A few hours later, the fishing boat came to Xinlugang, and the lively scene of the vast crowd appeared here. As one of the new continent’s ports, it is an important maritime trading hub, which is naturally much more prosperous than other places.

Porters, sailors, and fishermen looking for work can be seen everywhere, and large and small ships enter and leave the port at all times. Leaning against the direction of the city, there are buildings one after another, which cannot be seen at a glance.

However, Xinlugang, which is very prosperous for contemporary people, is very ordinary for Zuo Zhicheng. After all, the tallest house here is also 4-Layer. Many workers and civilians on the street are undressed, and there are some small children who have already worked out in their teens.

Of course, many Hailong gang members can also watch the ships, recruit labor, and so on. After all, the entire pier is almost the site of the Hailong Gang.

And so many goals appeared in Zuo Qingcang’s left eye. Combined with his previous experience, he also discovered the characteristics of a left eye.

The so-called infrared thermal imaging technology uses photoelectric technology to detect the infrared specific band signal of the object’s thermal radiation, and converts this signal into images and graphics that can be distinguished by human vision.

So after seeing so many people, Zuo Zhicheng found that the infrared vision of the left eye saw different types of people and was divided into different colors. The key to this seems to be the different thermal radiation caused by the different strengths of the body.

Most children are displayed as light blue, while adults are displayed as deep blue, and those of the Hailong gangs have many parts of their bodies that are yellow. The more parts occupied by yellow, the more the body seems to be Strong.

Innately, in Zuo Zhicheng’s judgment, it is muscle strength, and it seems to be the same now. The trace of congenitality like the boss of Song is pink.

Like the congenital body of the black-hearted tiger before, the pink color is also displayed in the infrared sight, and the colors of other parts are mostly yellow.

Zuo Zhicheng looked towards his right hand. His innateness was pink mixed with purple. He was looking at the ratio of these two colors. A 30% figure jumped out. proportion.

‘The color division of the infrared line of sight seems to represent the body, as well as the innate strength. ‘Zuo Zhicheng thought:’ Everyone’s *, most of which are blue, can become yellow after exercising. But only when the intensity of innateness is reached can it break through yellow and turn pink. Above the pink is purple. Those who also have purple, the higher the proportion, the higher the innate unit strength.

But the innate coverage area is also a key. For example, purple with only one finger is innately born, which is obviously not as good as the pink of the entire arm.

Innate strength is created by the time and hard work of the exercise, and the coverage depends on whether there is an exercise method for each part of the body.

I just don’t know what color will be after purple.

However, this kind of color conversion division is easy for me to distinguish the strength. ‘

After getting off the boat, the boss of Song arranged to carry the goods and then pats Zuo Zhicheng’s shoulder and said, “How? What are your plans?”

Zuo Zhicheng retracted his thoughts and said, “I’m going to take a stroll and find a job. I don’t know what the Song big brother recommends?”

“Find a hair, it’s going to be dark, you don’t have a penny, you don’t have to eat, and you are looking for work?” Song boss twitched his lips said, “Forget it, live in my house today, look for work and so on tomorrow. “

“How sorry …” Zuo Zhicheng looked like a stubborn and self-esteeming young man. Song Boss and the others could not see he was pretending.

This is exactly the identity that Zuo Zhicheng intends to disguise, a gimmick who wants to come to the new continent and get rich, but in the end, he encounters a shipwreck.

Xiaolan also came over from one side and said sincerely: “Left big brother, you’re welcome. You came to Xinlugang for the first time, and you are not familiar with life. We still live in our house for two days and wait to find Let’s go after work. “

Originally, Zuo Zhicheng thought that the girl had not come forward or comforted the young girl, and the other party should be disappointed. But now it seems that the girl’s pure eyes, like before, can’t see any negative emotions. It seems that for a few hours, she has forgotten the troubles on the boat.

Looking at the innocent eyes of the young girl, Zuo Zhicheng was paused. According to his own plan, he planned to secretly protect Xiao Lan for a while, and resolved the threat from the black-hearted tiger before leaving. No more relationship.

However, if you live in the small Lan Family, it can better protect the other side, and the introduction of an acquaintance, it is really convenient for him to do something.

A smile appeared on his face: “All right, Song big brother, then I’ll disturb you.”

“Oh! Don’t get me wrong, just disturb me.” Song boss twitched his lips said: “I will send Xiao Lan to Jiang Shi Fu Family overnight to let her avoid the limelight.”

What Song Boss didn’t say is that after today’s unscrupulous thing, although the other party did not at all in the end. But he was already thinking about whether to take Xiao Lan away and stay away from the threat of the Hailong Gang. After all, sending it to Jiang Shi Fu Family is just an expedient measure, and others cannot cover you for a lifetime.

Moreover, Xiao Lan grew bigger and bigger. Although his face was ordinary and he could only be called youthful and cute, his figure really made him distressed and hot. He always dangled in the harbor of the Hailong Gang, and it was just too dangerous to barbecue in front of the hungry wolves.

Hearing what Boss Song was saying, Zuo Zhicheng didn’t mind it, just probed: “Oh? Wouldn’t Jiang Master be afraid of Hailong’s help?”

“Of course not, Jiang Master, but we are the first god of Xinlu. If it weren’t for him, the Hailong Gang would still have to be lawless of the law and of natural morality. I have also learned a few tricks.” Old Dalian posed a few moves: “Look, this is Bai He Liang Chi. This move is a dragon walk tiger steps.”

Xiaolan on the side twitched his lips and said, “Daddy, don’t be embarrassed. You are a three-legged cat, and you have said that you have learned boxing with Jiang Master, and you are not afraid to lose Jiang Master’s face.” Taking Zuo Zhicheng’s hand, moved towards the port and ran outside: “Left big brother, let’s go, I will take you home.”

Watching her daughter grabbing Zuo Zhicheng and ran to the house, Boss Song turned black, sighed and sighed, followed behind them resentfully.

Zuo Zhicheng remembered several actions and words of Boss Song just now. After all, he had seen a trace of pink congenitality on the right hand arm of the opponent before, but now it looks the same as what he had previously judged. Although the opponent has exercised, he hasn’t practiced it seriously.

But since the exercise is effective, it means that the martial arts that Haoran dojo passed to him is Martial Arts Legacy, which makes him a little confused. Why does this dojo pass Martial Arts Legacy to ordinary students like Song Boss.


Song old people are located in the south of the city, near the port, but it is a slum-like place. There are only two rooms in the house. Meals and drinks are in the outhouse. Usually, Song Boss sleeps in the outhouse, and Xiao Lan sleeps in the inner room.

Except for a table, a few chairs, and two beds and a cabinet in the whole house, there is nothing more. It can be said to be surrounded by family members.

However, Xiao Lan didn’t seem to care, and went to wash vegetables and cook happily.

That night, the three had dinner at home, and Song old man hurriedly sent Xiao Lan to Haoran dojo. But when Song old man came back, he found that Zuo Zhicheng was gone.

“This boy, where have you been?”

Zuo Zhicheng naturally went to the streets and alleys to explore the terrain and information. Song old man’s home is located in a slum near the pier. The streets are intertwined and complicated. Three Sects are blessed with people of all nationalities. Although this is confusing, it is also a good place to explore the news.

However, Zuo Zhicheng is a faceless and penniless person, so he did n’t come up to ask questions and attracted attention. I was familiar with the terrain, and then took a walk around the place where the taverns, tea houses, noodle shops and the others gathered, sweeping the street like an ordinary idler, but his ears kept listening to all kinds of Gossip news, my eyes are constantly scanning the various buildings, terrain on the street, and memorized it in my mind.

All processes are the same as in the previous life, collecting information, implementing plans, and finally disappearing completely.

A few hours later, he returned to the old Song people, afraid of making the other person sleep, and quietly opened the door and got into the bed in the outer room. The wooden bed was hard and small, and the blankets covered with fishy smell. However, with Zuo Zhicheng’s patience, this is naturally nothing, and there is no complaint. He lays still and concentrates on sleeping.

People in this era obviously sleep early. When Zuo Zhicheng lay in bed, the entire slum area was already in darkness, and only the voice of a wild cat and a wild dog called.

However, Zuo Zhicheng slept for a while, but found that the oldest Song of the other boat tossed around, and from time to time came a squeaking sound, seems to have been unable to sleep.

“Xiao Lan’s mother died early. She was the one who pulled me with a lot of shit and urine.”

After a while, Boss Song sighed from the back room, revealing an exhaustion: “Although I am just a poor fisherman, I also hope that the daughter will have a good home.”

Zuo Zhicheng is not good at persuading people, and he doesn’t know what to say. He can only listen to the other party and continue to say, “Xiao Lan stayed on the fishing boat all day long, and all I saw were a bunch of rough people … I only hope He can find a good man in the future. Don’t fish like me for a lifetime. When Xiao Lan’s mother falls ill, she has no money to treat the disease. “

Speaking of this, Boss Song seemed a little embarrassed and said embarrassingly: “Hey-hearted tiger did nothing today, but

But I can’t take Xiao Lan’s adventure. While she lives in dojo during this time, I will find a way to withdraw from the dock business and live in another place. “

At this point, he seems to have some restlessness.

“Song big brother, haven’t you thought about not doing fishing yet, what will you do in the future?” Zuo Zhicheng said, “I think that the black-hearted tiger may not do anything, so please look at it again.”

“Wait a minute?” Song Boss froze. He did have this worry. He only fished for a lifetime, and now he only wants to fish for Xiao Lan, but he no longer touches the Hailong gang, but he also has some trouble. Unable to resolve, hesitated.

He shook his head: “I think about it again.”

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