Silent Killing

Chapter 313

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind Silent Killing, listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public account (add friends on WeChat-add public account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! Yan Mo’s Holy Son ’s Martial Dao realm is certainly higher than Zuo Zhicheng, but the Martial Dao philosophy of the two is different. One regards Martial Dao as the sublimation of life, the pursuit of life, and the other only uses martial arts as many tools. One of that’s all.

However, knowing that Zuo Zhicheng’s Martial Dao philosophy is different from himself, Yan Mo Holy Son didn’t say much, because this is not something that can convince others by words alone.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at the cheats of myriad Ghosts Profound Nether Claw’s martial arts in his hand and asked, “Yes, after going out, there must be a title, can’t I always call you Yan Mo Holy Son?”

Yan Mo Holy Son closed his eyes: “What the name … whatever you want to call it, I don’t care.”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “In this case, let me think about it.” He combined the cheats in his hands, his eyes turned, as if he was thinking of a name for the other party.

“I know two people who are almost like you, Wu Wu, one called Sun Wukong and one called Vegeta. How about you call Sun Wuta?”

Yan Mo Holy Son opened his eyes and looked at Zuo Zhicheng coldly. Zuo Zhicheng smiled and said, “Don’t like it? Then I also know two Wu Chi, one is Dugu seeking defeat, and the other is Ouyang Feng. It’s better than Du Gufeng.”

“The name of Dugu seeking defeat is good.” When hearing this name, Yan Son Holy Son’s eyes shined.

However, Zuo Zhicheng rejected it: “The name is so crazy, it’s too easy to attract attention. It’s called Du Gufeng.”

Yan Mo Holy Son glanced at it and did not refute it. He can’t refute now, after all, the situation is stronger than people. Zuo Zhicheng can pinch him with one hand now, even if he is called a dog, he can only recognize it. The name Du Gufeng is much better by comparison.

Later, Zuo Zhicheng helped Yan Mo Holy Son, now Du Gufeng, leaned against a bookshelf and began to read the rows of martial arts manual on the Hell Sect shelf.

From the most basic Qi Practitioner Martial Arts Legacy. To the deep Void Refining method, he all looked at each and everyone. Recite silently in my heart.

And he did n’t just recite many martial arts. He even practiced on the spot and saw that he was holding a booklet in one hand and making a fist print with the other hand. As he turned, his muscles agitated, and he was angry. Blood was condensed and reunited. The entire hand became red and red, and it expanded and contracted with the beating of the heart, as if it had become a heart.

This is Hell Nirvana. A Hell Sect sect master combines the breathing method on Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture with the method of vomiting and nourishing gas by righteous path sects. It is a method to control the power by changing the breath, blood and heartbeat , Smell new ways to improve the body.

It can be said that a few can be used to kill people. Martial arts used to maintain the body.

The foundation stone of Zuo Zhicheng’s Martial Dao was the North Peng Approaching Heaven Form of the South Shengmen, but even the North Peng Approaching Heaven Form could not exercise to every corner of the body. Among the many martial arts of Hell Sect, most of them overlap with North Peng Approaching Heaven Form, but there are also some parts, such as the infernal nirvana in front of you, that can be exercised by some North Peng Approaching Heaven Form. in detail.

It can be said that when he studied all the martial arts of Hell Sect and practiced it again, it was equivalent to completing his own fleshhy body again, making the fleshhy body more perfect. Also more perfect, grasp of the human body. Physical growth again has great benefits.

after an hour……

After two hours …

After six hours …

Zuo Zhicheng is like a greedy black hole, madly absorbing the door-to-door martial arts of Hell Sect. I saw his legs flashing constantly. Jumping, bringing up a series of shadows, appeared on the ground.

It looks like more than a dozen Zuo Zhicheng appeared at the same time.

Du Gufeng opened his eyes and glanced. This is the peerless way of reincarnation of Hell Sect, competing for the subtleties at the crucial moment. And he saw it at a glance. Zuo Zhicheng was not just studying, he wanted to integrate this peerless body style into his martial arts.

He is splitting the reincarnation one after another, trying to integrate the techniques of bursting out, working out, etc. into his shadow space flash, and once again improve the formidable power of shadow space flash.

‘This kid …’ Du Gufeng secretly said in one’s heart: ‘He doesn’t have any enthusiasm for martial arts, but the self-discipline of this guy is just a metamorphosis. He doesn’t like martial arts, but thinks that martial arts is very useful to him and can spend a lot of time doing things he doesn’t like.

I don’t know if he can become stronger after eating shit for ten years.

However, this adaptability and adaptability, maybe he can really combine different Martial Arts True Meaning, and create a Martial Arts True Meaning that is unique to him. ‘

So Zuo Zhicheng kept in Hell Sect’s secrets, reading Hell Sect’s martial arts cheats, and absorbing the essence of martial arts. And there is Yan Mo Holy Son Du Gufeng beside him. If he has any questions, he can get answers from Du Gufeng.

One day, two days, three days…

Time continued to pass, Zuo Zhicheng didn’t even eat and sleep. * At his point, eating and sleeping are no longer necessary. Even if he doesn’t sleep for a month, he can be energetic and cheerful.

As for food, he who owns Spiritual Energy Furnace is the energy left by the daily light, which is enough for him to not eat or drink for years. Instead, Du Gufeng was weak and had to eat.

However, it is naturally impossible for Zuo Zhicheng to waste time on preparing food for him, so he just drops a few drops of green blood to Du Gufeng every day.

The green spiritual blood of his within the body is made by the absorption of Spiritual Energy Furnace, which contains a very rich nutritional value. Basically, a few drops are enough for Du Gufeng to consume for one day.

Even the energy provided by this spirit blood accelerated the recovery of Du Gufeng’s injury. After all, even if his Void Refining’s realm passed away, but the control and quality of * is still there, with sufficient nutrition, he will recover the injury on * in just a few days.

However, the broken arm and broken spine did not recover so well. No matter how nutrition was added, Du Gufeng was already a disabled person, and it was impossible to regenerate by himself.

In his eyes, Zuo Zhicheng’s temperament is also increasingly terrifying. For ten days, I read, read, and practice all day and night. This self-control is simply terrifying.

You know, even when he is retreating himself, it is impossible to do one thing day and night continuously for ten days and 24 hours. After all, people are human. They must be relaxed, relaxed, and tight. When Yan Son Holy Son retreats himself, he must relax for at least ten minutes a day, for half an hour, take a break, drink tea, and have a meal. Category.

Relax the tight nerves and rest the tired brain, but Zuo Zhicheng looks like he does not need this function at all. An impersonal feeling appeared in the heart of Yan Mo Holy Son.

Ten days later, Zuo Zhicheng had almost no reservations, recited all the cheats without any rest, and practiced all the martial arts he thought were valuable. In the early morning of the tenth day, his eyes opened, and it seemed that there was a mountain of blades and seas of fire, and the ghostly crying hell was reflected in his pupils.

Even Yan Mo Holy Son doesn’t know now, how far away is his Martial Dao realm from Law Manifestation.

I saw Zuo Zhicheng opened his palm, a Spirit Light Sword appeared in his hand, and then a few times of shua shua shua, a waterfall like a light rain exploded all over Zuo Zhicheng’s body. All around all cheats are cut into pieces.

Zuo Zhicheng left Hell Sect with only Hell Living Buddha and Du Gufeng. (A good event to drop pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow the ~ c / Chinese website public account (add friends on WeChat-add public account-enter qdread), and join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Follow qdread WeChat public account!)

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