Silent Killing

Chapter 444

At the same time as the great black sky started, Zuo Zhicheng didn’t intend to waste a second. Almost immediately, he stepped under his feet, and the whole person appeared like a lightning bolt of black, and instantly appeared XNUMX meters away. , A punch moved towards Washington fiercely bombarded.

In the face of Zuo Zhicheng’s this fist, Washington sneered. I was dropped unexpectedly by you a few times ago, and your strength is really great, but now I am fully alert and coupled with my ability, ca n’t I stop it? Do you make a random punch?

Then he discovered that he really couldn’t stop it.

If you can see with a slow motion, facing the fist as large as Zuo Zhicheng’s bowl, Washington also swipes away, but under the collision of the two fists, Washington’s arms are as fragile as porcelain.

The first moment of fist contact was the fracture of the five fingers, comminuted fracture of the arm bone, and the joints of the wrist and elbow were completely broken and dislocated.

Then the skin burst, and the blood vessels were directly twisted and disconnected under the impetus of the force, and the blood and muscles spread out together. Finally, with the fist of Zuo Zhicheng, the entire 360 ​​degrees burst and broke into a ball. blood mist.

Washington has no idea how the other side broke his defense.

“Ah!” Explosive pain drowned Washington’s mind almost instantaneously, the crazy roar came from Washington’s mouth, and the violent whirlwind swept Zuo Zhicheng’s body in an instant. With Washington’s body center, Fangyuan Several hundred meters all the ground began to tilt, countless mud and sand were directly rolled up, a world-like scene of Doomsday.

This is one of the most troublesome places in Washington. Maybe his pure power is not the strongest, but when his power is scattered in every corner of the space, it can be swung from the bottom of your feet. Don’t say that you can’t defend at all when exerting force on the waist and chest. You can’t even attack.

Because whether it is Zuo Zhicheng or Geao. Their strength is several tons, dozens of tons, and their weight is relatively too light and too light. They can fly to Washington casually.

So even if it is the most Peak martial artist, as long as it does not reach the Void Refining realm, it will be very difficult to approach Washington during front-to-back combat.

But at this time, Washington’s proud power had failed, and Zuo Zhicheng in front of him looked like a huge black hole. No matter what kind of strength and storm swept over him, they all disappeared and disappeared, and they could not play any role at all.

So Zuo Zhicheng waved his second punch without any influence, and the goal of this fist was directed at Washington’s head. It was not until this time that the first second passed.

Washington screamed angrily, the air flow all around was so strong that the naked eye was visible, and the loud noise came out, lifting Zuo Zhicheng with the ground under his feet. Shot into the sky.

In the dark state, no attack is effective. But as long as Zuo Zhicheng still needs to stand, Washington can lift the opponent by lifting the ground under his feet.

But just flying out of the one meter distance, a large swath of mud and sand directly flew through the body of Da Heitian and moved towards the sky. Zuo Zhicheng stayed in place.

This is also because in the state of the big black sky, every inch of Zuo Zhicheng’s physical battle clothes can exhibit the ability to decoherence and phase transfer. As for whether to do so, it is entirely determined by Zuo Zhicheng’s brain.

Because you need to stand, you can stand on the ground with your feet. If you don’t need it, then the soil on the soles of your feet, calves, and thighs will be stuffed directly into the imaginary space and disappear.

So in appearance. It was as if Zuo Zhicheng was transformed into a virtual body in an instant, shuttled through the soil beneath his feet. One foot was on the ground, but this time it was real. Infinite strength passed over at the foot, and then joined within every inch of muscle in the body, every inch of blood vessels, skeleton’s power blasted out.

2.7 meters of Zuo Zhicheng blasted out this fist, just like firing a cannon with his fist. In the low sound of the atmosphere, a small pit exploded directly on the ground.

But while he was just procrastinating, Washington had gritted his teeth and flew up into the sky. When he found it difficult to interfere with Zuo Zhicheng’s movement, he naturally moved his body.

At this time, the second passed.

The wound at Washington’s broken arm has been sealed by the white air flow, his eyes exudes strange rays of light, the air flow around all around is condensed and formed, and the atmospheric dragons, white Qilin, monsters, palms are generated Come out, it is like magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, with a horse riding the mountains and rivers, the momentum of the charge of the army moved towards Zuo Zhicheng rushed past.

Such an offensive is enough to even out a force of thousands.

And Zuo Zhicheng also squatted hard when he flew out of Washington, and saw the ground under his feet squatting directly into a cracked pit with his squatting. At the same time, his thigh and calf muscles were Amazing levels skyrocketed, like a circle of bombs.

At the next moment, Zuo Zhicheng rushed up, and the whole person had disappeared, leaving only the ground as if he had experienced an earthquake.

“Ah !!” Looking at Zuo Zhicheng who rushed over, Washington was shocked and angry, the rays of light in his eyes seemed to shine to the extreme, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses made up of airflow Howling moving towards Zuo Zhicheng rushed.

However, Zuo Zhicheng didn’t even move at all. All the airflows rushing to him had no effect. Either the dragon, the tiger, the fist, or the palm were directly torn by Zuo Zhicheng’s body. .

This is the third second.

Seeing this scene in Washington frantically summoning more various creations, while madly letting these forces crash into Zuo Zhicheng while flying away obliquely, he must avoid Zuo Zhicheng.

However, on the outer skin of Zuo Zhicheng’s outer skin, small holes were generated, and strong air jets were ejected from the small holes. Although not enough to allow him to fly in the sky, he could change his flight direction.

Watching Zuo Zhicheng little by little rushing forward, Washington waved various attacks.

The spiral air flow moved towards Zuo Zhicheng, and was smashed by the palm of the world.

Numerous wind blades swept through, but they were completely ignored by Zuo Zhicheng, and there was no reaction on him.

The giant palm dropping from the sky, the size of a skyscraper, was directly drilled into the palm of Zuo Zhicheng, tearing it from start to finish.

Can’t resist, can’t stop, can’t intercept.

At this time, Zuo Zhicheng in the state of the dark sky was wearing a kind of move to move unhindered in the whole world, and the momentum of coming and going to Invincible seemed that there was nothing in the world that could prevent him from killing Washington.

Looking at the deadly chasing Zuo Zhicheng, Washington’s mouth bleeds, and his eyes roar redly: “Why! Why do you monkeys each oppose me and disobey me? Overthrow me?

But damn it is you! You are the real damn ones! Everything is your fault! “

In Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, the ripples that had spread within a few kilometers of the circle condensed instantly, converging in an unimaginable structure on the palm of the remaining hand of Washington.

The masters below have fallen down one by one, gradually falling into a state of hypoxia, and can only look at the two in the sky in despair.

Just above the palm of Washington, more than 80% of the air mixed with his True Yuan for several kilometers in a circle were all condensed and turned into a chaotic color.

At this time, eight seconds had passed since Zuo Zhicheng became a dark state, and one hand of Zuo Zhicheng was grasped on the palm of Washington.

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