Silent Killing

Chapter 371

Zuo Zhicheng stored the black Spirit Dragon. After looking at the battlefield that was over, he said for the first time, “Let’s go.”

“Don’t go and see your students?”

“If a group of bandits can’t clean up, there is no need to return.” Zuo Zhicheng asked, “Where is the second largest bandit?”

“That’s the sea, a group of pirates called blood skeletons.”

Harvested three black Spirit Dragons, which of course is far from satisfactory for Zuo Zhicheng. The space in the imaginary number space is very large. Naturally, he still needs to arrange tiger and wolf army bandits to generate black Spirit Dragons through such battles and store them in the imaginary number space. in.


Haijing, in the back room.

Shen Anan inspected Ahu’s body in front of him, and the other person was lying on the bed quietly, eyes straight up at the ceiling.

After checking it, she looked up and looked at Zuo Zhicheng behind her and said, “The body is well maintained, but my consciousness is still not restored. Are you planning to try it today?”

“Well. My mental strength has continued to improve during this time, and has reached a Peak.” What Zuo Zhicheng did not say is that in addition to the continuous improvement of mental strength, it is that he possesses True Yuan, and with his constant progress of Late Progress, Trying to operate True Yuan at one go may have a chance to awaken Ahu’s consciousness.

Zuo Zhicheng walked in front of A Hu and pressed the palm of the other’s hand. The intangible and intangible mental power first rushed into it, and poured into the other’s mind like the Yangtze River.

Feeling each other’s thoughts and memories little by little.

Shen An’an stood aside nervously and looked at it. It wasn’t until ten minutes later that Zuo Zhicheng opened his eyes and retracted his palm.

“how about it?”

“Tianhe faction …” Zuo Zhicheng said, “Ahu … is originally from the Tianhe faction.”

“En?” Shen Anan was surprised. “Is that so?”

“Well.” Zuo Zhicheng’s True Yuan was furious this time, nine punches consumed one punch, but also successfully awakened Ahu.

“He’s tired now. He’ll probably sleep for a day. Anyway, Ye Junxi and I have an appointment. Let’s go to Tianhe Pie.”

Shen Anan gave a surprised look at Zuo Zhicheng and asked, “Aren’t you waiting for him to wake up?”

“No need,” Zuo Zhicheng said, “After he wakes up. He can feel free to leave as he wants, or he can come to the Tianhe School.

But don’t let him know about the underground laboratory. “


The Sect of Tianhe Pie is up and down. Although there are still many towers and pavilions, the popularity has been much worse than before. It’s all because the battle of the King of Snakes is coming. This casts a shadow over the entire Sect.

In the hall, Ye Junxi walked back and forth with a black face. The original romantic appearance had disappeared. Instead, his eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to have not slept for a long time.

On the one hand, the appointments with the King of the Snake, Zuo Zhicheng, etc. are coming. On the other hand, Heavenly River Pearl, a sect protecting treasure, was snatched. Originally relying on the formidable power of Heavenly River Pearl, maybe there is almost one or two against Zuo Zhicheng.

But now Heavenly River Pearl has been snatched by unknown masters. Ye Junxi often thought of the power that Zuo Zhicheng showed on Goddess Peak. Can’t lift up the rebellion.

He suddenly brought in a disciple and asked, “Black liquid, Dragon Spear door, Sword Sect, do they have any news?”

These Sects are invitations sent by Ye Junxi to ask for help during this time. But they never wrote back.

The “disciple shook the head” replied, “Not yet.”

Coldly snorted, Ye Junxi’s face flashed angrily, which clearly did not want to come. Think about it too. With the power of the Snake King today, in thousands of armies, beheading and killing Hant First Prince is like searching for something. How could they dare to come up with each other.

Suddenly, another disciple came over to report: “Sect Master, this is a letter from the Taoist Master.”

“Letter?” Ye Junxi seemed to think of something. Quickly took the letter and opened it. I didn’t know what was in the letter. After looking at it for a while, a smile flashed on Ye Junxi’s face, and he sighed a long time: Master Jianghe shot it himself. Although Zuo Zhicheng is powerful, he should not dare not give face to Yu Shi. “

Zuo Zhicheng’s current record is known as the battle between Beihuang and Grassland. As for the scene between him and the wind, and the scene where he disguised his identity and the Taoist and the others. No one knew it, and Ye Junxi didn’t even know it.

So when he heard Jianghedao promised to take his own shot. When intercepting Zuo Zhicheng, Ye Junxi deeply put out a breath.

During this time, he was frightened by this matter, worked hard, and became weaker. He planned to take a good night’s sleep and restore his spirit.

Obviously, after seeing the Magical Powers of Jiang Dadao, plus the background of the rain teacher behind him, Ye Junxi is also a person who can afford to let go, and is very confident that he can intercept what happened to Zuo Zhicheng.

All around the disciple saw Ye Junxi suddenly became calm, calmly, looked at each other, and did not know what happened.


On the official road, Zuo Zhicheng took Ji Nanxian, Sun Feibai, Zhu Bang, and Ye Shi on horseback all the way to Tianhe.

They have now entered the realm of the Chinese rule. Zuo Zhicheng rides a horse by himself, Zhu Bang rides a horse with Ji Nanxian, Sun Feibai and Ye Shi ride a horse by themselves.

After all, Zhu Bang has been well trained since he was a child, and he is very skilled at riding, but Sun Feibai ca n’t do it. He just learned how to ride horses for a long time and ca n’t ride too fast. .

The four of them at this time followed Zuo Zhicheng to pick the Tianhe School. Thinking of this, Zhu Bang and the others felt a sense of excitement.

Ye Junxi, a Sect Master from the Tianhe School, is a rare Mortal Manifestation martial artist. He was even more famous before Zuo Zhicheng. When they thought of the confrontation between the two, their expectations were extremely high.

But after rushing for a while, all around suddenly produced a heavy thick fog, the fog became more and more dense, and even the distance of a few meters around them began to be unclear.

Zhu Bang looked at the silhouette that was getting more and more blurred, frowned: “This fog has problems.”

Zuo Zhicheng shouted in the forefront, all the entire group stopped, riding on horses constantly hovering. Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “Hide all behind me, don’t move around, don’t run around.”

With that said, he had already jumped off the horse and looked at the thick fog in front of him, and a sound came from the thick fog.

“His Lord of the Snakes, with your martial arts Taoism, why not get in touch with a Tianhe school, where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them, leave everything on the line, I want to see you in the future.

In this situation, is it too cruel to go to the door and kick the hall? “

Zuo Zhicheng raised his right hand, Yellow Spring’s mouth opened little by little: “Have you heard of imaginary space?”

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