Silent Killing

Chapter 441

I don’t know where the sound came out. With the three words appearing in the ears of the crowd, Yiyong waited for her body to startle suddenly. She had been distorted by invisible forces, and instantly turned into a fragment.

A man in ragged clothes, with hair growing to the back of his waist, looking hungry and skinny, like a bamboo pole, stepped out with bare feet.

“Che, are you Avatar?” In the shocked eyes of everyone, the man looked again towards the sky, and the next moment, the whole sky was covered by thousands of tornadoes.

I saw that each insect was engulfed by a pale white spiral airflow. The airflow was violently twisted and rotating, and I did n’t know how much power it contained. It actually directly exceeded 90% of the insect. All shredded.

“How can it be!”

“How did he do it!”

“The disaster was wiped out in one hit! Is this guy really human?” A warrior of the Khanty looked at the shards falling in the sky, as if the clouds were lifted by one hand. Shows the same as Supreme Yang.

But at the next moment, the hunter stunned, looking at the direction of the thin man, and the other person looked at him again.

“Do you have any questions?”

“I …” Pu chi, at half the words, the Hunter was wiped by countless wind blades all over his body. The whole person seemed to be executed by Ling Chi and turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

“Forget it, too lazy to talk to you monkeys more.” The thin man twitched his lips indifferently, looked again towards the sky. I saw the Flying Insects participating in the sky gathered, probably about the size of a truck, and a voice of resentment and anger was heard from it.

“Washington! You butcher, lunatic, you pervert! I want to kill you!”

“Unfortunately you can’t do it.” The thin man smiled slightly. Hitting a ring finger, the swarm of insects in the sky was pinched again by the pale white airflow, each and everyone twisted into a twist.

“Ah!” A scream of madness came from the swarm. It sounds numb to the scalp.

The skinny man looked at the Flying Insects who were struggling in the tornado, with a brutal and excited expression in his eyes.

Ister heard the conversation with shocked expression. The words Washington are constantly appearing in her mind. The thin young man in front of him constantly overlaps with many portraits in the ancient book.

“Washington, it turned out to be Washington!” Esther murmured. “Amaliken’s last prince, the demon Washington.”

“Hehe.” The skinny man known as Washington turned his head and looked towards Esterel, and seemed to be able to hear the other person’s groaning: “Sow, who is the master, who are you talking about?”

After that, he had already pointed to Estelle. The latter complexion changed, her mouth opened, and with the shrieking scream, an invisible force blocked her.

But after this pointer from Washington, a spiral of airflow moved directly from his fingertips towards Estelle’s body, and the power of the psychic actuation was so disable to withstand a single blow in the face of the spiral airflow. It was torn into shatters, but at the last minute, the air cannon was blown by the direct blow after the wind, dispersing the spiral airflow.

However, the scattered spiral airflows quickly combined and turned into a giant dragon moved towards Aster who swallowed it. The rain division and the electric commander shot at the same time. A lightning and a freezing mist finally blocked the atmospheric dragon.

Estelle felt the fear of life beyond his control. His face paled and shouted, “He is the last prince of Amaliken in Washington. He once slaughtered five hundred thousand poor people. He must be killed here.”

After hearing this, I knew the other party ’s identity. Except for some unknown Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Geao with a constant expression, everyone on the scene moved.

It can be said that anyone who knows the history of the new continent absolutely knows the three words Washington. This is almost the same as the Chinese King of Kings. Bai Qi, a guy like Gao Yang is famous for his brutality. Totally antisocial, inhuman lunatic.

Originally as the last prince. The regime that he established after the collapse of Amallikon had the opportunity to re-emerge and reunite the entire new continent.

But it was because of this guy’s cruelty, bloodthirsty, and cruelty that he aroused dissatisfaction, regardless of himself or other indigenous people, and finally united to overthrow him and locked him in the eternal door.

Washington laughed heartily rose up: “I’ve been hibernating for so long, the world is constantly changing, and you monkeys are just getting worse, really weak and disgusting.” While speaking, he reached out and waved, the closest to him Twenty people were directly twisted into a ball by the airflow, and the spine, skull, and chest were all drawn out alive.

His words and actions are simply the Demon King in Demon King. He even considers himself a human being, like Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Thastor, Geao, evil Spirit King and the others are just monkeys, they can kill and torture at will.

“Sure enough, as cruel as the legend!”

“What is his ability and why is there such a formidable power.”

“This guy, do you want to kill us all?”

Although Washington’s words were arrogant and excessive, no one came forward to refute, because everyone was shocked or scared by his strength.

No, it’s not really that no one stands out.

I saw Sastor first came out and said, “You, all the grudges between us can be temporarily put down. This historic zombie, if we don’t kill him, don’t say we can go down the mountain alive. , Even the entire continental will be turned into a sea of ​​blood by him. “

These statements made by Sastor are a bit heavy, but they are facts. In the face of super experts far beyond today’s new continuous level, it may be their only choice to join forces.

One person, however, had already made a move before Thastor had finished speaking.

Because he prefers to use his fist to “talk” to each other rather than talking.

A tall silhouette appeared directly behind Washington. Li Xunyi and his side companions looked at Geao in surprise, and watched each other hold their big fists up high.

Big Dipper thundered.

In sight, there seemed to be a hot thunderbolt flashing, and there seemed to be a scorched smell in the air around all around. A violent force had directly hit the Washington vest, naked eye Visible airwaves blasted directly from where Washington’s fist and vest contacted.

Washington, which suffered enough to smash a house, was just a step forward.


His rage had not yet roared out, and the air flow around Geao exploded wildly under the impetus of power, and he has already performed other homemade moves.

One hundred dragons flash.

Mantianquan completely covers the silhouette of Washington. The strength of each punch is more than ten tons. The speed of each punch is enough to pass through a block in an instant. The destructive power of each punch is enough to compare with that of a Vulcan artillery. bullet.

Now, they are all concentrated on Washington’s vests, bursting out in a place where they can’t reach.

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