Silent Killing

Chapter 319

This series of actions by Zuo Zhicheng made Zhao Xingzhou and the others unable to say a word. It was because it was too shocking and amazing. The formidable power of Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire is really beyond the expectation of everyone except Zuo Zhicheng.

The most important thing is that they just wanted to besiege Zuo Zhicheng. When they think of their recent behavior and the Taoism that Zuo Zhicheng has put on their heads, the feeling will make everyone in the room shudder .

Whether it was Huang Biao, Mu Yuanying or Ye Junxi, or even Zhao Xingzhou, at this time, a trace of fear flashed in Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, just because of the series of Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire just now, although they also I don’t know what Theory or formidable power is for that technique, but judging from the effect of the scene, even they are totally unsure of surviving from it.

At this time, Zhao Xingzhou and Ye Junxi also finally understood that what Zuo Zhicheng said on the Goddess Peak and what he said to Yan Son Holy Son, I will try my best not to kill you, not kidding, he is true There are ways to easily kill each other.

‘This guy, Zuo Zhicheng …’ Ye Junxi almost bit his own teeth: ‘He was still alive and killed at Goddess Peak … It turned out that Taoism was his most powerful method. ‘

Several other people had similar ideas, and Zhao Xingzhou, who had the strongest confidence at the time, was so dreary that he wanted to drip water, and stared at Zuo Zhicheng with a pair of eyes, without knowing what he was thinking.

However, Zuo Zhicheng was like nothing, pats turned his hands. Taking a look at everyone with a nervous look, differly said: “I still have something, so I’ll take a step.”

“You guys have no opinion?”

No one answered. Zuo Zhicheng even glanced over there, and the people there went down. There are three Mortal Manifestation masters, one Law Manifestation master, and an army of thousands of people, but there is no one who dares to confront Zuo Zhicheng.

The gap is too big … to the point where people are completely afraid to raise resistance. Zuo Zhicheng also did not intend to kill them. So many people present covered most of the forces in the new continuous colony. It is simple to kill them all today. But in that case, there are endless troubles. It is equal to the four major Legions of the new continent. The two inspectors have settled their enemies and fell into a shouting situation.

What’s more, Zuo Zhicheng has no advantage in killing these people now. Of course, he would not kill such people in front of him, and plunge himself into endless troubles and wars. This is his main goal for the next time, to improve his strength and prepare to fight against Zongzong’s offensive. Obviously unfavorable.

On the contrary, instead of killing the other side as it is now, it only reveals some strength to make the other side be deterred, and dare not easily do it right. It is the most cost-effective way to give Zuo Zhicheng more time to collect life plexes, condense Martial Arts True Meaning, and become stronger.

So Zuo Zhicheng once again looked at Zhao Xingzhou and the others, and then Shi Ran walked over.

One step … two steps … three steps …

Zuo Zhicheng’s side seemed to have an invisible force field. Everywhere he went, all the soldiers automatically gave way. Zhao Xingzhou and the others who stood at the forefront did not let go, but both bowed their heads, like a stone statue. Dare not to change anything.

Until Zuo Zhicheng walked past them, Zhao Xingzhou didn’t say a word.

But his face was overcast. The blue veins exploded, as if the demons in the ground crawled out. Reveals infinite crickets and terrifying.

Zuo Zhicheng’s steps are on the ground, but in his heart, it feels like the other person’s feet are stepping on his self-esteem, one foot and one foot, crushing his self-esteem.

However, when it was normal, Zuo Zhicheng suddenly turned his head and looked towards Ye Junxi, indifferently said: “Yes, Ye Sect Master, remember our appointment? Two months later, I was in Haijing Waiting for the ride. “

After hearing Zuo Zhicheng’s words, Ye Junxi was pale, as if he died father and mother. He even scolded Zuo Zhicheng 1000 times and XNUMX times, but now he is so embarrassed by the eyes. Zuo Zhi begged for mercy. In my heart, I regretted the fight with Zuo Zhicheng.

His chest kept rising and falling, as if trying to say something ruthless, but when he came into contact with Zuo Zhicheng’s cold eyes, he couldn’t say a word.

And all around Huang Biao, Mu Yuanying and the others had very strange eyes. They looked at Ye Junxi as if they were saying, “brother, are you okay with your brain? Fight with this monster?”

However, no one still had any objection to Zuo Zhicheng’s statement, all watching him quietly.

So in this silence, Zuo Zhicheng gradually disappeared into the sight of the crowd, and until he disappeared, no one dared to speak or act.

After he disappeared, many talents deeply put out a breath, Ye Junxi’s face was already dark, and the fight two months later was almost the same as the death penalty.

And Zhao Xingzhou also felt that he relaxed all of a sudden, leaving a lot of cold sweat behind his back.

Every move involved the spirit of everyone present, and Zuo Zhicheng is now as powerful as he is.

However, Zhao Xingzhou felt his own action, but his anger was more severe, which means that no matter how he did not admit it, his * and his instinct were very afraid of Zuo Zhicheng and his opponent’s strength.

He was instinctively afraid of the other party, which was hard to accept for Zhao Xingzhou, but now Zuo Zhicheng’s strength is completely above him, so that he has to accept if he doesn’t accept it.

His face was flushed, and his roots were blue. After Zuo Zhicheng disappeared, he suddenly roared, and the stun gun slammed into the ground, as if it were a large iron pile. The dust on the ground was flying. Even the entire gun snapped into two.


Zhao Xingzhou roared, and led everyone to leave in the opposite direction left by Zuo Zhicheng. In comparison, the spirit of the moment is very embarrassing.

Ten days later, Zuo Zhicheng defeated Yan Mo Holy Son, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with hundreds of Hell Sect between his fingers, and a few words forced the retreat of Zhao Xingzhou and the others to coax the whole new continent.

Basically all the dark world, the people in the martial arts, knew the King of the Snake of the Shadow Corps, a martial arts Taoism, and became the Peak powerhouse of the new continuous hot enough to scald one’s hands.

Zuo Zhicheng’s prestige spread all of a sudden. Even the indigenous peoples in the west knew the Great Qi in the east. One of them was called the King of Snakes. Support the army.

Even the not-so-famous Xinlu dojo association, and Haoran dojo, all became very lively at once, and all the young people who wanted to achieve something and want to be as powerful as the King of Snakes came here on a long journey. I want to one day become as powerful as the King of Snakes.

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