Silent Killing

Chapter 307

At the same time Zuo Zhicheng finished speaking, he had taken off his coat, muscles and muscles on his body and muscles, and so on. All of them skyrocketed again, and the time changed from 1.8 m to a full two meters seven The tall little giant, like a giant dragon, is undulating and swells on his body, blasting the air.

At this moment he was just an arm, and the waist of an ordinary person was so thick, it was just like a huge steel pillar, with the power to turn the river to the sea.

Seeing this amazing scene, Yan Son Holy Son also showed a surprised expression in his eyes, but when he heard what Zuo Zhicheng said, he laughed again and again: “Zuo Zhicheng, I don’t know where you learned from This secret technique has raised her eruption to almost Void Refining realm level.

But what about that? You haven’t reached Void Refining, and you never know how terrible Void Refining is. “

With that, he lifted with one hand and had to lift Zuo Zhicheng out of the mountain again and throw it down from above.

However, at this time, Zuo Zhicheng’s mouth gave a roar, and the fierce twitching on his body could clearly see that a piece of muscle on his body was twitching like a steel bar, violently exerting force all around the body.

This instantaneous outburst was completely an outburst of Zuo Zhicheng’s own muscle movement. It did not use the power of the earth to transmit as usual.

But this is the only way to really show the extent to which Zuo Zhicheng’s explosive power is fierce at 2.7 meters. At this time, the force of the epidermal muscles of the whole body is almost like a dozen or 20 Mortal Manifestation masters at the same time, standing at the position of Zuo Zhicheng and punching all around.

The violent force almost squeezed the air around Zuo Zhicheng into a substance for a while, with a billowing wave, like the same shock wave, moved towards all around.

This strikes directly hit the power of the mind around the Holy Devil Holy Son, and suddenly all his power of the mind was hit and the operation was not smooth. Temporary release.

In a short moment of release, Zuo Zhicheng sank suddenly, and the whole person fell to the ground like a tyrannosaurus. When Yan Mo Holy Son wants to exert his strength again, lift him up again. Zuo Zhicheng’s hands are like the same pair of steel claws, with five fingers soaring, he firmly grasped the ground, while at the same time, his toes clasped the ground and caught the rock.

Yan Mo Holy Son instantly exerted strength, even raised him does not raise.

“Okay, since you don’t want to go up, let me go down!” Yan Mo Holy Son has once again exhibited Hell Nirvana’s peerless palm technique, a mixture of numerous poison qi poisonous smoke, black clouds rolling huge palms dropping from the sky, and moved towards Zuo Zhicheng’s position and shot.

Facing this dropping from the sky, Ye Junxi didn’t dare to stand up against the dark giant palm, Zuo Zhicheng was coldly snorted, and the blood on his body suddenly rushed up.

His body shape has greatly increased, and the impact of blood rushing within the body is also stronger. This time, Heavenly River Overturned’s tactics of movement were exhibited, and a loud sound of hong long long hong long long was issued. It was like an aircraft carrier engine started, and it was like a waterfall of several hundred meters falling down.

This time, the strength of Heavenly River Overturned is at least ten times stronger than that of Zuo Zhicheng with normal blood. Everyone could even see the faint white air currents. With Zuo Zhicheng’s push of the palm flashing, this palm broke through the sound barrier.

啵 ~~ In the eyes of everyone, the two palms collided with each other. Zuo Zhicheng’s palm was already huge enough, but when shot by black giant palm, it looked like the palm of an infant and an adult, but the result was quite the opposite.

The power far beyond the calculation of Holy Devil Holy Son erupted in the black giant palm, and the giant palm was torn into shattered, countless black smoke in an instant. Black gas, the particles are carried all around by the shock wave.

Slap Nirvana in one palm. Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes remained unchanged, and his limbs landed. At the same time, the force has completely disappeared from the sight of Yan Mo Holy Son.

An underworld flashed, he had turned into countless flashing lights and shadows, and then appeared again at Ten meters beside Yan Mo Holy Son. Then he swept across the ground with one palm, rolled up countless mud and snow, and slammed on Yan Mo Holy Son like a shotgun.

No, with the current explosive power of Zuo Zhicheng, he waved the stones, and the formidable power is definitely greater than the shotgun. I am afraid that the stones can smash the iron shield when shot on an iron shield.

However, this move is slightly inadequate for Yan Son Holy Son, just to make the other party temporarily unable to see that’s all.

Sure enough, in the face of the flying sand, stones, flying snow, Holy Demon Holy Son’s eyes did not blink, Hell Yama’s Martial Arts Dharma Body had flew out, and his fists blasted out with thousands of punches.

However, his fist was not a real fist, but was formed into numerous, various ghost claw shapes, flying out with a stream of extremely condensed air.

Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture’s martial arts, Myriad Ghosts Profound Nether Claw, and the current Hell Yama show, not only has the shape and mood of all the ghosts, but also uses the Void Refining method to use the Hell Sect secret technique to stimulate the mind. , Reduces the violent degree of the molecular movement around the air around, forming a cold current from the underworld like hell.

The formidable power at this time is already greater than the formidable power of Holy Son’s previous attempts. Obviously, as he steps into the Void Refining realm, he is getting stronger almost every moment.

The crackle’s crisp sound came, and the fragments were blown by the cold, and then swept by Hell Yama’s claw shadows, and instantly turned into thousands of debris, spread out.

At the same time, green’s illusory shadow flashed a little, and Nether King Magic Sword had spread continuously, zoomed in, and transformed into a galaxy, moving towards Zuo Zhicheng’s direction.

However, it did n’t wait for the Nether King Magic Sword to completely cover the past. A lightsaber of more than three meters pierced straight and swept away the smoke around all around. Zuo Zhicheng cut with a cross and waved three more than three long thumbs. Thick Spirit Light Sword, cut Nether King Magic Sword into countless pieces.

He temporarily cut off the connection between the particles inside Nether King Magic Sword by cutting countless particles.

At the same time as the cut, the silhouette of Zuo Zhicheng also flashed, and the sword moved towards Yan Mo Holy Son’s arm.

Originally Zuo Zhicheng’s punching speed could exceed the speed of sound in the state of 2.7 meters. Now he is holding a three-meter Spirit Light Sword. The speed of the sword tip is almost 4 or 5 times that of Zuo Zhicheng’s waving arm. .

The lightsaber has a speed that is completely invisible, invisible, and even impossible to think, and is moved towards his arm. If this hits, even the power of the mind cannot capture the rays of light. Open the arm of Holy Son Holy Son.

In its current state, if Yan Mo Holy Son is cut open with an arm, he must be seriously injured and his physical strength will decline. He may no longer pose a threat to Zuo Zhicheng.

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