Silent Killing

Chapter 403

A few days later, Zuo Zhicheng stood on the ruins of the original manor, and further away, a large number of troops and workers were cleaning up the ruins.

In front of Zuo Zhicheng is a stone mountain with a height of 50 meters. Behind him, there are four Mortal Manifestation masters including Qing Yueying, Qing Yueyang, He Zizai, and even Jiang Tianzheng.

Zuo Zhicheng turned around and said, “Everyone, this time I trouble you, the other party is about ten five meters below this boulder.”

He Zizai raised her eyebrows and said, “What is the origin of this guy? Want us four to join forces?”

Zuo Zhicheng explained: “His body should have been replaced with metal materials, and the brain part has been preserved, but it is also wrapped in a large number of unknown materials. This material can greatly reduce the effect of mental power, if not If there are two wounds exposed, I am afraid that our mental strength will not play a big role.

However, these two wounds are too small and too delicate, and it is not safe to rely on me alone, so I invited three and Master. “

What he is talking about is Seidek Bale. Other things can be delayed, but the strength of this guy is too dangerous. Zuo Zhicheng cannot keep him here all the time, so it is imperative to solve his problem first. trouble.

“Hehe.” Jiang Tianzheng laughed: “Interesting, I have never seen this monster in my life, just to let me know.”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “It may take several days this time. I have warned the Pluto snake all around. After a while, I will send out some psionic food. Everyone can take it during this time.”

Next, Zuo Zhicheng took the four people to the four directions of the boulder respectively, and he stood in one place with the four people, forming five directions similar to the five-pointed star.

“Let’s get started, everyone.” Zuo Zhicheng loudly shouts. In the next moment, the five people launched their own Mindscape at the same time, and Mindscape involved each other in covering. But they didn’t shroud their respective places, only five kinds of Mindscape completely shrouded the position of Seidkbalay.

The power of mind can be activated through most materials. Although Sadekbalay is currently located at about 30-40 meter away from them, most of them have been offset by unknown materials, but the simultaneous exertion of five people still let Sadekbalay startled.

With a moan, Sadekbalai felt that all of his bodies seemed to be affected by five forces, and that he was about to be frozen, and seemed to be tearing and exploding again. Distorted will.

Among these five people, Zuo Zhicheng has the strongest physical strength and the strongest mental strength. He also bears Cold Light Fluctuation Sword, Tianhe School, and Hell Sect three great absolute techniques. The formidable power is the greatest.

Relatively speaking, Jiang Tianzheng’s nourishing qi is more inclined to perceive, foresee, detect, and offensive is not so strong, but only the basic distortion of the power of the mind. Hypnosis comes to attack.

But no matter what, these are all five Mortal Manifestation masters, and five kinds of power at the same time distort Saidekbalai’s will. This invisible force is surging like a river. Although only a small part can be blown in through the wound on his head, the five forces work at the same time, still tearing his consciousness into several parts, as in his Reopen Heaven Opening consciously.

In the space of ten five meters below the ground, Seidekbale slammed hard and broke out violently, but under the weight of several thousand tons, the soil around him was pressed like reinforced concrete. Under such terrible pressure, the ordinary person may have been flattened. Although Seidkbale was not squashed, no matter how he broke out. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move a finger.

The mud took up every inch of space around him all around, and was said to move, he couldn’t even roar out.

The whole person’s consciousness is in the wind and rain.

But even then, Cedeballe was not killed at will.

‘Want to refining my consciousness? ‘Sedekbalai roared in his heart:’ It’s up to you? ‘

‘Get me out of here! ‘

Qingyue Ying’s eyes were shocked, and she said something inconceivable: “It can be resisted by the will, it is very powerful.” Although the resistance to the mind is mainly dependent on physical strength, will, and her own cultivation technique, but she can really resist it Yes, Qing Yueying really saw it for the first time.

But he soon smiled lightly, and another punch moved far away from the underground Cedeballe.

For the mental power of the Mortal Manifestation master, Sadek Balai’s will is like the difference between a mob and a professional soldier. Although the temporary resistance has an effect, it is only a delay that’s all.

However, by virtue of super fast regeneration and the reduction of the power of the mind by the body of God, and his strong will as a martial artist, even if the brain is damaged after being attacked, he can be resurrected. As long as the consciousness is not dead, he can Really immortal, he just resisted.

‘Unless he can break through the Mortal Manifestation realm during this time, otherwise he can’t escape. ‘Qing Yueying thought of it, a smile appeared on his face, and he punched again.

The next five Mortal Manifestation masters continued to destroy Sadekbalay’s will with the power of their hearts. The rounds of attacks turned Sadekbalay’s conscious world into a storm.

This refining is the past three days. Every day, a few Mortal Manifestation masters are hungry and take a bite of psionic fruit. They sleeplessly, and all focus their energy on Sadekbalay.

With their physical energy, not sleeping for three days is nothing. The performance of Saidek Bale was somewhat unexpected. During these three days, he seemed to be a flat boat among storms and rain. No matter what kind of attack, it seemed to be crumbling and about to be overturned, but he insisted on it.

Even the five people of Zuo Zhicheng felt that under their attack, Seedekbalai’s mind was getting weaker and weaker, and it seemed to become more and more quiet. An unfathomable and deep to the extreme The feeling spread from the other person.

Another day passed, the attack of the five people became more and more rapid, and Sedekbalai’s consciousness became weaker and weaker, at a moment that seemed to be extinguished at any time.

In an attack that ordinary people couldn’t hold for a second, he just recovered after countless brain deaths.

Zuo Zhicheng loudly shouted: “At the last minute, everyone is careful about his desperate outbreak.”

The other four faced each other tightly, and at last they felt a little relaxed at the last moment. Sadekbalay also knew it was not good, and finally burst into his final strength.

The four attacks of the five Mortal Manifestation masters in the past four days have consumed his energy and mental energy seriously, but also sharpened his will like a blade. At this final moment, he did not completely sublimate, breaking through the Mortal Manifestation. It was completely obliterated and became a walking dead.

‘I am Said Kebalai, the reincarnation of Great Wolf Sky, the son of Silver Moon, and God-given brave. ‘

‘I can’t lose, you are destined to be stepping stones in my life, destined to be the grind I stepped into the Mortal Manifestation. ‘

‘Give me breakthrough! !! ‘

At this moment, Zuo Zhicheng and the others seem to see a huge silver demon wolf roaring wildly, and a force of mind slowly nurtured from the consciousness of Saidekbalai.

Mortal Manifestation ——breakthrough!

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