Silent Killing

Chapter 311

Just as Zhao Xingzhou tried his best to search for traces of Zuo Zhicheng and Yan Mo Holy Son.

One day later, Zuo Zhicheng had taken Yan Mo Holy Son out of the Naruta mountain range and headed to the Yellow Spring Magic Palace in the northwest direction. I saw his body gliding across the sand like a clear breeze, and the whole person moved quickly towards the front like a shadow.

During the avalanche, in addition to taking away Yan Mo Holy Son, he also rescued Qing Yueyang and reached an agreement with the other party.

Now he is taking Yan Son Holy Son to the Yellow Spring demon palace to confirm the existence of the Hell Sect treasure. Qing Yueyang gave him cover, delayed time, and took care of Xu Hongfei and A Yue by the way. Finally, he took the Shadow Corps back to Haijing first.

This time Zuo Zhicheng didn’t need to take care of the speed of Xu Hongfei and A Yue, but just carried Yan Son Holy Son, the speed rose quickly, and the whole person rushed around, both in explosive power and endurance.

The Holy Son on his back, Holy Son, dangled on his limbs, like a living dead person, but his eyes could still turn and his mouth could speak. However, his spine was broken, and there was nothing left under his right elbow, apparently weak to the lowest point in history. ,

However, after seeing Zuo Zhicheng’s actions, he still asked: “You plan to run all the way to the Yellow Spring Magic Palace?”

“Before finding a new travel tool, this is the case for the time being.” Zuo Zhicheng asked.

“I’ve been thinking about the means by which you finally turned into a force and broke out instantly. Now it seems …” Yan Mo’s Holy Son’s eyes showed a hint of contemplation. It seems that to this day, exploring Martial Dao is still his greatest interest.

“After that, your physical strength is not at all obviously depleted, and the injuries are far less severe than I thought. It seems that it is not your physical strength outbreak, but that you are already huge in size, and you are not as good as normal Reduced your body shape, reducing consumption and camouflage. “

Yan Mo Holy Son whispered and analyzed. It seems that he doesn’t care about his current status as a prisoner: “But in Martial Dao, unless it is Void Refining, it is even the most powerful Divine Art. It is absolutely impossible to shrink your skeleton, even if it is shrinking bones. It is just the wrong switch. Reduce body size.

So your secret technique can only be Taoism, and you have a life cluster that can shrink skeleton and adjust body structure. “

Zuo Zhicheng unexpectedly glanced at Yan Mo’s Holy Son. The opponent’s Wu Dao Scripture experience and vision were indeed terrifying. In fact, it is impossible to not terrifying. As a genius who does not necessarily have one in 100 years, he has stepped into the Void Refining realm, his understanding and learning ability. The experience and realm on martial arts is naturally terrifying.

So this is also a very valuable person. After all, the Void Refining masters known throughout the world are now counted by one hand. How precious is the experience and vision of Wu Mo Dao Scripture of Holy Son, which can be foreseen from here.

After seeing Zuo Zhicheng looking back at him, Yan Mo Holy Son hurriedly asked, “How about? Am I right?”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “Although they are not the same, the theory is almost the same.”

“Wait, I know. Your original shape was not a giant. You grew up and then shrank. Hahaha, it turns out to be this way. It turns out that this secret technique combines the power of Taoism and martial arts, which is simply It is a clever job. But if you go against the sky like this, you must know the structure of the body, and you must not have a slight error, otherwise you will be disabled for life, martial arts will be lost, and you will be violent.

You haven’t died yet? By the way, what is the name of this secret technique? Why have I never heard of it? Who created it? “

Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “This secret technique is called God and Demon Transformation. As for the person who created this secret technique, how do you know it’s not me?”

Yan Mo Holy Son sneered: “Zuo Zhicheng. Although you beat me, in the final analysis, you are only a boxer. Even if you use it well, you will respond well. Martial arts is just a tool in your hands. , I don’t see any enthusiasm for martial arts. If you give me more than half a month to consolidate Void Refining realm, to pour out psionic energy, wash the spinal cord and improve the muscle body, you are definitely not my opponent. “

Zuo Zhicheng did not dispute, but just said, “The person who created this martial arts is called Prometheus.”

“Pu … Pu … Luo … Mi … Hugh … Breath?” Yan Mo Holy Son said with a sip, “It turned out to be a foreigner? I don’t think there are such masters in the western continent. I had encountered their hunting. Fiend and Knight, it seems like not at all. “

At the end, the voice of Yan Mo Holy Son suddenly dropped: “Zuo Zhicheng, why didn’t you kill me?”

Zuo Zhicheng said: “Your memory, experience and vision are very valuable. It would be a waste to kill you before you can fully tap your value.”

“Haha, then you should know that with my aptitude and temperament, as well as the experience of stepping into Void Refining, as long as you give me time, I will step into Void Refining again one day. At that time, this point of my body The injury is nothing, I will only be stronger than before, aren’t you afraid? “

“If you really step into Void Refining again, if you are not afraid of death, you can challenge me again. But Martial Arts True Meaning has been reversed, and you want to step into Void Refining again. It is not so simple.”

When Zuo Zhicheng finished his remarks, a group of horse thieves rushed over and seemed to be interested in Zuo Zhicheng. Zuo Zhicheng gave a cold glance and said, “Someone brought a horse.”

Then the two moved towards each other to meet them, and soon afterwards, a scream of screams rang loudly on the Gobi.


Five days later, the two made a long journey and finally reached the foot of the Yellow Spring Demon Palace. Zuo Zhicheng followed the instructions of Yan Mo Holy Son and moved towards a cliff. At this time, Yan Son Holy Son was still being carried behind by Zuo Zhicheng, and his face pale, it looked like he was seriously ill.

Now his Martial Dao realm has returned to Mortal Manifestation, and was also interrupted by Zuo Zhicheng and cut off the right hand. If he fights, he may not even be Qingyueyang.

Zuo Zhicheng said, “I’ll ask again at the end. Are you sure you remember correctly?” The so-called misunderstanding is naturally asking Yan Mo Holy Son if he is deceiving.

Yan Mo Holy Son indifferently said: “I want to live and want to step back into Martial Dao Peak. In front of this, what is all love and hatred? Only humble life will sacrifice yourself at will. Ask Dao The road is already so difficult, how can I waste extra energy on the roadside scenery?

As long as people are alive, there are endless opportunities. Do you think I will give up the opportunity to enter Peak again for a little wealth and hatred?

The following things are meaningless to me, and you can take care of them. “

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes flickered a little, then carrying Yan Son Holy Son, he climbed down the cliff a little bit, the deeper it got, the more severe the fog around all around, and the whole person gradually became a thick layer of thick The fog shrouded, and his shadow was no longer visible from above.

Although Zuo Zhicheng took precautions along the way, Yan Mo Holy Son did, as he said, without any concealment and reservation.

Soon, Hell Sect’s final hidden treasure appeared in front of Zuo Zhicheng.

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