“Do you want to move these cheats?” Zuo Qingcang asked seriously.

“Of course.” Old man excitedly said: “So many secrets of the South Holy Gate, do you know what it stands for? That is the martial arts Taoism left from the God and Devil era. It is the wisdom of ancient human beings! Yes Cross-generation technology!

The secrets of lifespan and power of ancient priests! It is possible to get it from inside! “

“You calm down first,” Zuo Qingcang said with a frown. “Can you be sure that these cheats are true? And who knows what organs are in there, even if you get the cheats, you have to learn fate.”

“This risk is worth the risk!” Old man said, “We will not encounter this problem in our lives. Do you know that during the Western Wei Dynasty, the master of the Zongzong and the previous generation of the Sect Master of the South Holy Gate were too mysterious masters? Lived more than 1000 years. “

“It’s just a rumor that’s all.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, but don’t you want to practice Taoism?” The old man looked at Zuo Qingcang and said, “Did you know that your life is in the Night Sea, I’m afraid I can only find his cultivation method here today.” Now. “

“What do you mean?” Zuo Qingcang frowned: “You have something to hide from me?”

“Yong Cong, your life line, is a long lost life line. The reason why I did not tell you before was that I was afraid of your gains and losses, affecting the practice of martial arts.” Old man said, “So you want to practice Taoism Then, now the Cheats of the South Gate is the only opportunity! “

Seeing Zuo Qingcang still no loose mouth, old man biting clinching one’s teeth and said: “What are you still hesitating? Do you like a casual life? Don’t want a long lifespan? Don’t want the power of the world’s Invincible? Now in this era, Tao Art and martial arts are dying. Once we have learned the martial arts of the South Holy Gate, we must be able to move unhindered in the whole world! “

“Able to move unhindered in the whole world, to and from Invincible, relying on one’s own strength, to turn the world around and make the enemy the enemy …” Zuo Qingcang coldly snorted: “Of course I think of this kind of thing, I have thought about it since my last life. Just before There has never been a chance that’s all. “

In the last life of Zuo Qingcang’s mouth, the old man was just an exaggeration. When he felt Zuo Qingcang was moving, he stepped up and said, “Go ahead! The two of us will check the entire room together to make sure that all the agencies are OK and then start working. Experience After the earthquake, many Taoist formations in the entire tomb failed … “

Without waiting for the old man to finish his words, Zuo Qingcang stopped him and said coldly, “If you want a cheat, you can, but you have to wait for us to explore the entire tomb to ensure a way out.”


“No, but.” Zuo Qingcang stared coldly at the old man. “If you don’t agree, I will stun you here now and go on alone.” The reason why Zuo Qingcang is so determined is because of his The mind is still calm in this case. The second reason is that he feels that in front of him, 80% of the possibilities are a trap.

“Oh.” Under the obsession of Zuo Qingcang, the old man reluctantly sighed: “Okay, but you have to remember, before we leave, we must come here and take away all the cheats here, as much as we can! “

The next two people rested for one day and one night, waiting for the air in the second stone hall to circulate before opening the door and entering.

The old man was still reluctant to keep up with the secrets in Shi Shihe, but under the surveillance of Zuo Qingcang, he did not do anything stupid.

Opening the passage in Shishi, the two went on, looked back at the rows of bookshelves, and looked at a book above. Zuo Qingcang thought: “If the previous institution traps, it really is to get others to come again If you take things from the tomb, are these cheats and wealth the thing they want to take?

And the batch of grave robbers, is their goal here? “

In the passage, Zuo Qingcang was thinking here, and suddenly asked, “Yes, will those cheats not be damaged? They have at least 2000 years, right?”

“It reminds me that you can say that those metal skins may be okay, but those who store them in paper should use special preservation methods, but be careful, when we put them away, we still have to be careful.”

The next two people walked along, and the old man talked endlessly about the history. In the rumors, Ancient Era, especially the legends of Nanshengmen. It seems to be yearning for all kinds of incredible Taoism in the legend.

Zuo Qingcang just listened to this and did not comment. There was neither fanaticism nor expectation in his eyes, only the coldness as always, as if he just had the illusion of expecting power.

As they got deeper and deeper, the moisture content in the air became higher and higher, and there was a wet feeling everywhere. Zuo Qingcang felt as if he was soaking in water.

This section of the road also seems to be particularly long, and the two walked for more than an hour before they saw a huge hole in front of them.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zuo Qingcang asked, “Did you feel that it was getting hotter?”

“It’s getting hotter.” The old man touched the sweat on his forehead: “Should we go into the volcanic crater?”

“Seabed volcano?” Just when Zuo Qingcang was thinking about it, the two turned around the hole and walked for a few meters, and a light filled the eyes of the two, billowing the waves of assaults the senses.

“It’s really a seabed volcano? But the volcano should be underneath the ancient tomb. How could it appear here directly?” The old man looked at the huge canyon spanning several hundred meters in front of him. Besides, scarlet-red rays of light are constantly jumping.

“It is the tributary of lava in the rock vein, and the sea may be outside the rock wall.” Zuo Qingcang frowns, staring up and down in the canyon.

“Is it because of the earthquake? The next tomb will not fall directly into this crevice and be flooded by lava? What shall we do?” Old man suddenly shook the head again: “No, if so, The large array should have failed. “

“Don’t think about it,” Zuo Qingcang squinted, pointing to a direction in the canyon and saying, “There.”

The old man looked in the direction of Zuo Qingcang’s guidance, and saw that in the rays of light of scarlet, inside the canyon, a huge iron box was bound by four chains with four chains and spanned in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, the old man immediately remembered the last mural in the funeral room, the picture that buried the coffin of Zong Zong into the endless abyss.

He cried out suddenly: “Coffin coffin! That is the coffin for Jiuzong!”

I didn’t know that at this moment, a dagger had been pasted up behind him, and it was directly across his neck.

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