Silent Killing

Chapter 362

Feeling the situation in the imaginary space, Zuo Zhicheng immediately discovered that gas, especially air, is colorless and tasteless, which is more difficult to grasp.

But this is also because he hasn’t mastered it for a long time and needs more practice.

Through the absorption ability of the mouth of Yellow Spring, it is enough to form a strong defense. For example, if facing the wind again now, Zuo Zhicheng Guangguang can directly absorb the opponent’s disaster eye by virtue of the mouth of Yellow Spring. In order to break this trick.

The mouth of Yellow Spring can be said to be Zuo Zhicheng’s most powerful defensive Taoism now.

As for the attack, Zuo Zhicheng picked up a knife with his left hand, and moved towards his right hand and pierced it, but the moment the blade was about to pierce the mouth of Yellow Spring, the space was distorted, and the whole knife was sucked in. Into the imaginary space.

Then Zuo Zhicheng raised his right hand, pointed Yellow Spring’s mouth to the wall, and began to communicate the small knife in the imaginary space.

The next second, the knife shot out of his palm and pierced the wall in front of him straight. The entire blade was submerged into the wall, leaving only a tail section and shaking outside.

Matter enters into the imaginary space and comes out of the imaginary space with almost no change. In this case, speed is naturally included in the night. What speed did the knife enter before, and still at what speed after it came out.

There is a lot to be used in this area, not to mention all kinds of gunpowder, crossbow, poison, blades, and even water, fire, electricity and other substances.

Therefore, as long as the Taoism at the mouth of Yellow Spring is properly prepared, it is not only an excellent defense Taoism, but also an all-encompassing attack Taoism.

Zuo Zhicheng looked at the mouth of Yellow Spring in the palm of his hand with satisfaction, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. A variety of tactics had been born in his mind, but he had to plan carefully. In order to cooperate with his other martial arts Taoism, the mouth of Yellow Spring can be maximized.

This will again take a long time to prepare.


Early the next morning, it was almost six o’clock. Ah Yue had already climbed up silently, and across the bed was a sleeping Xu Hongfei.

Almost every morning. He was the first one to get up, brush his teeth and wash his face, and then ran into the courtyard to practice.

First, I did a simple movement to loosen my muscles, and then I did a variety of physical training.

‘My training time is twice that of them. ‘

‘I’m training all day with the most extreme intensity. Even when I was sleeping, my body hurt my bones. ‘

‘But … it’s better than them. ‘

The flame seemed to be burning in his eyes, and the thought that no matter how hard he worked, he couldn’t work harder than those people, even the eight-year-old Ji Nanxian was practicing Martial Arts Legacy. A little bit more than myself.

A Yue felt a flame burning in her heart. He suddenly remembered the words Zuo Zhicheng once said. Obviously, these little ghosts on his side, everyone’s innate talent is better than him.

After half tired, a sneer sounded behind him. A Yue’s frowned, looking back, it really is that indigenous person called Ye Shi.

After seeing Yue Yue, Ye Shi just sneered and said nothing.

Soon after one by one, Ji Nanxian walked around with a large bowl of steamed buns: “Brother A Yue, you got up so early today. It’s hard. Give you steamed buns.”

“Feibai, get up, I won’t leave you food if you don’t get up again.”

“Xu big brother is early.”

Ji Nanxian is like a bird of chirp chirp twitter twitter. Flying around everyone, and looking at her, it seemed to have a good relationship with everyone. Even the most bitter and hateful Ye Shi and A Yue would pull the corners of their mouths when facing her.

After all, since this time, almost everything in the yard, such as tea and water, cleaning and other things have been rushed to do.

At this moment, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly opened, and the wearing dust Zuo Zhicheng walked in step by step.

Xu Hongfei first responded: “Sir. You are back.”

Sun Fei laughed, “Big brother, you are back.”

Ji Nanxian ran to Zuo Zhicheng immediately as if the cat had trampled his tail. With a respectful face, he said, “Sir, let me help you get things.”

As for Ye Shi and A Yue. They just looked at Zuo Zhicheng with both eyes, but did not speak.

At the same time, a dark shadow emerged from the depths of the courtyard and came directly to Zuo Zhicheng and hugged him. But the hug only lasted for a while, Jiang Qing stepped back with a little embarrassment, explaining in his mouth: “Azuo, I heard about you on the grassland, and it was said that King Hante had led the team to chase Kill you, are you okay? “

There was a rare smile on Zuo Zhicheng’s face: “I’m fine, where did you hear the news?”

“Now the entire city of Haijing has been spread, saying that you alone went deep into the grassland, and killed the three Totem warriors of the Khan tribe, and the First Prince Mona Lu of the Khan tribe.

Later King Hunt hunted and killed you personally. If you come back a few days later, I will go to the prairie to find you. “

Then Zuo Zhicheng asked a few more words, and it turned out that the ordinary person didn’t know what happened after Yushi and the wind. If you think about it, it ’s just enough that the Magical Treasure is taken away and the person is repelled. It ’s enough to lose face, how could it be revealed.

And after the wind oppressed himself with force, it was the most naked internal fight, and it was impossible to say.

“Rest assured Senior Sister, they can’t take care of me,” Zuo Zhicheng said, “this time you worked hard.”

“No … nothing.” Jiang Qing said uncomfortably.

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “Senior Sister, please help them with today’s training, I’m going to take a rest.” Then, he turned his head and looked towards those few ghosts and said, “After finishing Shen An’an Dissection class in the afternoon You all come to the yard. Starting today, this time of day is when I will teach you one hour. “


Zuo Zhicheng glanced at them again, then laughed at Jiang Qing and left.

After a while, Ji Nanxian pulled Jiang Qing’s sleeve and laughed hehe and said, “Qing elder sister, everyone is gone. What else do you look at?”

“Little devil, there are so many things for you.” Jiang Qing pointed to Ji Nanxian’s forehead: “I’m not ready to train anymore.” Obviously, during this time, Ji Nanxian had become familiar with Jiang Qing by virtue of his goodness, understanding and cuteness.

However, even after she started training, her pair of dark and bright eyes still stared at Zuo Zhicheng’s back without knowing what she was thinking.

It can be said that in addition to Ayue’s intensive training, everyone in the mind was thinking about Zuo Zhicheng’s words and the silhouette he walked past, but they were thinking differently that’s all.

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