Silent Killing

Chapter 470

The strength of Zong Zong, even Zuo Zhicheng can’t estimate how strong it is now.

The opponent has at least two Life-Charts. It can be said that even if Zuo Zhicheng has been practicing, whether he can surpass the opponent in strength is still unknown.

But if the news of the serious injury of Zong Zong is true, then it is an excellent opportunity.

As for Cao Sheng, Zuo Zhicheng is indeed a damn person. He severely damaged Zuo Zhicheng’s interests in the new continental, and also lost Azure Moon Hill, and even welcomed a large number of experts in the Imperial Court.

As for Imperial Court, some people always feel that their side is the strongest in the world. Everyone should bow their heads. Zuo Zhicheng understands that it is time for them to recognize the facts.

In terms of strength, this decaying dynasty may not be enough to suppress the whole world.

Of course, Zuo Zhicheng doesn’t plan to actually fight the Imperial Court, but it is necessary to kill Cao Sheng at the opponent ’s site, show his strength, and let the opponent weigh the situation. Anyway, even if he doesn’t, Cao Sheng’s relationship with Imperial Court will not be less hostile to him.

Shen Anan heard what Zuo Zhicheng said, frowned: “I don’t know how strong you are now, but I just want to ask, is it dangerous?”

“Acceptable level.” Although Zuo Zhicheng said briefly, it was all based on the confession of Yuguang Guardian and the expert information provided by Li Xun on the one hand, compared with the power he now has.

It can be said that the psionics are full, with nuclear batteries, without releasing the Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, the Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral and the Ultra Red Blood Profound Light Fiend. With Gucheng intact, his strength should be able to rank among the top ten of many masters in the Central Plains.

After all, it is not thousands of years ago, and Taoism and martial arts are in constant degradation. The number and quality of masters are far less than in the past.

However, Zuo Zhicheng’s state of perfection can be very difficult to deal with, but with the nuclear battery, the three super and his subordinates x-2000, Geao, Yan Gucheng consumption. Damage, his battle strength and destructive power will be greatly reduced.

‘Unless a fatal crisis. Otherwise, before encountering Zong Zong, I must try not to use the explosion of nuclear batteries and the 3 Super Dao Technique in the imaginary space. ‘

Shen An’an stood beside Zuo Zhicheng, shook the head, curl one’s lip said, “I think you should give me a ten-year advance payment in advance. I’m afraid you won’t get my money if you die.”

Zuo Zhicheng shrugged: “I owe all the money you owe to the account book, and it has been handed over to Xu Hongfei. If I die, you should ask him to pay it back.”

“Well?” Shen An’an’s expression suddenly became unsightly: “Are you still accounting?”

“Of course, otherwise how can you figure out how much you owe me.” Zuo Zhicheng pats the sleeping Pluto snake. Turn around and start packing.

Shen An’an opened her eyes wide and said word by word, “How much money do I still owe you? So I have healed so many people and paid a lot of money?”

“There is something in this world called interest.” Zuo Zhicheng said slowly: “And your monthly experiment materials, accommodation, food, and transportation are all money, so I actually lose a lot. “


In addition to improving the strength of their men, constantly strengthening their own power, improving Taoism and practicing martial arts. Zuo Zhicheng also reconstructed the structure of the entire colony.

In a way that combined modern management experience from the previous life with today’s actual situation, the power distribution in the three places has been changed again.

Duplicate positions have been trimmed and bloated governments are shrinking. Into three parts, Zhu Yuwen, Qing Yueyang, and Ye Yunhai (Ahu) managed the three territories administratively. With their management capabilities and a large number of deputy support, the management of these originally belonged to The colony of Great Qi is completely sufficient.

Various other resources, manpower parcel shops, docks, fleets, agriculture and other channels have been integrated by Zuo Zhicheng one after another, which has greatly improved the efficiency of all aspects of the colony.

As for the force, it is divided into the shadow first army. Second Army, Third Army. The Fourth Army continued to the Tenth Army with ten Legions.

Respectively by Qing Yueying and He Zizai. Masters such as the electric commander and the post-wind are the heads of the team, and they rotate each other according to the plan to defend, drill, and help the farm.

Without the restraint of the four Legion and Imperial Courts in the past, Zuo Zhicheng can begin to recruit heavily and increase his army.

In particular, all those who have congenital spirits are included in Tianshezhuang to learn Martial Arts Legacy.

In addition to Martial Arts Legacy, they will learn all kinds of killing, stealth, spying, camouflage, etc. Under the leadership of Zhu Bang, Ji Nanxian and the others, this strongest army will become Zuo Zhicheng The weapon in their hands, and each of their sternum was replaced by Zuo Zhicheng with Blackbone to ensure that they will not backlash.

Those without aptitude are assigned to the top ten Legions. Although their individual strength is not strong, they have the largest number and harsh military discipline. They will be the best force to maintain law and order, balance, and stabilize colonial rule. .

Of course, although they can’t practice martial arts, they can still learn a lot of fighting skills and improve their physical fitness. In this regard, Zuo Zhicheng invited Jiang Tianzheng, a large number of dojo Martial Masters, to serve as military martial arts instructors.

In addition to this, it is equipped with muskets. Under the guidance of Zuo Zhicheng, Taoist firemen also have guns under the guard of Yuguang. They have begun to develop new firearms. They will allow the army to have better new weapons.

After all, Zuo Zhicheng is not a true leader. Although he has a pathological craving for the enhancement of force and constantly strengthens himself and his men, he has basically given Zhu Yuwen and the political management of the territorial commerce others, just to mention a few experiences from the previous life, vigorously support the economy, trade, reduce taxes, reclaim wasteland, and so on.

Of course, the specific approach is to let Zhu Yuwen and the others play, that is not something he is good at, after all.

In the entire colony, although Zuo Zhicheng still does not have any official ranks, but in fact, he has become the true uncrowned king of the entire colony by virtue of his extraordinary strength, very ruthless means, and various experiences from the previous life .

Of course, the above changes have almost consumed Zuo Zhicheng’s wealth, but after spending some time personally, using the imaginary space to reveal the secret of Hell Sect, the financial crisis has also eased.

The entire colony has entered a vigorous development after successive integrations. Both the strength of the Peak masters and the power of Legion are in a rapid growth.

Only with sufficient strength can we ensure that Zuo Zhicheng will not be easily attacked during this time.

In this process, some old-fashioned families will naturally voice opposition because of their rights being violated, but these small matters no longer need to be managed by Zuo Zhicheng. With his power in the new continent now, a large number of masters are available, and the single thought head is enough to call a family of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

So Zuo Zhicheng also looked towards the outside. In addition to the internal factors, the other indigenous races on the new continued are still a threat. Now that the internal integration has been largely completed, it is time to address the external factors.

As for the indigenous strategy, Zuo Zhicheng intends to start with the Newman.


Seven days later, Newman’s queen Esther suppressed all opposition voices in the clan, and came lightly to Tianshe Village.

At this time, she was standing quietly in front of Zuo Zhicheng, and expression was looking at the man in front of him complexly.

Zuo Zhicheng held his chin in one hand and swung the other. The members of the assassination forces that escorted Esterl bowed their heads and retreated. He differentially asked: “You came later than I thought. “

“When will your promises be fulfilled. The Great Family in the clan is already very dissatisfied with my decision. They may rush over anytime, anywhere. They want to eat your meat and drink your blood. Your expansion in the army will make the whole Continent people are very dissatisfied. “

“You know they’re just dying,” Zuo Zhicheng said. “But since you’re so anxious, let’s start.”

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