I saw that on the martial training stage, Zuo Zhicheng practised Xu Mi Chang fist earnestly, but from time to time, he still had hand bends, crooked feet and other ‘errors’. Jiang Tianzheng on the side kept correcting left Zhicheng’s ‘wrong’, and then told and demonstrated to him what he did.

About two hours later, Zuo Zhicheng has learned the Seven-Position style Changquan, and the aptitude shown is neither eye-catching nor extremely poor, and is considered to be a moderately high level.

Jiang Tianzheng on the side secretly nodded, watching Zuo Qingcang, whose limbs were sour but still gnashing his teeth, commented in his heart: ‘aptitude is moderately high, but his character is still resolute and has strength. ‘

Naturally, he didn’t know that Zuo Zhicheng’s fatigue was pretended. After all, he didn’t have psionic vision, nor could he read the mind. Zuo Zhicheng, who was instinctively, * was thinner than ordinary people.

Therefore, as long as Zuo Zhicheng himself does not explode innate strength, Jiang Tianzheng naturally cannot rely on what it seems to see how good Zuo Qingcang’s physical strength is. Coupled with Zuo Zhicheng’s intention to cover up, he deliberately made some mistakes that Scholar would make at first, but just made himself a young man with ordinary aptitude, but a strong personality and a little strength.

His plan is to slowly expose his ‘Xiwu innate talent’, with a relatively reasonable process, so that he can show part of his strength on the bright side without attracting too much attention.

Seeing that Zuo Zhicheng’s arms were trembling a bit, Jiang Tianzheng nodded: “Well, let’s go here today. Tomorrow I will teach you how to do some fists, remember to work hard.”

Zuo Zhicheng hit the snake and said, “Yes, Master.”

“Let ’s go and have breakfast with us.” Jiang Tianzheng said with a smile, without rebutting, Jiang Qing moved aside and said: “After leaving Qingqing, go to eat.”

Jiang Qing finally made a gesture of receiving power, put out a breath deeply, glanced at Zuo Zhicheng, and did not say hello, then moved towards the canteen.

Zuo Zhicheng looked at Jiang Qing with a strange back: “Huh? Where did I offend her? ‘

He naturally didn’t know. Yesterday he had left an aiming too high in the hearts of others. He liked the image of laziness. The scene of practicing hard today is inconsistent with yesterday’s “performance”. Naturally, Jiang Qing regarded it as a sneaky trick. The act of pretending to be father.

In the dining room, Zuo Zhicheng sat down. The porridge that was eaten at home in the morning was already digested and his stomach was screaming. He saw Xiao Lan and another middle-aged woman carrying a large plate of buns. , Soy milk and porridge.

Zuo Zhicheng originally wanted to be more polite. How could I know that Cai had just arrived at the table, and the father and daughter of the Jiang family had begun a crazy sweep. Jiang Qing, who seemed to be sturdy and indifferent, could not see the girl at all. She ate a bun with two mouthfuls, moved her mouth a few times, and took a sip of soy milk before swallowing it all.

Jiang Tianzheng on the other side ate faster. He grabbed it, threw a bun into his mouth, swallowed it with a few mouthfuls, and then bowed his head to drink porridge, making a grunting sound, just like a cow drinking. Like water.

‘It really has the style of a learned martial artist …’ Zuo Zhicheng is lightly smiled. He also knows that Jiang ’s father and daughter everyday all have a lot of exercise, and they practice Martial Arts Legacy. Their ability to absorb food is particularly strong. normal.

Jiang Qing, who had just stuffed a bun, suddenly saw Zuo Zhicheng’s smile and his face turned red. For the first time, she was seen by other men outside of father than her father, and women were naturally born with shyness. .

However, she immediately glanced at Zuo Zhicheng fiercely, took a bite of the bun, and seemed to eat faster.

Zuo Zhicheng saw the food disappear at a speed that was visible with naked eyes, and quickly joined in. The three men’s strong wind scattering the last clouds looked giggling.

“Left big brother, Qing elder sister, eat slowly, and there!”

“Zuo Zhicheng, you eat slowly. Although we have you for breakfast, if you eat so much at each meal, we ask you not to pour money.”

“Senior Sister, I haven’t eaten you that many.”

“Who is your Senior Sister.”


In the north of the city, as you can see, there are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, compared with the slums in the south of the city, it is a cloud of mud.

In a courtyard north of the city, five corpses were covered with white cloth and placed on the ground in turn.

An old man with white hair, but full of spirits, was walking on a cane, looking at the corpse on the ground gloomily. With the overcast cloud on his face, the atmosphere of the entire small courtyard was so dignified and dreary that it could drip water.

All the Hailong gang members bowed their heads and did not dare to look at the old man. It seemed that old man was like a beast.

In front of the old man, there were the other three of the four dragon kings of the Hailong Gang, Qiao Zhen, Li Si, and Yi Guodong. Among them, Li Si was a young man with a wild expression, and in the entire yard, he looked at the old man without fear.

Yi Guodong beside him was a fat-faced fatty, and the fat under his chin almost made him hard to see his neck.

The white haired old man opened the white cloth on the ground, exposing Liang Wutie’s azure’s face. He pressed his hand against the neck of the corpse, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“He died with a punch, suffocated. It was a master.” After that, he turned his head and looked towards Liang Zhen: “Is there any news?”

Liang Zhen reported: “The scene was a remote alley, it was too late, and it was too fast to start without witnesses.”

The gang thing, the gang, the first moment of the incident, Liang Zhen shot himself, returned the corpse to the Hailong Gang, prevented the families of the five deceased from reporting the case, and then gave them settlement fees.

After hearing what Liang Zhen said, Shen Ning said nothing and inspected the remaining four bodies one after another. Steward put on warm water and a handkerchief and gave it to the old man to wipe his hands. The old man wiped his hands and said, “Asi, we can occupy the largest port in Xinlu, and we can monopolize 80% of our business. We rely on what?”

Li Si laughed, and the Black Dragon tattoo on his cheek danced and twisted. “Because we are cruel enough, we are cruel to others, we are crueler to ourselves, so others are afraid of us.”

old man indifferent expression and then asked, “Adon, who do you think did it?”

A middle-aged fatty with a somber face said, “I don’t know who made it, but in Xinlugang, I know I can kill the third child with a single punch.

Xinlu Shenquan, Jiang Tianzheng. “

“Jiang Tianzheng …” old man coldly said: “Someone wants to fight with my sea dragon?

Let them regret it all their lives. “

He turned his head and looked towards Liang Wu, who was white-faced, Li Si with a proud face, and Yi Guodong, who was indifferently said: “This matter will be left to the three of you. I don’t care how you solve it, As long as anyone resolves, all of Awu’s business will be left to him. “

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