“What’s wrong?” The old man said doubtfully.

“I said before that the reason there is light in the stone room and no light in the passage is because the builder of the maze wants us to ignore the situation in the passage.” Zuo Qingcang walked before a long lamp, and then said: “I’m wrong.”

“What they really want to cover is these things in front of them.” Looking at the long lamp in front of him, Zuo Qingcang used a dagger to pry the lampshade out of the lamp. Looking at the scene, a surprised look appeared on his face .

In this position that has been ignored by the two of them, the light from the long beacon lamp is not such a fire, but a peculiar electric light, or … light.

A silver liquid surrounds the long light, which is a liquid conductive metal that spreads current.

“Actually, if you think about it, there will be a big problem. What kind of fuel can keep the light on and even burn for more than 2000 years?” Zuo Qingcang slowly said: “Before the earthquake, the labyrinth Shouldn’t it be sealed, if combustion requires air, how do these lights keep burning until after the earthquake and until now? “

Zuo Qingcang looked at the long light in front of him, and thought to himself, ‘Is this liquid mercury? I didn’t expect it. Although I thought there was a problem with this lamp, I didn’t expect that they were driven by electricity. The so-called fuel is actually a conductive medium … ‘

When Zuo Qingcang was thinking this way, his eyes suddenly flashed a hint of confusion, and there were signs of neglect, or forgetting the beacon problem.

‘Sure enough weird! ‘

At the same time thinking about it, Zuo Qingcang’s right hand had moved first. The sharp dagger was like the lightning in the same night sky, bringing up a residual image, and the lamp in front of it had been divided into two.

More than just the lamp in front of him, Zuo Qingcang’s brain hardly remembered what was wrong with the long lamp in front of him for a while. The only thing he remembered was to destroy all the lights in front of him.

Shua shua shua Shua!

In the eyes of the old man, Zuo Qingcang seemed to be crazy, holding up a dagger and destroying one after another the long light. The old man rushed up and grabbed his arm to stop him.

“What are you doing! It will be completely dark.”

“Step aside!”

Zuo Qingcang didn’t care about him, and continued to destroy all the Changming lamps one by one. After the last Changming lamp on the wall was also cut off, the entire stone room was once again in darkness. Only the night pearls in the arms of the two people were still weak Of fluorescence.

In the darkness, the two squatted down while holding their foreheads, as if some harsh screams were writhing in their brains. After a moment of severe stinging, the two slowly opened their eyes.

“Illusion … is it because of these bright lights?” The old man mumbled.

“Yes.” Zuo Qingcang rubbed his stinging forehead and said slowly: “In fact, the ordinary person came into a maze and after seeing the dark martyrdom, he would not want to turn the only light source in the stone room. Extinction. This is a psychological loophole.

But what really matters is the Illusion Technique ability that these long lights have when they are lit, which not only traps us here, but also allows us to subconsciously ignore them. “

This is what Zuo Qingcang thinks of when he comes to Shishi every time he sees these lights, but he ca n’t remember why he thought of and so on. He was curious about the long light at the beginning, but did not delve into it because of the neglect of the light.

Until continuous thinking, constantly stimulating his own memory, and under the reminder of the old man, relying on amazing perseverance to solve the long light.

Of course, there was some speculation that Zuo Qingcang was buried in his stomach and didn’t say it.

‘Is the Taoist priest in the Western Wei Dynasty already able to use electricity? Does this Illusion Technique affect the senses of the human body through a magnetic field created by electric current? ‘

‘Even if it is the most advanced army in the world, this weapon is probably only on the conceptual drawing. Taoists here can already use it to build institutions …’

The next two rely on the faint light of the night pearl, and carefully probed all around the dark stone room.

But after some investigation, there was a little disappointment on the face of the old man. Because even if the lights go dark, the building structure around all around remains the same, it is still a stone room of the same size, and it is still a passageway in four different directions.

“Did the Illusion Technique still not be lifted?”

“No.” Zuo Qingcang touched several scratches on the wall, and said differently: “Illusion Technique has been lifted. Here are the marks we left before.

It seems like the role of this Illusion Technique … “

The next two people passed through the stone chamber while destroying the long light in it to dismiss the Illusion Technique, and then by making marks, they began to build the structure of the entire maze little by little. Without the interference of Illusion Technique, the simple stone room labyrinth can no longer be broken.

In the investigation of Zuo Qingcang and old man, they found that there were 49 stone rooms in the whole, divided into three floors of high, middle and low, each with a different number of rooms. Because of Illusion Technique, they have actually been in circles among these 49 stone rooms.

‘So, the reason why the previous Corpse Monster came to the pit is that the Illusion Technique didn’t work because the human brain and their organ structure are different? ‘

‘And just a maze of this level, although difficult, may not be able to trap those grave robbers. Sure enough, due to the earthquake, I am afraid there are some institutions in this maze that have not been able to continue to operate. ‘

Zuo Qingcang didn’t think wrong, because of the earthquake, the spirit strength operation route in this maze was damaged, and many Taoist institutions could not continue to operate. If it is fully operational, there is interference from Taoism inside, and even the outside stone chambers and channels will change, and there are countless killing traps.

If Zuo Qingcang and old man were to face the maze faced by the grave robber team with dozens of Taoist priests, they would not be able to live a day at all.

While Zuo Qingcang was thinking about some details in the maze, he and the old man had already reached the last stone room in the maze. Except for the way they came, there was only one left in this last stone room. The passage, obviously this is the exit from the maze.

“Finally came out, to be honest, I was desperate at the last minute.” The old man sighed, “I thought I would starve to death in the end and be eaten by Corpse Monster.”

“It’s just leaving the maze.” Zuo Qingcang’s expression remained as grim as ever: “Next, you don’t know what you will encounter, don’t relax.”

With that said, the silhouette of the two had slowly walked into the passage until they completely disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

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