Silent Killing

Chapter 357

In the real world, Heavenly River Pearl in Zuo Zhicheng’s hands exploded with a bang, scattered into countless pieces moved towards all around. At the same time, a mass of white power emerged frantically from Zuo Zhicheng’s palm. This was Tianhe’s Old Ancestor Prominent Saint-level True Yuan, and the spirit of Zuo Zhicheng rushed out.

Void Refining realm is that the power of the mind is strong enough to transform into a True Yuan that is enough to affect the real world. Even after this power is exposed, it can be directly seen by the naked eye of the person, instead of being like the power of the mind, it can only be felt but not visible.

Seeing and touching, this is Prominent Saint of Void Refining realm.

And in this one, Zuo Zhicheng opened his eyes, and a full foot of divine light skyrocketed. Obviously it was just Tianhe Old Ancestor’s various memories, experiences, and martial arts that were injected into his mind. Let him add the infinite Wu Dao Scripture experience in a flash.

This also allowed him to understand his current situation in an instant, he was equivalent to a middle class, and inherited the legacy of multi-millionaires.

If Mortal Manifestation masters are middle class, then Void Refining Prominent Saint is a multimillionaire. However, although Zuo Zhicheng got the power left by Heaven Anhestor in Heavenly River Pearl, and also gained some martial arts experience, he is still a master of Mortal Manifestation.

Because reading memory does not mean understanding, and possession of wealth does not mean that you can recreate wealth.

This is equivalent to the fact that he can use that part of True Yuan, but he can’t generate it himself, and he can’t perform many wonderful functions. But even this is very powerful, because before this part of True Yuan is exhausted, he has a part of the power of Void Refining master.

Just when he opened his eyes and the dive light skyrocketed, Heavenly River Water was exhausted, and the eye of disaster was pressed down fiercely. It is necessary to completely tear Zuo Chengcheng’s body into pieces.

Facing the blow from heaven shaking earth shattering, Zuo Zhicheng’s face remained unchanged, and he punched directly into the sky above his head. With this throws a punch, ripples came from the air. An extremely violent force poured out with Zuo Zhicheng’s this fist moved towards Eye of Disaster.

That is the True Yuan of Tianhe Old Ancestor. This white True Yuan is like a real storm. It is moved towards the eyes of the disaster in front of you. Wherever you go, all kinds of iron sand, poisonous sand, and gunpowder are directly Collapsed, and even the air was forcibly squeezed. Crushing and turning into hurricanes moved towards all around.

With one punch, the entire sky is clear, and the eyes of disaster disappear under this fist. This fist is like an unstoppable hegemony with the collapse of everything.

This is that Zuo Zhicheng only has the power of True Yuan, and there is no realm of Void Refining. Otherwise, if you can condense all kinds of psionic energy in the real world through the force field of True Yuan. formidable power is even more powerful.

“14 punches.” Zuo Zhicheng passed through this calculation in a flash of lightning: “This True Yuan is full of energy, which is enough for me to perform 14 punches like this. Unfortunately, my mental power can direct up to so many True Yuan in one breath, otherwise it is directly After punching can kill the wind “

Think of it here. Without the slightest hesitation, he raised a pair of fists and shot two punches at the place where the storm was most rapid all around.

Boom bang bang bang bang! This one is like igniting countless bombs. With one punch, True Yuan blows away everywhere, everything collapses, everything is shredded and squeezed out, it ’s like taking A rubber eraser erased the typeface from the paper one after another.

With just two consecutive punches, the entire Doomsday storm was completely destroyed. The storm in the sky was completely broken, because the air currents that make up the wind were directly squeezed out. How does the storm exist?

Countless iron sand, poisonous sand. All kinds of corpses, debris, and sand fell from the air, and the eyes after the wind shone, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the layer of milky True Yuan wrapped in Zuo Zhicheng’s fist. Is it possible? How is it possible? You have achieved Void Refining realm? And you have just achieved Void Refining realm, so powerful? How is this possible? “

Her eyes were already full of unbelief, and Zuo Zhicheng, who broke through the Doomsday storm with one punch, also looked towards the wind, and the white beam of light emitted from the lightning eyes pierced the body directly after the wind.

The recent Doomsday wind disaster and the eye of disaster were completely destroyed by three consecutive punches by Zuo Zhicheng, and the air around all became a turbulent flow without a master, which also made it impossible to create a prosthetic effect through the airflow after the wind.

Even so, when the lightning eyes swept through the neck of the wind, it was found that the white light had completely deflected. It is as if there is a special layer of invisible medium around the wind.

It is the golden building of the Magical Treasure Sea Tower after the wind. This gold building is transparent and colorless, but as thin as gold sand and light as cold wings. After being put on the body, it is not only impervious to sword or spear, but also able to reverse light, almost completely outside Isolated.

Staying in it is like staying in a glass house that is bulletproof, explosion-proof and deflects the perspective. This is the Magical Treasure that always stays away after the wind. Feeling Zuo Zhicheng’s attack, there was a slight baleful qi flashing in the eyes after the wind, but before she said anything, Zuo Zhicheng aimed at him with a palm and directly sent a Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire.

However, the thunder-fire recharge time was still a little longer, and a storm was released directly after the wind, and the whole person moved towards the sky and flew away.

Zuo Zhicheng then pointed out, Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral launched, but this sea floor gold building did not know what was done, it hardened to the extreme, Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral could only penetrate a little bit, Just let a little blood flow out of the corner of the mouth after the wind, and flew into the sky.

She flew directly to the altitude of several hundred meters, and a dragon of winds swept out of her within the body, bringing up all around the atmosphere, a regret flashed in her eyes, looking at the left Zhicheng said, “Zuo Zhicheng, since you never thought you would be born, now that you have the same level of power as us, I will naturally not persecute you anymore. Why not stop?”

She felt True Yuan’s sudden outburst from Zuo Zhicheng, and she did not want to fight with the other party, that would suffer both sides and even fall directly.

After the wind, there was a faint regret in his heart, and he regretted that he had oppressed Zuo Zhicheng too hard, so that he could grow up again under extreme pressure. But after all, she was the newest continent, and this regret flashed a little, and she was suppressed.

But she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart: ‘After this battle, there will be one more enemy in the future, but it is a pity …’

After hearing her proposal, Zuo Zhicheng did not say a word, and punched again after facing the wind in the sky.

“It’s too late to say this now.”

Zuo Zhicheng now possesses True Yuan, and he could have performed 15 punches. But I just went to the third boxer, and now I have 12 boxers left. Of course, he cannot use these 12 punches casually, so after breaking the Doomsday disaster, Zuo Zhicheng did not continue to use this Void Refining level of power.

However, now that Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire and lightning eyes have failed to kill the wind immediately, the night has long dreams. The other party tried to use any means to escape, letting him waste the previous three punches. Zuo Zhicheng now simply once again Bring up the power of True Yuan, do one endlessly, and stop the wind directly with the strongest force.

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