Silent Killing

Chapter 360

Seven days later, Haijing, the underground laboratory.

From time to time in the dark space, the sound of flesh and blood and the friction of skeletons are heard. The flickering sound of flesh and blood is like a big bell in a temple ringing, and the friction between skeleton and skeleton is more like a steel bar, emitting a little bit of metal sparks.

What can cause this kind of momentum is naturally Tiancheng King Zuo Zhicheng, who is hiding in the underground laboratory to adapt to the Inner Strength and Heavenly Armor transplanted in these two days.

These two types of life, a reinforcement of internal organs and an enhanced Blackbone, can both strengthen Zuo Zhicheng’s physical strength and increase his explosive power again. But because they are acting in key parts of the human body, Zuo Zhicheng must adapt cautiously. Any negligence may lead to organ rejection and even death.

Slowly adapting to the two new powers within the body, Zuo Zhicheng sat up from the operating table little by little, and when he opened his palm, he heard a gurgling sound, a black bone blade from He bounced out of the palm of his hand, and the bony blade looked smooth and incomparable, as if it was a one-piece, naturally generated.

This is a new strengthened skeleton created by Heavenly Armor in cooperation with Blackbone. In order to complete this skeleton, Zuo Zhicheng has consumed a lot of precious metals and various Taoist materials these days.

After all, even if you have a life clump, you have to have materials, otherwise it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The structure of the skeleton has not changed much, but the mixture of different materials makes him a super-alloy-like existence, and the hardness and ductility are greatly improved.

Zuo Zhicheng touched the faint scar on his back, and thought to himself: “The * aspect has also been adapted almost. Although there are still some small flaws, but there is not so much time, then the turn and the virtual mirror are started. Start the practice of Yellow Springs Sky. “

Pressing the scar on the back with your finger, Zuo Zhicheng suddenly looked towards the direction of the laboratory exit, about half a minute later. Xu Hongfei walked over cautiously.

“Sir … is that you?”

Zuo Zhicheng looked cautiously, and Xu Hongfei was covered with metal all over his body. There was a hint of unsatisfactory satisfaction deep in the eyes, coldly said: “It’s a bit cautious, but in this case, you still have to speak out after you have the overall picture.”

When speaking the first half of the sentence, Zuo Zhicheng was still sitting on the operating table, and when speaking the second half of the sentence, with a cold wind blowing, Zuo Zhicheng had come behind Xu Hongfei. The words spoke with a chill on the back of the other’s head.

“When …” Xu Hongfei felt the pressure of suffocation, but he was already accustomed to the pressure when Zuo Zhicheng faced, and just bowed his head and said, “Master, you are finally back.”

“Well.” Zuo Zhicheng swept the other person’s body slightly with infrared vision, nodded: “It’s hard work, why did you come here? I didn’t arrange related tasks?”

It turned out that Zuo Zhicheng went to the laboratory without telling anyone, just in case. He intends to wait until the life-cluster transplantation is completed before appearing in the eyes of everyone.

Hear what Zuo Zhicheng said. Xu Hongfei answered honestly: “I’m worried that the laboratory will not be used for a long time, and it will be too dirty and dusty, so I come in and clean it once a week.”

In response to Xu Hongfei. It was silent like death, and I couldn’t hear any sound. Only after Xu Hongfei began to doubt whether Zuo Zhicheng had left, the other person said indifferently: “I think you are interested, tell me what happened during this time . “

“Yes.” During the current period when Xu Hongfei left Zuo Zhicheng XNUMX, including him, A Yue, and later Ji Nanxian and Ye Shi. The situation of Sun Feibai and the others, as well as personal training.

Speaking of Ayue. He couldn’t help paused and said, “Sir. I heard Jiang Qing Master say that A Yue is not congenital, is this true?”

Zuo Zhicheng squinted at him and said, “Yes, do you have any questions?”

Xu Hongfei was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, “I just … if he is not congenital, why should he participate in physical training with us, no matter how hard he can practice, we can’t reach our level? He is now the second-to-last everyday, only Sun Feibai is worse than him.

Now he wants to practice all by himself until 12 pm, and I worry that if he goes on so hard, his body will collapse. “

“Is he dead?”


“With Shen An’an, there are so many supplements, medicine ingredients and Spiritual Pill, he can’t die.” Zuo Zhicheng said in an indifferent tone: “Some people’s lives are inherently worthless, so this kind of person The biggest innate talent is desperate.

Physical training, strengthening his physiique is only secondary, and honing his will is the purpose. “

Xu Hongfei’s head went down deeply and said, “I understand.”

“What about Sun Feibai?” Zuo Zhicheng asked, “How is his performance?” The blind teenager Sun Feibai has the innate talent that even Zuo Zhicheng feels jealous. The growth of this teenager is his concern.

“Feibai wasn’t congenital, so every day training was at the bottom.” Speaking here, Xu Hongfei smiled bitterly: “But he is lazy, I don’t worry about him.

When he first came over, he still cried at night, but now it’s cooked. It’s delicious and delicious every day. It looks quite happy. “

Zuo Zhicheng is nodded, and Sun Feibai is a child with no sense of heart and lack of sharpening. Although Jiang Qing will teach them, it is impossible for her experience in dojo to train as hard as Zuo Zhicheng or A Yue.

“By the way, Qingyue Young Lady also sent a document from the grassland.”

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes flickered, and he immediately understood that it was probably the Quite who sent him information about the Totem warriors.

Next, Zuo Zhicheng listened to the situation of other people during this time, and there were no extra problems. Then he waved his hand and said, “Okay, you go out first and give me the information sent by Azure Moon Hill. , And then don’t come in during this time.

Also, I will be in the lab next time, but you do n’t tell others. “

Speaking of this, Zuo Zhicheng suddenly flashed his eyes, pointed to a box of medicine pill on the table and said, “This is Shengsheng Good Fortune Dan, you take soaked hot water daily, don’t forget to take it before, Let Shen An’an check if there are any problems.

If he asks where you come from, tell him that I gave you a reward. “

“I understand.”

“Go.” Zuo Zhicheng waved his hand, and Xu Hongfei slowly backed out.

In the darkness, the sound of various tool collisions, flesh and blood, and blood jets sounded again. In the snake cave behind the laboratory, the Pluto snake swallowed the snake letter, turned over his body, and fell asleep again.

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