Silent Killing

Chapter 366

What Zuo Zhicheng wants to teach Ji Nanxian is naturally some simple physical chemistry knowledge related to Taoism. Taoism, unlike martial arts, requires a variety of knowledge to be used properly. After all, it is like the simpler Flame Cave plexus. If it is only used to set fire, it is not as good as a torch.

But through various Taoist materials and various environmental terrains, it can release amazing formidable power. And this requires flexible brains and rich knowledge.

And Zuo Zhicheng can’t teach him too much in this hour. At most, he can enlighten that’s all. If he really wants to learn, he still has to rely on Ji Nanxian himself.

In this way, after one week of study, Zuo Zhicheng can see her innate talent in this area. The other person ’s Martial Dao innate talent is not bad. If he is struggling in physical chemistry and then does not show any other special innate talent, Zuo Zhicheng will not plan to transplant her life for the time being.

Let her focus on Martial Dao first, and then focus on teaching Martial Arts Legacy every time. While speaking, Zuo Zhicheng’s mental strength fluctuated constantly, spreading a majestic, willful, cold thought to Ji Nanxian.

Starting from his one-to-one teaching himself, the other party will naturally become stronger and stronger, and of course such people also need certain control methods.

Medicine is the next strategy. Zuo Zhicheng is now using his Mortal Manifestation realm’s spiritual cultivation base to influence the other party with Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture. Of course, he didn’t train the other side into his own Avatar like Holy Son made External Body Incarnation.

Instead, he injects his own majesty, terrifying, and powerfully into the other person’s heart, planting an image of invincibility and defiantness in the other person’s mind. For a little girl who is only eight years old and Qi Practitioner Great Accomplishment has failed. This is naturally very simple.

In the future, Zuo Zhicheng will do this for every student who has taught him one-on-one, which can be regarded as some preventive measures.

Time passed quickly. Ji Nanxian, who was first exposed to this knowledge, was serious and hardworking, but after all, she was only eight years old. There are a lot of ligatures I don’t know. After an hour of studying, I’m basically dizzy and listen to Heavenly Book.

Zuo Zhicheng shook the head, after all, the other party was still a little younger. Taoism is not the same as martial arts. Martial arts is of course best practiced from a young age, but Taoism is a matter of literacy. Learning texts, experimenting with various kinds of learning, but not as small as possible.

A lot of knowledge is incomprehensible without certain wisdom. Ji Nanxian, who is only eight years old, obviously has a great disadvantage in this regard.

Zuo Zhicheng said, “Well, I’ll teach you here today. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask Shen An’an and take the test at this place next week. Do you have any questions?”

Ji Nanxian thought about it and asked, “Master, Martial Dao and Daoshu. Which is great?”

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes moved slightly, looking towards Ji Nanxian said: “martial path, first emphasis on temperament. Close-kill first. If you sneak into the Taoist sneak attack, the success rate is very high.

On the other hand, Taoism is something weird and often beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It also has psionic vision. If you want to sneak into them next to their true body, the chance is very small.

Therefore, if the two are fighting, it is to see if the martial artist can crack the opponent’s Taoism. If it can, the martial artist wins, if not. The monk wins.

As for martial arts, Taoism is strong and weak, I can only say. The martial artist is trained to the highest realm, and he should be able to kill whoever he wants. But Taoism practiced to the highest realm. I’m afraid it can change the world. “


Under a small hill in the north of Haijing City, a team of soldiers and horses were transporting supplies. A large number of weapons, gunpowder, and even a huge artillery were pulled on their carriage, all of which Zhu Yuwen did not know spent How much is the armament in the tiger and wolf army.

Now, so much armament has been transported here under the command of Azure Moon Hill.

“Stop.” Wearing a military uniform, riding on the horse, the handsome-looking Azure Moon Hill waved, and the whole team stopped. She jumped off the horse and walked to the front. Zuo Zhicheng was standing there.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, as if smiling.

“Welcome back.”

Zuo Zhicheng asked, “How have you been doing recently? How is the practice of vast expanse?”

“Bottleneck has been reached,” Azure Moon Hill said lightly, “it seems to have reached the limit where Heavenly Palace can be repaired. Before half-psionicization, I am afraid that we can only strengthen our strength through other means.”

Taoism is like this, as long as the materials and methods are complete, it is very fast to enhance the quality of the body. As for battle strength, in addition to the quality of the ontology, a large number of external conditions are required to cooperate.

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “Vast expanse can play a lot of tricks, and I will discuss it with you after a while.” He looked towards the soldiers and horses behind Azure Moon Hill and said, “Let them go, the rest The two of us are enough. “

After letting the tiger and wolf soldiers go back, Azure Moon Hill took Zuo Zhicheng to a dozen cars and introduced it: “This is the first batch of armament promised by Zhu, and the sponsorship can be completed about ten days later. He also asked I asked Zhu Bang how it was. “

“Not bad.” Zuo Zhicheng picked up a crossbow on a crossbow car and said, “What is the material?”

Azure Moon Hill introduced: “Alloy steel, one-piece molding. It is much brighter than repeated forging, and may use special Taoism. White powder is also added on the top, and it is fried when you touch it.”

This bomb long arrow is a powerful weapon of the Great Qi army. It is shot by a crossbow or a crossbow car during the war. The formidable power is simply unparalleled.

Zuo Zhicheng nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, let me try.”

Having said that, he had taken a long arrow with a thick bowl to the open space under a mountain bag, and saw that he was holding the long arrow in his left hand, and dozens of bone spurs were growing behind his back. There was a loud blood flow from oh la la hula up and down, and the whole ground seemed to be shaking continuously.

Earth Roar Annihilation Tyrant Palm, Storm Azure Mist, Heavenly River Overturned, and 3rd-layer power are combined into one. Zuo Zhicheng’s body draws a white air wave and rushes out.

The blood flow within the body is getting faster and faster, the bone spurs behind are constantly vibrating, ejecting a large number of naked eye visible billowing air waves, his speed is constantly accelerating, and in the blink of an eye, there is only one in Azure Moon Hill’s eyes Black spots.

And when this speed increased to the extreme, even the bones on his body began to slam, the right hand palm was blocked in front, and the long arrow in his hand was stabbed by fiercely moved towards the front.

The speed of the running, coupled with the speed of a shot stabbing, reached the limit of the speed of this shot, and the double-speed blasting arrow was stored in the imaginary space.

There was a trace of green blood in Zuo Zhicheng’s nose, and it was a violent burst that broke his capillary blood vessels.

He shook the head: “It’s still a little bit worse, and adding something, it should be faster.”

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