Silent Killing

Chapter 408

Zuo Zhicheng looked at the Flying Sword with surprise. This Flying Sword was a life-changing thing with Li Xunyi. The so-called sword was in the presence of the sword, and the sword died. Zuo Zhicheng never thought that the other party would Flying Sword handed over.

There is another sentence, why the use of force in the ruins is meaningless. This sentence has no beginning and end, and why Li Xunyi believes that Zuo Zhicheng can save him is another mystery.

Zuo Zhicheng frowns, took Flying Sword in the hands of Chen Kebel, carefully observed for a while, and did not see any weak spot, and then he gave Flying Sword to Shen Anan’s hands, this kind of Magical Treasure appraisal Obviously, the other party’s experience is much richer than him.

Zuo Zhicheng then asked: “Tell me everything you know about the ruins.”

Unfortunately, Chenko Belle is just an ordinary Newman, who knows very little about the ruins, and it is almost the same as that just said.

The ruins on the heavenly ascension peak are opened once a year in the middle of the year and absolutely inaccessible at any other time. And every time the Newman’s choice of king is also carried out in it.

On the other side, Shen An’an was nodded to Zuo Zhicheng: “Forging techniques, textures, psionic powers, and life cliques are all fine. It is Li Xunyi’s Flying Sword.”

Zuo Zhicheng thought for a while and said, “Have you ever heard of the Gods?” After that, he stared at Chen Kebeier tightly, as if to see through the other party’s every move, and his ears were listening to the other party’s heartbeat.

Chenko Belle shook the head, confused: “Where is that?”

The Mount of the Gods is a super-ancient legend of Amaliken, where the gods of Amalikem rested. The last generation of Amalicon’s Royal General Golden Spring is hidden there.

Chenko Belle is just an ordinary Newman, and it is normal to have never heard of it. This also shows that Li Xunyi didn’t tell too much about Chen Kebel.

‘Will the remains of this heavenly ascension peak be related to the mountains of the gods? or is heavenly ascension Or maybe it’s just a few drops of Golden Spring water hidden inside. ‘

Zuo Zhicheng talked with Chen Kebel again for a while, and finally said: “I believe everything you said for the time being, but I still need to ask for a certificate. I will send someone to investigate this matter, you can stay here during this time . “

Zuo Zhicheng said a few more words, and found that Chen Kebel’s eyes were still full of anxiety. Nervous and slightly uneasy. He suddenly pats each other’s shoulders, looking at the other party softly and saying, “Relax, if this thing is true, we will find a solution.

It’s safe here, you stay here, absolutely no one can hurt you. “

Along with his words, a soft force waved out, and Chen Kebei’s face seemed to ease. She nodded and said, “Thank you, thank you.”

“Go to sleep well.”

Watching someone take Chenke Belle to the guest room, An An Shen said, holding the Flying Sword in his hand, “It looks like your Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture is well-trained. How can you lie to others in a few words?”

Zuo Zhicheng said coldly, “How much truth do you think she said?”

“If you look at it, she naturally doesn’t dare to tell lies, but there may be something that doesn’t say that’s all.” Shen An’an slightly said, “Flying Sword and Li Xunyi had a life-breaking relationship and handed it all. Come out, it looks like he’s really in big trouble. “

“I’ll send someone to investigate this matter. If it’s okay, I plan to go to heavenly ascension?”

Shen An’an’s eyes shined: “That’s a forbidden area for the Newman people. You might as well take me to see it, you don’t understand the culture of the Newman people.”

Shen Anan’s thoughts, how could Zuo Zhicheng not guess. Seeing the other person’s eyes glowing, she must have been interested in the various treasures hidden in the Newman’s forbidden area. Especially, knowing that the Mount of Gods might be associated with the forbidden area, she was even more attracted to her.

“Let’s talk about this later.” Zuo Zhicheng perfunctory a bit and said, “Come with me first, I have something to trouble you.”

Having said that, Zuo Zhicheng has taken Shen An’an to his room.

Shen An’an looked at him with suspicion and said, “Hey, you don’t pay me enough to provide this service, at least 500 times more.”

Zuo Zhicheng is too lazy to care about her. Opening the door of the room directly, I saw a woman who thought she was sexy. Sitting in a suit, the woman was Qin Kexin among the six. At this time, her complexion was intact, her body was intact, her skin looked white and healthy, and her bullets could be broken.

But compared with the original, her eyes were dull and expressionless, and her eyes were staring at the wall. Even Zuo Zhicheng and Shen Anan came without any reaction.

“En? You taste really good.”

“Her name is Qin Kexin, which is one of those three undeads.” Zuo Zhicheng explained: “I failed after using Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture, and she became like this.”

Shen An’an walked in front of the other person, reached out and waved in front of the other person’s eyes, and the other party did not respond: “She was really ruined by you.”

“The consciousness is completely closed. I suspect that she has no touch, vision, hearing, smell, or taste in spirit.” Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “She has lost the value of my experiments on my side, and I will leave it to you.”

Devil-like words rang beside Shen An’an’s ears, but she did not reveal unexpected expression, but said with a little excitement: “Oh, I have long wanted to study how their Undying Body is going. If I can join It’s better to be in my hung hom. “

Last time Zuo Zhicheng brought a golden light to Shen An’an in the Valley of Grief, and the technology has been studied by Shen An An, and he has tried to find ways to add it to the red lotus root. If she can add the ability of Undying Body on this basis, her strength will be greatly improved.

Zuo Zhicheng said: “I’m too tight right now, I’ll leave the matter of the Undying Body to you, one less and one less. Try not to kill them.”

Shen An’an waved her hand: “Relax, you can’t bear to kill me.” After that, she can’t wait to take Qin Kexin away. She’s been eye-catching for the theory and various mechanisms of the Undying Body.

As for Zuo Zhicheng, he left the room again and went to the headquarters of the Shadow Corps. He needs to call on a large number of Shadow Corps personnel to investigate Li Xunyi and what happened in Newman City. After all, he is now involved in everything. He can’t do it himself.

After all, the most important number and intelligence network for such investigations are not necessarily more efficient than the Shadow Corps. Otherwise what good would it be for him to have so many men.

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