Silent Killing

Chapter 324

With this finger popping out, Du Gufeng chuckled, lifted his left hand, and rolled back with a force of black spirit, with a twisted will, the ghost of hell, and Life Reincarnation. Come.

There was a hint of confusion in Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes. It seemed that in a moment, he had become a lion, a tiger, a little tadpole, a prostitute, and a cook. There was no time in a second. It seems that there are countless people’s life experiences flashed in his mind.

However, no matter what kind of life or fate, it was finally washed by a terrifying cold, and finally frozen and shattered.

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes also cleared for a while, looked towards Du Gufeng on the opposite side, and saw Du Gufeng’s complexion turned back to normal, but he just said: “It’s so cool, it’s like eating in summer Like shaved ice. “

Zuo Zhicheng is frowned, and the other side understands the power of his Soul-Freezing Cold Light sword more and more.

Du Gufeng saw Zuo Zhicheng frown, and said, “You want to use my Hell Sect martial arts and use my mind to hone your Martial Dao will, but also let me understand your martial arts, you This Cold Light Fluctuation Sword, although the formidable power is huge, is too straight forward and the content is not deep. I’m afraid it won’t take me long to fully understand him. “

“Hmph, then you try it.” Then, Zuo Zhicheng’s right hand lifted again, and a heart-like beating sounded. With the flow of countless blood, the entire palm seemed to grow in size in an instant. With a wave of killing intent and cold, like moving into a Cold Ice Hell, moved towards Du Gufeng shrouded in the past.

“Good.” Du Gufeng eyes shined. With the same heartbeat, the two moods of life and death are mixed together. With the powerful power of Nirvana, the same trick of Hell Nirvana shot in the past.

There was a crackling sound, the palms of the two touched, and a breeze swept past, sweeping the entire stone room.

Zuo Zhicheng had a feeling of returning to his mother’s womb and living again, but just as he was about to sink into this imagination, the cold chill erupted in his mind. Sweep all the illusions and illusions.

Du Gufeng on the opposite side said slowly with a wine-tasting expression: “Nice and good, just over half a month of kung fu, you have already practiced this move Hell Nirvana to this extent, and you have been added to it That blood-strength technique mixes your own ice mood in your mind and mood.

Do you want to combine your martial arts with Hell Sect’s martial arts to create a Cold Ice Hell? But now it seems that the flaws are still very large, too many weak spots. “

“Martial arts. Of course, constant modification is necessary to make a perfect Perfection.” Zuo Zhicheng said as it should be by rights: “I will borrow your realm cultivation base to hone my will, so why not borrow this time? Trial. Suffering to unlock your potential. “

“Hehehehe, well said, then let’s see who we succeed first, this time if I can return to Void Refining, the first one will kill you.”

Zuo Zhicheng sneered, and once again took out his claws, but this time it was the cold currents rolling, all ghosts crying, Hell Sect’s ghosts of the ghosts. It can be said that among the many marial arts of Hell Sect, it is most in line with his original martial arts. He knows best.

Sure enough, this claw shot, Du Gufeng’s eyes shined. However, he did not use claws to claws, but pointed out his sword fingers. With the rhythm of bones, he moved with a lingering chill towards Myriad Ghosts Profound Nether Claw of Zuo Zhicheng.

He turned out to have confronted countless times with Zuo Zhicheng, and he also learned Flicking Thunder Ice in the cold light sword of the other side, and also added his own Martial Dao artistic conception.

One claw and one finger smashed together, turning into thousands of afterimages in a blink of an eye, sending out a series of crunchy sounds, the collision of fleshy body, the collision of Martial Dao’s will, the impact of the power of mind, each of them was using each other’s martial arts to sharpen their martial arts, and in the exchanges, they are getting stronger and more pure.

Just like a polished gemstone, it becomes more and more bright and shiny, and each one keeps accumulating his own martial arts Dao Scripture experience, until finally turning the cocoon into a butterfly, breaking through the limit.

Zuo Zhicheng kept fighting with Yan Mo until his power of the mind became a bit dry, and he felt that his power of the mind was continuously sharpened by the sharpening stone, becoming more and more sharp.

When he stood up, he said nothing, left a few psionic fruits, and pushed the door directly away. It is naturally impossible for him to tell Du Gufeng that he will leave for a while, so as not to cause the other party to have some thoughts that should not be.

However, he did not just leave directly, but came to a room outside the courtyard on the ground. The tiger in the room leaned on the wall obliquely. Since the last time Ghost Weeping Valley returned, he was suffering from mental problems. The trauma of this became like this.

During the time when Zuo Zhicheng left, he was handed over to his servants to take care of him. The other person’s fleshhy body has been checked many times without any problems. The main problem is mental and psychological problems.

So after he walked over, he just said, “Ahu, do you remember me?”

The other person’s eyes were confused, as if nothing had changed, he just looked at the wall in front of him silly.

Zuo Zhicheng’s heart moved, and he suddenly pressed his palm against the opponent’s forehead. There was no trace of it. The strength of the mind was so weak that he stimulated the opponent’s mind. Until then, Ahu raised his head and looked at left Zhicheng’s face.

‘Hell Sect’s martial arts, is it really effective? ‘Zuo Zhicheng muttered:’ In that case, when I reach Law Manifestation realm, you should be able to heal your trauma, but even if the treatment is not good at that time, when you reach Void Refining realm, you will be able to reverse your mind and memory. And even reshape your personality and heal you completely. ‘

Zuo Zhicheng originally wanted Yan Mo Holy Son to help Ahu treat, but during this time, he still felt uncomfortable. Yan Mo Holy Son This person is too dangerous. If the other party leaves a secret door in Ahu’s heart during treatment, it will be a huge threat to everyone here.

Zuo Zhicheng shook the head and turned to leave. Without saying goodbye to anyone, he left Haijing City.

The work of collecting Ming Cong here has been taught to Xu Hongfei. The study of human body transformation and Martial Dao cultivation has temporarily reached a bottleneck. There is no way to rush. He is going out now, and plans to spend about half a month, but for another Two things.

‘It’s time to collect some new seeds. ‘Zuo Zhicheng looked at the direction of the western border line:’ Hope there, there will be good good seedlings. ‘

Zuo Zhicheng’s mind flashed through the information brought back by Xu Hongfei, where the four major Legions and the indigenous peoples fought the most.

When he went out this time, one was to see if he could collect a few more available talents. On the other hand, he was looking for some ancient beasts with life clusters based on some ancient beast rumors.

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