Silent Killing

Chapter 464

Spirit Light Sword directly pierced more than ten meters of space and swept Wei Wuji’s neck horizontally.

However, in the past, Spirit Light Sword, which was enough to melt and cut steel, had no effect at all this time when it was cut on Wei Wuji’s neck. Not only did it have no effect, even after Spirit Light Sword was cut across the opponent’s neck, it became suddenly Ming and Qing are uncertain.

‘The heat is absorbed? ‘Zuo Zhicheng was a little stunned, the steel battle clothes had been put back into the imaginary space. The whole man was wearing a black outer skin skin, and a sprint had come to Wei Wuji.

The plasma guided the sword like the same lightning, pierced the air between the two, and moved towards Wei Wuji’s eyebrow fiercely.

There was a chuckle in Wei Wuji’s mouth, and the bitter cold wind had been moved towards Zuo Zhicheng. If it is an ordinary mortal artist of Mortal Manifestation and Law Manifestation, it is estimated that this would only be a mental attack, but it cannot hide Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes.

This cold wind is Wei Wuji’s Martial Arts Dharma Body. His Martial Arts Dharma Body is the cold wind that has frozen everything, ending the idea of ​​the world. The artistic conception contained in it is that everything in the world will usher in destruction and usher in the ultimate tranquility.

Seeing the cold wind blowing over him, Zuo Zhicheng raised a brow, and Sen Luo Vientiane sword turned into a Tianhe greeted, the passing of time to the end of all things.

On the other side, in the face of the plasma-guided sword that continued to stab, Wei Wuji sighed softly, and the blue ice mist directly swam over like a blue ice snake, and the air was completely frozen wherever he passed.

Such a low temperature could not bear even the plasma-guided sword, and Zuo Zhicheng returned to his original position with a jump.

The two’s legal body is getting more and more fierce, tearing up like waterspout.

Wei Wuji gently put out a breath, and there was more and more ice mist around him. Countless slag and ice cubes were born in the air. Then it fell to the ground.

“Zuo Zhicheng? Hehe, three moves are over.” Wei Wuji pulled his hair and looked at the other side intently. “What are you going to do next?”

“He is Zuo Zhicheng?” A hint of doubt flashed on Cao Sheng’s face: “It looks a little familiar.” After all, Zuo Zhicheng’s past identity was to offend Liu Zhicheng. But such a nobody can’t be taken into his heart, let alone so many years have passed. Zuo Zhicheng’s appearance has changed so badly that he can’t recognize it and it’s normal.

Ye Shi looked at Zuo Zhicheng nervously. The presence of the other party has always been his biggest illness.

He clenched his fists and kept thinking: “It’s okay, it’s okay. Although Wei Wuji’s shit is bad, the effort under his hands is definitely better than Zuo Zhicheng … it’s okay.”

Xu Hongfei and the others on the other side stood in place. Looking at the back of the smoke and dust, all looked excited.

“Sir, you are back.”

Li Xunyi laughed: “You have been too late this time.”

Zuo Zhicheng put the plasma-guided sword back into the imaginary space. Indifferently said: “You protect yourself, this guy is a bit tricky.”

“Oh? Is it just tricky?” Wei Wuji said with a cold laugh, next moment, his voice appeared behind Zuo Zhicheng: “Isn’t it despair?”

A loud bang sounded, and a huge icicle was instantly generated by the square meters ten meters, enclosing Zuo Zhicheng’s entire person. Where the original Wei Wuji stood, the prosthesis had been transformed into countless ice debris.

Wei Wuji stood before the icicle. Watching Zuo Zhicheng in the icicle just wanted to laugh out, but soon frowned, because the body of Zuo Zhicheng has completely disappeared at the next moment. Then the icicles disappeared and disappeared.

Zuo Zhicheng entered the shadow state, and then sucked all the frozen ice cubes with Yellow Spring. As for the ultra-low temperature attacks he himself received, all were heated and neutralized by Ming Cong.

In a blink of an eye, the icicle had disappeared. When Wei Wuji struggled with fate and turned to look for each other’s tracks, Cao Sheng suddenly burst out of golden light, and saw a plasma-guided sword appear suddenly behind him, moved towards His body was fiercely cut off, but was blocked by a golden hood.

But even so, Cao Sheng was still scared to the ground.

“Bold! Zuo Zhicheng. You are so brave.” Cao Sheng blanched and shouted frantically: “How dare you attack me? Kill me. No, Governor Wei. You catch me alive, I want him to die. “

Zuo Zhicheng in the shadows frowned: ‘Is it really protected? I don’t know how much Magical Treasure I brought, it’s really troublesome. ‘

Wei Wuji over there also screamed: “Zuo Zhicheng, attack the Imperial Family, you’re a big dog gall.” While speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a lot of white gas, and the white gas appeared. Then he desperately moved towards Wei Wuji’s hands gathered together, blooming layer after layer like a lotus.

This is the Extreme Cold Taoism based on liquid nitrogen. Once he bursts out instantly, I am afraid that most people on the platform will be frozen alive.

When he pushed out the white lotus in his hand, a huge black palm grabbed his head. The black rays of light completely covered the palm, covering Wei Wuji’s head like a dark cloud. .

That’s Zuo Zhicheng’s big black sky state. The only thing in the world that can ignore any body protection and directly attack the other side with his own * attack *.

Blood flowed, countless cyclones blasted violently behind Zuo Zhicheng.

He grasped Wei Wuji’s head with one hand and rushed out like an ancient tyrannosaurus. Wherever he went, any trees, grass, rocks, and rock walls were directly crushed by the crash.

The body of two meters and seven, holding Wei Wuji as if holding a toy.

In a blink of an eye, the two men sprinted a distance of more than one kilometer. Two Martial Arts Dharma Body in the air chased after them together, constantly colliding with each other in the air, friction, and burst into the sky.

Although Zuo Zhicheng’s state of the great black sky can break any body protection Taoism, for the monks in the Star River stage, their bodies have been solidified with various Taoism.

Da Hei Tian can directly absorb and penetrate the body-protection technique of their body, but it is impossible to absorb and penetrate the body that has been cured by Taoism.

So when Zuo Zhicheng pressed Wei Wuji’s head and hit a cliff like a meteor, causing the whole mountain to tremble, Wei Wuji’s body just smashed ten layers of epidermis, these epidermis were like ice cubes It shattered and scattered like a blue cold current.

They are a buffer layer for all attacks, protecting Wei Wuji, and a means of ultra-low temperature counterattack.

“Strength, speed, response, life strength, anti-strike ability, body protection Taoism, vital immunity …” There are countless fluctuations in Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes flashing, and he silently reckoned: “This Wei Wuji, at least all over his body With more than ten Taos cured, no wonder they bothered to hide the true body.

Even if the four of Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning join forces, they may not be able to beat him. In addition, with the men he brought, the Imperial Court is indeed determined. “

“But now I … were stronger.”

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