the blanket. When he saw the body on the bed, a surprised look appeared on his face, but he hadn’t waited for him to distinguish the body in front of him, and felt the neck. There was a sudden pain, a look on his face, and he had moved towards the bed and fell.

A dagger was inserted around his neck, and blood spewed out of the arteries.

The other person immediately turned around, but saw that Zuo Qingcang, who had thrown the dagger, had thrown the axe in his hand again, and the flying axe hit the second person’s face directly, and the other party fell down with a scream.

The whole set was clean and neat, and the two attackers died instantly. Zuo Qingcang immediately stood up, her legs were still sore, but she could barely move. Apparently antidote has worked again

He hurriedly dragged the body to the door of the room and identified it by the fire in the corridor. When he saw the deceased’s bald head, tattoos, and brown eyes, his eyes immediately showed grave expression.

‘Is it a pirate? ‘

‘But how dare pirates attack the fleet of Great Qi? ‘

You should know that this time Great Qi sent a new fleet of continent, which has more than 20 ships. The crew and soldiers are estimated to have more than XNUMX people. It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of pirates dare to eat such a fleet. There is also a good man for medicinal purposes, and this great Qi official configuration of the medicament made Zuo Qingcang smell the conspiracy.

But apparently because of this, they will carry antidote with them, because they are afraid that they may be poisoned accidentally.

But he suddenly thought that when the first pirate attacked him, he once said a word of “Liu”, which was a bit strange. If it was only a pirate, how could he possibly know Liu Zhicheng, or what he said was not Liu, but another homonym?

But the pirates apparently prescribed medicine to all the soldiers on the ship. They should be sneak attacks when they touch them. Why did they talk to Liu Zhicheng?

There are too few clues. Zuo Qingcang couldn’t think of a result, so he didn’t continue to entangle. Instead, he picked up the dagger and axe on the body, wiped the blood with each other’s clothes, and then inserted the dagger into the pants pocket. He walked outside with the axe.

Zuo Qingcang walked a bit special, his whole body squatted like a cat, his back bowed, and he seemed to be able to bounce out at any time. His heel was not on the ground, and he was always an inch off the ground, always using only his toes. Landing allows him to dodge forward, backward, left, and right immediately in the face of any unexpected situation.

Out of the door, only the dim candlelight in the corridor shone. Zuo Qingcang quietly entered the two adjacent rooms, and found that the officers had been killed and the body was stripped and thrown on the floor. It seems that the pirates took what was on them.

He walked down layer by layer, and the situation before him was even more weird.

There were no shouts, no pirates, nothing in the empty corridor, only the squealing sound of the door turning. The whole ship seemed to become a Ghost Ship.

Zuo Qingcang slowly walked towards the deck. The cabin that he passed by was all gone, and he could even see half of the food, clothes, and weapons. It seemed that they were walking in a hurry, as if Encountered the same as any sudden disaster.

Suddenly, a wet liquid fell on Zuo Qingcang’s neck, and he turned quickly, crossing the axe in front of his eyes, but there was nothing in front of him.

The ticking sound sounded in the ear.

Zuo Qingcang touched the back of his neck with his left hand and saw a ball of bright red liquid appear on his fingers.

‘is blood? ‘Zuo Qingcang looked up and found that there were several holes in the ceiling. Fresh red blood was constantly falling from the holes and fell to the floor, making a ticking sound.

Zuo Qingcang squinted his eyes and hurried up the stairs with an axe. I don’t know why, he felt an increasingly bad feeling in his heart.

Walking all the way to the end of the stairs, Zuo Qingcang cautiously pushed open the door panels on the deck with his left hand, and moved towards the outside through the gap in it. But as soon as he pushed away a little, he saw an eye passing through the door slit, looking at him resentfully.

Zuo Qingcang frowned, but didn’t even shake his hand, and continued to push the door open, and saw that the body of a Great Qi soldier was lying on the deck, his head moved towards the door, and his face was full of vicious colors.

Zuo Qingcang cautiously observed the corpse, and saw that the other person’s neck was completely broken, apart from this, and there were no other injuries on his body.

Then he looked up and saw that all the decks had been occupied by the bodies of the Great Qi soldiers. These corpses were piled together, and the plasma covered the entire deck, making the pungent blood smell continuously into Zuo Qingcang’s nose. Rush away.

Walking on the deck, Zuo Qingcang looked at the corpses all around, and found no pirate’s weapons and corpses. He opened several corpses in succession, and he could see a horrible scar on the soldier’s neck. Rolled out.

“Is everyone on the boat drugged and the pirates come up and cut their necks? ‘

‘In this case, obviously there was a traitor on board. ‘

But apart from the bodies of the Great Qi soldiers, he could no longer see a pirate, as if those pirates had never appeared from beginning to end. Near the ship he was in, the entire fleet floated quietly on the sea, and there was no sound except for the sparks of stars.

‘Are the pirates gone? ‘

‘But so many ships are a huge asset in themselves, why don’t they drive away a few? They also kept the supplies on board. ‘

‘Did they just come and kill people, and then leave? ‘

‘But how can they withdraw so quickly? ‘

Zuo Qingcang stood at the boat’s edge, all around the dark sea, and wanted a big mouth that swallowed everything, except the Great Qi’s fleet, he could never see any other ships. It’s as if the pirates who attacked fleet have evaporated.

‘Unreasonable, the whole thing is too unreasonable. ‘

The strange situation in front of him made Zuo Qingcang a little confused, as if the three pirates he had just seen were phantoms. He can only continue to examine the corpses on the deck. There are a total of 32 people. Except for him, none of the entire ship survived.

And now in this vast sea, Zuo Qingcang alone cannot control the ship at all, he is trapped in a prison cage at sea, and he is accompanied by these bodies.

‘First, collect dry food and fresh water, find charts, and find out if you have a logbook. ‘

‘This large ancient ship can’t be driven by me. If I leave, I can only drive a small boat. ‘

The more I thought about it, the less optimistic the expression on Zuo Qingcang’s face was. A man sailing on the vast sea is really left to his fate. But he had no choice.

As he began to inspect the ship’s dry food and fresh water, a loud roar suddenly came over from the sea.

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