Silent Killing

Chapter 415

Sadek Balai’s body has been inspected countless times by Zuo Zhicheng. But he couldn’t discern what kind of material the metal was anyway, and even now there is no way to damage the metal.

It can only be affirmed that this is definitely beyond the technology of this era.

Of course, it may be stored in the current Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, but Zuo Zhicheng is not stupid to really try it.

Therefore, the fleshhy body of Saidekbalai can hardly be cultivated, let alone cultivate. What he needs is the strong willpower to go forward without fear of Life and Death, to become Zuo Zhicheng’s best shield, so Zuo Zhicheng turned the experience of the two people into reincarnation, and penetrated into the consciousness of Sadekbalay. .


The boy who was originally a freedom fighter joined Mercenary Corpse, and then he walked away after he became famous. When he came back again, he experienced the biggest turning point in his life. His lover died tragically, his left hand was broken, and all his companions were sacrificed. Endless journey of revenge.

This is a resolute soul who dedicated every drop of blood and flesh to revenge.


He is the overlord after Doomsday, and the invincible fist overlord. His name has changed the world, and his violence has become an undefeated legend. This is a soul that goes forward forever and has no regrets. .


When Saidekbalai eyes opened again, a domineering, resolute mix of killing and violence exploded into the sky. At the first glance he saw Zuo Zhicheng was coldly snorted, his huge palms clenched tightly. Holding it, the metal lines on his body contracted sharply and then twisted and shook. With unrivaled violence, Zuo Zhicheng in front of him blasted fiercely.

The air rushed out, Zuo Zhicheng even felt that the other’s this fist seemed to be a vacuum zone with all around, a huge fist stopped at the tip of his nose, but even a few centimeters apart. The fierce wind from fist strength still hit his cheek, making the sound of a peng peng, just like a big hammer hitting the ground.

Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “Very good. Your thoughts now seem to match your martial arts very well.” Today’s rebuilt Sadek Balai, or Geao. The steel will in his character is also domineering and violent, which can perfectly match his steel body, as well as various powerful martial arts that he has learned.

Like Yan Gucheng, although his character has been reinvented through virtual reincarnation, the core essence of his martial arts Dao Scripture test is still the experience of Zhao Er and Saidek Balai plus Zuo Zhicheng.

Geao’s red light flickered, and there seemed to be a bit of upset in it. His silver body craked and seemed to be still struggling.

“I can’t attack you?”

“Good.” Zuo Zhicheng said, “I’m not as timid as Yan Mo Holy Son, I always make some incarnations that are completely under control. What I need is your powerful strength, but it does not mean that I will not be able to control you. “He personally reshaped the other party’s consciousness, naturally leaving the back door, so that he can control the other party through the power of the mind.

This feeling is like the character you control in the game. You can completely control when you need it, and you can let the other party hang up all day when you don’t need it.

“One day, I will use these fists. I will smash you into a meat sauce.” Geao slowly said a word in his mouth, revealing his face Murderous aura.

“Maybe.” Zuo Zhicheng said, “Now, put on this. Follow me.” Then, Zuo Zhicheng has put a black robe on Geao’s body, completely blocking his silver body stand up.

Then Zuo Zhicheng looked towards Sword Art while he was still practicing, and Yan Gucheng who hadn’t even looked at it from the beginning to the end said, “Then you stay here, Azure Moon Hill. If there is anything to come to you for help, Just listen to him. “

“Let’s go.” After that, Zuo Zhicheng had left the basement with Geao behind him.

Both of them have strong physical functions, and they are striding together, and they have not left Haijing moved towards a valley to the north.

Not yet close. The sound of rumbling and rumbling in the valley was as if it were an earthquake.

The two walked up the hillside. You can see that a huge silhouette is constantly rolling up and down in the valley, passing like a typhoon. Roll up all kinds of boulders and plants.

The palm of Zuo Zhicheng shook slightly, then the silhouette stopped and moved quickly towards Zuo Zhicheng’s direction, just like a mountain rushing over. That amazing sense of power made Geao unbearable. Raised his hand slightly.

However, Juying finally decelerated and stopped a few meters away from Zuo Zhicheng. A large amount of smoke swept along with the collision of Juying. Geao’s eyes moved and he took a step forward. Left right hand palm moved towards A fiercely shot in front, a loud bang, and an air wave swept out of the place where he slaps, blowing the smoke and dust directly in front of him.

The giant shadow also really revealed its own appearance. It was the Pluto snake that had not appeared in front of everyone for a long time, but the Pluto snake at this time was completely different from the original.

Not only is the body much larger than the original, the body length has greatly increased. Now it is about 150 meters in length, and it is more than eight meters thick. If it appears in Haijing City, I am afraid that it will immediately cause a huge panic in the entire city.

This is the period of time when Zuo Zhicheng has been controlling the growth of Blackbone, slowly driving the growth of the opponent ’s fleshhy body. At this size, it seems to have reached a limit, unless the physical quality of the Pluto snake is improved again, from purple to orange yellow Otherwise, there is no way to grow bigger.

Of course, it’s not just the body shape that changed. I saw seven huge wings piercing the sky on the back of the Pluto snake. Each bone wing extended more than 30 metres. The seven wings extended at the same time, covering the sky In the sun, almost the entire valley was shrouded in shadow.

During this time, in order to complete the transformation of the Pluto snake, Zuo Zhicheng did not know how much food and nutrition he had spent on the other party, and he simply turned this ancient beast into his current appearance.

In this way, not only the battle strength is greatly improved, but also the physical strength has greatly increased the formidable power of Pluto’s Mindscape Black Terror Prison, which is not enough to deal with the master, but it can kill more than 99% of ordinary persons.

Unfortunately, Zuo Zhicheng’s ultimate goal is to hope that the Pluto snake can fly to become his car. At present, this goal has not been achieved, but it can simply glide through the seven-blade wings.

Recently, the Pluto snake has been rolling and rubbing in the valley because of the itchy bones and hair.

With a wave of his hand, Zuo Zhicheng gave the other party an order to take good care of Haijing, and then took Geao away.

When the giant Pluto snake swung its tail, the whole body scrambled up, sweeping away all kinds of stones, soil slopes, and big trees all the way, and moved towards the mountains and forests near Haijing City.

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