Silent Killing

Chapter 355

“Playing with wind in front of me, can only say that you are courting death!”

With the words after the wind, the rolling black clouds raged along with the strong wind again, and shouted over Zuo Zhicheng’s body. Various fragments, explosions, poison, iron sand enveloped Zuo Zhicheng, it seemed to Strangle every piece of his meat into a powder.

However, when the black clouds slowly dispersed, only a huge black bone ball left in place completely wrapped Zuo Zhicheng’s fleshy body, which was the shape caused by the continuous growth of Blackbone layers.

Zuo Zhicheng inside the bone ball crossed his knees on the ground, and the dark and stinky blood kept flowing from his nose and mouth.

‘Awesome poison, even my current physique, has been made like this. ‘

‘Although I can’t die, I can no longer explode like I just did. I can only rely on Blackbone for the time being. ‘

Without strong physical motivation, his other Taos could not attack the wind in this vast sandstorm, and passive defense seemed to be the only means.

Outside the bone, the sound of the wind came slowly: “Zuo Zhicheng, aren’t you surrendering?”

“Actually, your strength is beyond my expectation. Unfortunately, you have used wind, wind. I am too familiar with it.”

After the wind, I saw the bone spurs from Zuo Zhicheng’s body at the first glance, and then the compressed air spewed, and I immediately understood the counterpart’s theory. Of course, she used psionic vision at that time. Although her psionic vision was not as delicate as Sun Feibai’s, it was enough to see these details.

When Zuo Zhicheng exploded for the second time, she realized the weakness of this move.

That is, a lot of air needs to be absorbed into the body at all times, and where her prosthesis is, there are many air streams carrying water droplets to keep turning to distort the position of the light.

Attacking directly with poisonous sand is too obvious and will be dodged or scattered by the opponent.

So she secretly released a lot of poisonous poison qi in this fake body. When Zuo Zhicheng came here, he no longer carried a lot of throughput at all times, and used the Azure Azure Mist Zuo Zhicheng. Instantly inhaled a lot of poisonous poison qi, which caused poisoning.

Looking at Zuo Zhicheng who wrapped himself in a bone ball. After the wind giggled and laughed, peach-like eyes, releasing a fox-like cunning expression.

As her fingers waved continuously, there was a disturbing breath in the air, and she saw countless blacks representing ominous, gathered under a whirlwind like Dragon Scroll Wind.

Iron sand, poisonous sand. Gunpowder is like a drill bit. It is constantly rotated by the wind, and the source of the rotation is aligned with the position of Zuo Zhicheng’s bone ball.

The thick cyclone absorbed endless black material, as well as various kinds of sand, mud, and stones, like eyes born in a Doomsday, and aimed at Zuo Zhicheng’s position.

This is tantamount to constant rotation at the speed of sound, with an explosion. Super weapon with scattering and cutting effects. It is another trick to kill after the wind, the eye of disaster.

Seeing the power of the eye of disaster growing. all around All the walls, houses, people and animals around hundreds or even 1000 meters are shredded and rolled in, and the sound of the wind is getting colder and colder.

“Zuo Zhicheng, I finally ask you, do you admit defeat? Your strength is already very strong, but there is still a gap compared with us, and why should we compete for a short time.

As long as you follow my orders this time to lure King Hunt together. Not only does it not die, it also benefits you.

As long as you surrender all Magical Treasure now. Dismiss all Tao art martial arts and enter the eyes of disaster by yourself. I can let you go. When she said this, there was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the wind. She also had to admire Zuo Zhicheng. At this age, she already had this strength.

However, Zuo Zhicheng, who was tempted to lure the bone ball by her intimidation, was unmoved, but said coldly, “Do you think I will believe you? The moment I surrender Magical Treasure, I will directly Are you beheaded? “

A person who yells, screams, and uses force to force himself to be a bait, how can Zuo Zhicheng believe her words.

After the wind sneered a few times: “hmph, you are smart, since it is so, it is even more impossible to keep you.

There are not hundreds of geniuses who have died in my hands, there are dozens of them, not many of you. “In the middle of an act, the eye of disaster will be shot at Zuo Zhicheng.

And Zuo Zhicheng in the bone ball has returned to the size of 1.8 m. He closed his eyes tightly, squeezed Sun & Moon Seal with one hand, and held Heavenly River Pearl with the other. Keep pouring in and feel the power of Void Refining.

He turned out to want to launch Heavenly River Pearl to motivate Tianhe and Void Refining forces to attack the wind.

According to common sense, Heavenly River Pearl’s mental power is part of this Magical Treasure itself. No matter how users use Heavenly River Pearl, it is impossible to directly borrow the power in it.

What’s more, although Zuo Zhicheng has learned from Heavenly River Pearl’s sacrifice method from Bai Yixin’s mouth, these days have just been sacrifice, and he is not familiar with its characteristics at all.

However, Zuo Zhicheng constantly felt the power of the mind during this time, and he could only break through Law Manifestation by condensing Martial Arts True Meaning.

And constantly comprehend the Void Refining power of Sun & Moon Seal, and also feel a little familiar with the power of Void Refining in Heavenly River Pearl, and understand deeper how terrifying power it has.

So now, he has pinned his hopes on Heavenly River Pearl.

Because his fleshy body is poisoned and unable to fight, neither Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire nor Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral can break through after heavy sandstorms hit the wind, or even because of sandstorms, he cannot pass the way of twisting the light path. Judge the other person’s true identity.

The vow of evil is only the hostility of the person behind the wind, and he can not make a severe attack at all. The other magical Treasures such as the white star Bone Blade and Spirit Light Sword, let alone Taoism, ca n’t wait for the wind.

As for the Sihai pot that was recently seized, Zuo Zhicheng has not been able to sacrifice him.

At this moment like the mountains and rivers are running out of water, Zuo Zhicheng can only pin his hopes on the cooperation of Sun & Moon Seal and Heavenly River Pearl and delay the time by continuously launching the Sun & Moon Seal to inspire Void Refining in Heavenly River Pearl. power.

I saw a blast of disaster in the sky, and the carrier was enough to destroy a whole town. It fell into Zuo Zhicheng like a meteor from the sky, a turbulent air stream, flying iron sand, gunpowder, poison sand, and There are all kinds of stones, boards, bricks.

It’s like a variety of crossbows, bullets, and shells with infinite formidable power, hitting Zuo Zhicheng.

The bone ball only collapsed for more than ten seconds, and Zuo Zhicheng’s body was pierced by countless iron sand in an instant …

This is the moment before the eyes of disaster raged, Zuo Zhicheng saw through the Sun & Moon Seal, and Zuo Zhicheng saw this scene, and launched Heavenly River Pearl and used Heavenly River Water. I wrapped my body safely.

As if wrapped in a protective film, Zuo Zhicheng was completely engulfed by the Eye of Disaster, and its cyclone continued to hit Zuo Zhicheng’s body, but as long as he touched Heavenly River inspired by Heavenly River Pearl Water was immediately decayed into the most common air and dust.

Repeated warnings from Sun & Moon Seal, control Heavenly River Pearl again and again to adjust strength and defend the eyes of disaster.

Zuo Zhicheng has seen his death countless times, and his mental power is also deepening in Heavenly River Pearl, but Heavenly River Water in Heavenly River Pearl is also rapidly consumed.

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