Silent Killing

Chapter 378

“you guess?”

Zuo Zhicheng thought for a while and said, “Ji Nanxian?”

“How do you know?” Jiang Qing was surprised. “It should have been Xu Hongfei’s strongest strength. I thought their group would win. As a result, Nanxian won unfathomable mystery. Maybe they are embarrassed to fight Girls. “

“I just guessed.” Zuo Zhicheng’s ears moved suddenly, and said, “Senior Sister, how are you doing at the martial arts recently?”

“Well, I feel that Yangqi Haoran is still not suitable for me. That’s exactly what the old fellow of Qi Lao 80 practiced, and I don’t know how father did it.” , Can even step into Mortal Manifestation. “

Zuo Zhicheng said: “The two of us haven’t discussed for a long time. Let’s go and get together.”

Jiang Qing also laughed: “Okay, but you can only use one hand, and you are not allowed to use your strength.”

When they were half way, Zuo Zhicheng said, “Senior Sister, you go to the practice ground first, I’ll get something.”


In the ward, Xu Hongfei sneaked in, and when he saw Ayue in the crystal coffin with his eyes, he immediately frowned.

His chest was undulating, and he seemed to be a little emotional, but he put up immediately. He sneaked out a box from his arms, walked to the crystal coffin, and then pulled out a medicine pill in the box.

That is the Shengsheng Good Fortune Dan that was given to him by Zuo Zhicheng. At this time, the Shengsheng Good Fortune Dan was taken daily by Xu Hongfei. But with the effect of this Heaven Defying Divine Pill, even if it is more than half, soaked in the medicinal liquid, it still has a great effect on A Yue’s injury.

Looking at the crystal coffin again and again, Ayue, who was suffering from pain, was sighed. Quietly left again.

A few seconds later, Zuo Zhicheng stepped out of the shadows. He turned out to have clearly seen the scene just now.

“This guy is so stupid. What do you think?” Zuo Zhicheng said without hearing a reply. He was coldly smiled: “Why, no face to wake up to see me.”

After a long time, Ayue in the crystal coffin opened her eyes and looked at Zuo Zhicheng lightly: “Master.”

“This coffin and the medicinal liquid can prevent you from getting infected, but with your injury, it won’t be better in a year.” Zuo Zhicheng said, “When you’re injured, just go away. At that time your level is poor. There are too many others. “

These words by Zuo Zhicheng. Naturally it scared Ayue. This guy in the province will always be so wayward and so desperate. It is also bullying the other party who doesn’t know Dan Sheng, Good Fortune Dan, and don’t know what Xu Hongfei left behind.

But Ayue didn’t seem to care about it at all, just stared at Zuo Zhicheng tightly, his mouth kept open.

“Where is Zhu Bang?”

Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “You can take it easy after a few days of rest.”

After hearing these words, A Yue’s eyes closed. After more than ten seconds, the corners of his eyes seemed to faintly flash.

“Sir, am I destined not to win a genius like Zhu Bang?”

Zuo Zhicheng saw this picture of Ah Yue. frowned, he just wanted to leave, he would not comfort a child in his teens.

But walked to the door. There was still a hint of obscurity on his face, his eyes narrowed, and he slowly said, “Genius is just something called, no matter he or you, it’s just a human being. And it’s just one person.

Human beings say nothing can be surpassed. I just feel unreasonable.

I was also considered mediocre before, but until all the more geniuses than me died. I am a genius, and this is proof. My talents are better than them, because the dead genius cannot compare with salted fish.

Zhu Bang and Sun Feibai’s potential, even Xu Hongfei, Ji Nanxian, Ye Shi, their potential is better than you. But potential is potential, and achievement is achievement. Most people in this life have no way to tap all their potential. “

Zuo Zhicheng said: “Although you are in Taoism, the innate talent on martial arts is not as good as them, but one thing is that they are far inferior to you.”

“What is it?”

“You are not afraid of death.” Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “Death … will only be conquered by those who fear him.”


As soon as Sun Feibai returned to the room, he saw that Zhu Bang had climbed up and was looking at some documents seriously.

“What are you looking at?”

Zhu Bang raised his hand for the file and said, “Ayue’s notes?”

“Oh? Aren’t you saying his level is not worth mentioning?”

Zhu Bang serene said indifferently: “Then I admit that I was wrong, this little mouse has some talents.”

Sun Fei smiled and hehe gathered together and looked at the densely packed numbers and patterns on the note and said, “Dizzy, why did he write so many things? This guy is too afraid right ?, I already said that we Of the few, he is the scariest. “

“I want to surpass innate talent by working hard, but it’s just a mediocre self-deception. Spend the same time, we just do better than them, this is the truth.”

Zhu Bang looked at the files on the notebook line by line and said, “Wait for me to understand his life, next time he will not even be eligible to surrender before me.”

“Oh? Can you know if you look at this?” Sun Fei said curiously.

“Well, although he used code words, but the values ​​are real. Based on their mutual proportions and calculations, I can probably estimate his limits and his plans.

Next time, it’s not that easy to let him go. “

“Awesome! I feel dizzy just by looking at these things. You can even increase your strength by looking at this kind of thing.” Sun Fei shook his head and said, “Forget it, I’ll go out, Nanxian invited us together Don’t you go for dinner? “

Zhu Bang shook the head, and until Sun Feibai left in three steps, he raised his head and looked at the direction in which the door opened.

‘Awesome? ‘

‘Compared to gaining strength after gaining knowledge, compared to this kind of very normal and logical thing, you can enhance the ability of Taoism just by thinking about it with your head, which is the true terrifying. ‘

Zhu Bang looked at the notebook in his hand, and sighed in his mouth: “In your eyes, is there really a difference between A and I?”


On the practice ground, a man and a woman constantly interspersed, bumped, and fought like two dancing butterflies.

After a long time, Jiang Qing stopped gasping for breath, watching Zuo Zhicheng, still calm and composed in front of his eyes, said, “I have been using psionic fruit every day for several months, and I am practicing every day, but I am so much behind you?”

Zuo Zhicheng’s left eye turned slightly, and the opponent’s physical strength has reached 5% orange yellow, which is indeed very assiduous cultivation, plus a variety of Martial Arts Legacy learning, only realm can be achieved.

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