In the face of Zuo Qingcang’s attack, the old man just issued a chuckle, and regardless of the other’s attack, it was a printed move towards Zuo Qingcang fiercely.

A palm just came out, a taste that was extremely dry, and it seemed that the charred taste of something had assaults the senses. There was a layer of red light on the palm, which had even risen to an unprecedented high temperature.

Looking at this, Zuo Qingcang’s eyes flashed, and the whole person flashed after looking towards towards an iron plate bridge.

‘Unknown high-temperature Taoist attack. ‘

‘The distance is too close. If you continue to attack, you will get a palm first. ‘

‘He absorbed the spirit strength faster than he thought …’

A series of information flashed in his mind, and Zuo Qingcang’s body had temporarily given up the previous attack, and instinctively let go of the opponent’s palm. Just when Zuo Qingcang himself thought so, a violent heat hit him directly on his chest.

‘Is it because of the high temperature burning air that there is a visual error … then the distance between the other hand and me cannot be measured visually. ‘

Seeing that he had hit Zuo Qingcang with one palm, the old man sneered, and the spirit strength in his life burst out, making the Temperature on his palm constantly rising.

Unless his strength hits Zuo Qingcang’s head or genitals, it is not enough to threaten Zuo Qingcang, who is innate, but the high temperature on the palm can directly cause severe burns to Zuo Qingcang.

But just as the Temperature on the palm of the old man rose again, a flame suddenly burned from Zuo Qingcang’s body, and the whole body of Zuo Qingcang was turned into a torch in a blink of an eye.


But in the face of this situation, a surprised look flashed in the eyes of old man. The Firecloud Palm that he just made is absolutely impossible to cause this effect. After all, he just wanted to subdue Zuo Qingcang instead of killing each other.

In fact, just as he thought, incarnation was a ‘Zuo Qingcang’ of a blaze of flames rushing towards the old man. The raging flame was like a Fire Dragon, covering the entire body of the old man, and wanted to completely him For ashes.

When Zuo Qingcang’s real body fluttered in front of the flame, the whole person jumped out of it, rolled a circle on the ground, and scattered the slight fire star on his body.

It turned out that the robe on Zuo Qingcang just ignited instantly, and then he threw it directly onto the old man like a Fireball.

But the old man smashed by the fireball of this robe seemed indifferent. He didn’t move at all. The flames on his body were like flowing water, turning into vortex, and moved towards the palm of his palm.

The robe turned into ashes scattered in the space, but the old man was like the Demon God in the flames. There was still a trace of fire star on the chest, back, and hair, and the whole person looked unharmed.

Not only that, but even the wounds behind him were healed and disinfected in the heat.

“Is there a burning powder on my robe? No wonder it can burn instantly.” He looked at Zuo Qingcang coldly. “There should be no such Taoist material in the tomb. Where did you get it?”

It is naturally impossible for Zuo Qingcang to tell the other party silly that he was found from the Taoist corpse on the wreckage of the ship.

In fact, the burning powder just now is the yellow powder in the five bottles of the Taoist and the yellow bottle. This powder is a material that is used as a flame booster in flames, so the Firecloud Palm just caused a huge flame effect. Zuo Qingcang also used this sneak attack on the old man.

But what he didn’t expect was …

‘Even the flame can be absorbed in an instant …’ Burned the robe, revealing the lean upper body Zuo Qingcang tightened his dagger: ‘Since he met, has he been hiding his strength? ‘

It seemed to feel Zuo Qingcang’s doubts, or to be a soldier who was defeated in order not to fight, the old man said with a sneer: “Although the aptitude of this body is poor, it is fortunate to have a lifeline called ‘Flame Cave’. If he does it himself, he can’t be as strong as I am now if he doesn’t leak the realm’s strength. “

“But with my mental strength, it’s different. The stronger your mental strength, the faster you can absorb the spirit strength, and the greater the scale of using the spirit strength.” I saw the old man opened his mouth, and all the yellow powder had been Like clouds, he vomited from his mouth.

Seeing Zuo Qingcang’s pupils shrink for a while, the old man laughed: “Yes, I have fire powder.”

“Do you really think that there will be no Taoist materials in the graveyard of the dignified sect master of the South Holy Gate? I just took it away before you searched.”

“No matter how well you prepare, my preparation will only be better.”

next moment, a fire star emerged from the mouth of the old man, and then just like the fire of the stars, it instantly spread out along the burning powder in the air. The burning powder moved quickly under the manipulation of the mind, plus the burning flame , Flying around the old man like a Fire Dragon.

The martial artist exerts strength in one go, transports nutrients and spirit strength through the blood, and they use this method to adjust their internal control *.

The Taoist priests use spirit strength as the driving force and mental power as the Catalyst to create physical phenomena outside the body.

Mindpower, as a kind of power released by the human brain, after a lot of intensive meditation, or field, or wave, that is a very small force, often only very light Matter, but when he is used as a Catalyst, or a medium, and mixed with Spirit Strength and Taoist materials, it can generate powerful formidable power.

Fire Dragon in the air with a heat enough to instantly burn people into scorched bodies, moved towards Zuo Qingcang rushing away. However, although the speed of Fire Dragon is abnormal, Zuo Qingcang can still easily get around with the superman’s explosive power, and then moved towards the position of moved towards old man.

However, he just flashed away the Fire Dragon, and there was a loud noise in the air. I saw the Fire Dragon in the air divided into more than ten little snakes, surrounded from all around moved towards Zuo Qingcang. Although their speed is not as fast as Zuo Qingcang, but with the advantage of quantity and the ability to make arbitrary turns in the air, Zuo Qingcang could not break out for a moment.

Watching Zuo Qingcang’s left-handed, right-handed, and difficult-to-dodge under Fire Snake under his control, old man laughed.

“Zuo Qingcang, this old man’s body is only controlled by me. Even if you kill him, you will not kill me.”

“Also, with your little Qi Practitioner stage martial arts, it’s impossible to be my opponent at all.”

But even though Fire Snake rubbed Zuo Qingcang’s body in the air again and again, his shoulders, back even had various degrees of burns, but Zuo Qingcang’s face remained calm as instinctively.

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