Everything else was done in silence. Zuo Qingcang and old man connected a hole between the robber and the passage with a rope through ropes and daggers, and then transported each and everyone jars from the funeral room to the passage in the middle of the stone room.

When he came to the old man in the passage opposite to Shishi, he also found that in addition to the original three passages, there was actually a passage below the robber’s hole, but he couldn’t see it before staying in the robber’s hole.

After all the food was delivered, Zuo Qingcang carried the jars on his back and strode again towards the moving towards the passage.

Before leaving, Zuo Qingcang also glanced back at the stone room and looked at the long light hanging on the wall, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t remember it.

He shook the head and moved with the old man towards the depths of the passage.

The old man followed, couldn’t help but glance back at the huge Corpse Monster in the stone room behind him. But neither he nor Zuo Qingcang did not speak, apparently afraid to attract the attention of Corpse Monster. After walking several hundred meters, the old man finally couldn’t help but say, “Why did you choose this way?”

“The passage is almost the same, and there is no clue in the stone room.” Zuo Qingcang explained: “I just chose one randomly.”

The old man hearing this revealed a gloomy look. They were not willing to speak just next to Corpse Monster, but Zuo Qingcang chose this road with certainty as soon as he came up. The old man thought he was sure. Unexpectedly, it was chosen randomly.

“By the way, you said that Corpse Monster was born from the monk’s body.” Zuo Qingcang asked, “That’s like Corpse Monster in that stone room. How many monks’ bodies do you think can form?”

When the old man expression moved, this was something he had never thought of before: “Such a large Corpse Monster, at least dozens or even hundreds of monks, can only produce such a large Corpse Monster with their bodies as raw materials.”

The two looked at each other the same, and immediately realized what.

“This tomb is more dangerous than we thought.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “The source of these monks’ bodies is nothing more than two possibilities. One is provided by the people who built the tomb, regardless of the formation of the Corpse Monster. Whether it was a coincidence or they did it on purpose, it illustrates the danger in the tomb.

The second possibility is that those who died were the people who later stole the tombs. That is, the entire army of dozens and hundreds of Taoists with spirit strength was annihilated and died in this ancient tomb. “

Zuo Qingcang took a look at the old man and said: “The next way, ten deaths no life, if you want to quit now, you have time. The monster outside is not dangerous, but it is not without the possibility of breakthrough, or you You can also wait for me here, I will leave you with half the food … “

“You don’t need to say anything.” The old man sneered, “Now run away, and then sit in the tomb to eat the mountains and mountains, and end the rest of the day. Do you think I will be willing? As for the breakthrough tomb outside, there are giant elephants, Yin girls, The dwarf guards the entrance and exit, and I die if I go out. Follow you and walk inside, at least try it, otherwise I will not be willing to die. “

“Let’s go.” Zuo Qingcang nodded continued, “I originally thought that this burrow might also lead to the outside of the ancient tomb, so that we might be able to reach the outside of the tomb to supplement food and water by then, and then slowly map However, it now appears that the robbery is not open to the outside, but to the lower level of the tomb. “

“The situation looks more complicated than we previously speculated.”

Although the situation in Zuo Qingcang’s mouth was difficult, his eyes were as bright as ever, and it seemed that he could not see a little bit of decadence and discouragement: “However, we must go and see, no matter how old the tomb is, and open the coffin to the end Can we stop the moving stars and changing costellations? We can only find a way out of this island if we go down and see for ourselves. “

Along the way, the two exchanged ideas about each other and their views on the ancient tomb. A few minutes later, the two came to a stone room again. In front of their eyes, there were three identical passages.

Not only the aisle, but the layout of the entire stone room, the size and orientation of the aisle, and the long light in the stone room are exactly the same as the previous stone room.

“Are we back again?” The old man reacted for the first time, but immediately shook his head: “No, there is no Corpse Monster here. Is it the same stone room that was intentionally built?”

Zuo Qingcang didn’t answer him, but squatted down, stretched out his fingers, and touched the ground. Feeling the dryness on his fingers, he calmly said, “No mucus, no trace of Corpse Monster. It’s really just the same structure as before.”

Old man nodded, looked at the three identical passageways in front of him, and the way behind him, and asked, “Where do we go next?”

Looking at the three identical channels in front of him, Zuo Qingcang’s heart gave a hint of bad hunch, but he pointed to the middle channel and said, “Go here.”

The next two people entered the passage, but this time the passage was not long. About one minute later, the two walked out of the passage again. This time they appeared in front of them, still the same stone room, or exactly the same three passages.

The old man’s face was a little dignified: “Is it the same stone room again?”

Zuo Qingcang carefully observed all around, but couldn’t find any place that could provide his judgment. He simply pulled out a dagger, crossed a fork on the ground, and said to the old man, “Let’s go, or go in the middle.”

This time the two walked faster, and took just over 30 seconds to walk through the passage, and what appeared to them did not exceed Zuo Qingcang’s expectations, and they were still the same stone room.

The old man hurried to the position where Zuo Qingcang had made a mark with a dagger before. When he saw that there was nothing on the ground, he was considered sighed in relief: “It is really just a stone room made of the same. Maybe there is any special meaning, or It’s some kind of psychological tactic. “

But Zuo Qingcang did not speak, and the sight in front of him made him have a very bad association.

He didn’t speak, and led the old man into the passage again, still the middle passage.

Each time the next two people came to Shishi, they chose the middle passage, but the more they walked, the more ugly the old man’s face was. The same Shishi and the same passage, his footsteps became more and more urgent, but he walked continuously. After more than a dozen stone rooms, everything in front of him still remains the same.

Walking, gradually becoming a trot, seemed to be anxious to get out of the immediate predicament, but when he came to the same stone room again, the old man finally could not help cursed: “What do you mean, what do the people who made this tomb think? What’s the same? “

Zuo Qingcang looked at Shishi calmly, then took out his dagger again, and spent a mark on the ground.

“Do you still suspect that we are coming through an aisle?” Said the old man. “Haven’t you tried it before? It should just be a bunch of the same rooms that’s all.”

Zuo Qingcang shook the head: “The length of each room is about ten meters and the length of the passage is about 1000 meters. We have walked through 17 stone rooms in a row. In theory, the length of this straight line has exceeded the range that the island can accommodate. . “This is the data that Zuo Qingcang compares based on the length of the previous round of the island.

After hearing Zuo Qingcang’s judgment, old man complexion changed, he asked, “Are you sure?”

“If there is nothing affecting my brain, this judgment of sense of direction and space should not be wrong.” As he said, Zuo Qingcang once again walked to the middle passage of the stone chamber, and the old man walked in solemnly.

After half a minute, the same stone room appeared in front of the two again. The old man looked at the marked position of Zuo Qingcang and said, “No. It looks like a room with the same structure, maybe the island has a large underground space. Maybe you remember it wrong, after all, in this ancient tomb … “

Listening to the words of old man, Zuo Qingcang said nothing, but made a mark again in place, then turned and walked back to the passage.

“Are you going back?” The old man looked at Zuo Qingcang puzzled, followed along, trying to ask him why.

But when he returned to the previous stone room and saw that there was nothing on the ground where Zuo Qingcang had marked before, his face changed dramatically.

Zuo Qingcang squatted down, touching the ground without the slightest scratch, differentially said: “This place is weird.”

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