Silent Killing

Chapter 428

Zuo Zhicheng’s voice did not fall, and the Sen Luo Vientiane sword in front of him had slipped around, and suddenly fell into Zuo Zhicheng’s forehead.

He looked at the two in front of him, and sound transmission said again: “Give me the best rehabilitation doctor, I want to restore my physical strength control as soon as possible.”

“I can feel the existence of my fleshhy body, but there is always a gap between it and reality. I want to go out soon after recovering.”

“Also, please tell me about Zhou and Baiyue.”

After all, the Minghai is not suitable for cultivation. Even if the process of thinking time accelerates like the ten places don’t move, it is also limited by the resources of the shelter. It can’t be repeated indefinitely.

The two women glanced at each other, nodded.

Twenty days later, Zuo Zhicheng disappeared from the underworld. Aleksia stood in the White House and said softly, “What do you think?”

The voice of the red-haired woman sounded in his mind: “In his personality, even after Pseudo Spirit-Transformation, he should still be on our side, and he just passed the first level of immobile It ’s up to you to see Pseudo Spirit-Transformation in the end. “

“Unfortunately, this round is running out of time, and most of the shelter facilities are reaching their limits. The next time he comes, it may be the last chance.”

“I hope he succeeds … there is not much time left for us …”


Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes opened, and he saw the situation in front of him.

His entire body is in a culture tank, and the whole body is covered with a stream of purple liquid. This is the culture tank of the Ark. All the consciousness entering the underworld, their fleshhy body is stored here.

Zuo Zhicheng put out a breath, and a lot of bubbles appeared in the liquid. He extended the hand, unplugged all kinds of tubes from his body at once, and then his body shook suddenly. A large number of black bone spurs pierced from all angles on his body, and turned into an outer skeleton armor that wrapped him around.

Then Zuo Zhicheng fiercely punched the switch in the cultivation tank. The glass cover opened with a bang, and Zuo Zhicheng also rushed out along the liquid.

Zuo Zhicheng lay on the ground, exhaled deeply, and slowly got used to his physical body.

Finally, there was no interference from the underworld, and Zuo Zhicheng’s feeling became stronger. With his eyes opened, no matter his left or right eye, he can see all kinds of light that are not usually seen, which are all kinds of waves and rays omnipresent in the real world.

Zuo Zhicheng thought of the report that Ark’s main control room had sent about his fleshhy body transformation.

“Unknown substance in the left eye. Suspected high-tech civilization products with high positions.”

He touched his left eye. Although the effect of the first level of immobility was good, it was not so good. The reason for this effect was that it had nothing to do with his left eye.

Zuo Zhicheng raised his head, and even looked at the endless array of human troughs in which he could not see his head. He could even see directly, feeling a part of the thinking fluctuations scattered around all around . Can directly read other people’s brain wave indicators.

“Is this the effect of immovable land? My control over the power of the mind and my perception of the whole world is far beyond the past. It exceeds human beings.

Whether it’s Martial Dao’s practice, promotion or battle, it has the potential of terrifying. “

Zuo Zhicheng carefully perceives all kinds of information in the air. Most of them have already fallen into hibernation in order to continue to maintain their lives as described by Aleksia, only for hundreds of years. It doesn’t even wake up for thousands of years. Powerhouses above Pseudo Spirit-Transformation are required to be able to wake them up.

If he now wants to pull them out directly, I’m afraid he will be attacked by the ark.

He looked up at the surrounding environment. The ark is different from the underworld, and the supplies here are too important. All not at all is managed by artificial intelligence, and everything is automatically maintained by established procedures.

“Area 312?” Zuo Zhicheng glanced. The sound of puchi puchi sounded behind him, two long bones pierced out and turned into two huge bone wings. Zuo Zhicheng leapt forward, has jumped into the air under the platform, moved towards the deep side of the ark past.

The ark is an important place of refuge, in addition to storing the fleshhy body of 500 people, and the artificial ecosystem, it also stores a lot of materials.

And Zuo Zhicheng’s first goal was the material warehouse, then the artificial ecosystem, and finally he went to Bai Yueyue and returned to the new continuous through the entrance and exit there.

As for the legendary mountains of the gods, it was impossible to go in before reaching Pseudo Spirit-Transformation, so Zuo Zhicheng did not consider going in.

Even with the authority of his shadow senior members, what can be taken from the material warehouse is very limited.

Follow Alixia’s instructions all the way to the warehouse of the shadows, and enter various voice-activated passwords and digital ciphertexts.

Because his current body is no longer the original body, there is no way to match the iris and fingerprints, and he can only go around a large circle, and even took a few hidden routes only known by Alexia, Much It was not easy to find the location of the warehouse.

Twelve consecutive alloy gates were opened by one after another. The number of these gates is more than hundreds of tons. Each one has a thickness of more than five meters. The distance between the door and the door is about ten meters. It is covered with various lasers. , Flame throwers, traps and more.

Zuo Zhicheng stepped into the deepest part of the warehouse, and rows of shadowy storage racks appeared in front of him.

But imagine that the scenes full of machine guns, cannons, power armor, and even tanks, aircraft, and missiles did not appear at all.

In the huge warehouse, most of the shelves were empty and apparently had been taken away by other members before. I don’t know where to get it.

Zuo Zhicheng frowned. If everything in this warehouse was taken away, then he would get nothing. After all, except for the warehouse in the shadow, other material warehouses were before Pseudo Spirit-Transformation. There is no permission to enter.

Zuo Zhicheng walked in rows, empty and empty, empty and empty everywhere.

Even he could see several tarmacs, and now only one empty shelf remains.

But when he finally reached the deepest part of the warehouse, he saw 12 huge iron boxes. Every box was sealed intact.

Zuo Zhicheng stepped forward, pulled the handbrake, and input the voice control command, and saw that the box started to slowly open, and a metal robot with black stripes painted on his body appeared in front of him.

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes lightened, and a screen was suddenly projected in the iron box. The above was an introduction to the robot.

“The x-2000 military multifunctional reconnaissance humanoid automata trial version.

Comes with a high-energy nuclear battery, can fight for full power for ten years, and has been stored for more than 300 years. It is equipped with a living plasma gun, a plasma guided sword, and a compressed air power gun.

30 tons output, the maximum speed is 120 kilometers per hour … “

When I saw these introductions, Zuo Zhicheng’s mouth had been slightly raised. I don’t know what technology it is. The combat robots I have never seen before are obviously very powerful and suitable for people with super sensibility like Zuo Zhicheng. , Which is used by the martial artist.

Open all the remaining 11 x-2000 one after another, and then use the power of your mind to inject the simulated electrical signals into the 12 x-2000 heads according to the instructions.

Lock the super-sensing band, lock the iris, lock the voice control frequency …

After a series of authentication methods, 12 x-2000s stood up together and looked towards Zuo Zhicheng. Zuo Zhicheng also included these 12 super weapons into the imaginary space.

The next goal is the artificial ecosystem.

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