Silent Killing

Chapter 475

Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture, with the ability to distort human consciousness and transform memory.

However, this ability cannot be abused casually. Each memory modification will cause almost the same harm to the user. If this is done for a long time, the user will suffer mental damage that is almost impossible to recover.

So whether it is Yan Mo Holy Son or Zuo Zhicheng, will not abuse this cultivation technique to create a large amount of External Body Incarnation, which will cause his own spirit to fall into disorder and madness.

Although Zuo Zhicheng has cultivated ten places, he does not need to try such things.

And now using Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture on Baijan, it is really that the other party’s ability is very useful to him, and it has a large number of believers in advance. That’s why he transformed the memory of the other party so that he can play a better effect in the future.

At this moment, more than a dozen people rushed over, and Ji Nanxian who walked in front of him looked up and looked around, and said blankly, “Is it him?”

Lin Hxi and Gree also came over. The latter saw Baijan excitedly and said, “It’s him! Don’t listen to him, let me catch him first!” He said he had rushed up.

All around the Newman, the guard, Xu Hongfei, Estelle and the others also woke up because Zuo Zhicheng pulled away the spirit power, and then saw Gree rushing forward, but Zuo Zhicheng seemed to be caught The chick grabbed it.

wu wu ~ Gree felt that his breathing was getting more and more difficult, and finally suddenly loosened, Zuo Zhicheng released it, and dropped it on the ground again.

He gasped, and looked at Zuo Zhicheng dissatisfied. “Why did you stop me? Did you also be manipulated by him?”

“From now on, he will be my personal property. As for you …” Zuo Zhicheng said with a chin. “You have two choices, either stay and work for me, or let me take away your ability.”

Gree’s ability is simply the best spy ability. Zuo Zhicheng cannot let this ability out of his control.

Zuo Zhicheng moved towards the side and Zhan raised his chin and said, “Tell him.”

Byzantine at this time seemed to have figured out the situation in front of him and blinked and said, “brother, I’m not your byzantine now. You can call me Charlie, as the boss said. I am him now Private property.

I personally suggest that you also join him, otherwise the results will be difficult to say. “

“How is that possible?” Gree looked at Bai Zhan or Charlie and Zuo Zhicheng in front of him, confused, and opened his mouth without knowing what to say.

After Charlie said a few words, Zuo Zhicheng raised his hand and asked the guard to tie Gree down, giving him a few days to consider.

Zuo Zhicheng looked up at Esterel and said, “Your candidate is them?”

Estelle nodded said: “They are my most loyal subordinates, what happened just now?” A flash of confusion flashed in her eyes: “I feel a little strange and suddenly want to attack you very suddenly.” She looked towards Charlie’s eyes were skeptical, and apparently something had come to mind.

“Nothing.” Of course Zuo Zhicheng could not explain this to him. It just waved and let people take a few Newmans away, ready to unlock their genes.

In the following days, after Zuo Zhicheng turned on the mental activation ability of several Newmans, they sent them back to Newman City. They will use their newly acquired power to suppress the entire Newman.

Faced with a more powerful queen, those Newmans still have a new road to becoming stronger. It is naturally impossible to resist for long.

The Newman will then become the best allies and barriers of Great Qi, fighting for multiple indigenous tribes. And Great Qi will hurry up time to develop and upgrade.

After all, the modern knowledge carried by Zuo Zhicheng itself is already the best cheat weapon. With the top ten Legion, assassination forces, masters and firearms. Various economic and technological progress, the gap between the indigenous people and the colonies will only grow wider.

As for internal multiethnicity. Zuo Zhicheng intends to use policies, force, and Charlie on the one hand to solve the contradictions of multiple classes.

Of course, the policy prohibits the abuse of indigenous peoples, the use of force is a bloody suppression of the riots, and Charlie’s ability will become a key.

Although he is very fragile, he is not vulnerable to ordinary person. A simple assassination can kill him. But his ability is for the ruling class. It’s the Super Divine Item.


In the study room, Zuo Zhicheng looked at the picture full of characters. Densely packed paper reads:

“His mother, Mei Li, has agreed to Li’s family, and before she got married, Mei Li was pregnant from Holy Spirit …”

“On the day he was born, the entire snow and ice of Saintess was whispering the name: Zuo Zhicheng …”

Zuo Zhicheng couldn’t help but looked up, looked at Charlie strangely and asked, “Are you sure?”

“Oh, please, who do you think has played demonic beast in this World? Has anyone read the Bible?” Charlie talked, his eyes full of confidence: “There are 12 trials in the back, half-man Demi-God half The legend of the demon, countless times to save the entire world of adventure.

If we return to Earth, I can make you replace Christ.

And here I can make you the only god.

do you understand? War, poverty, hunger, and your own strength, the conditions here are really good. I can’t believe why you have been hiding your strength. “

“Trust me.” Charlie stared at Zuo Zhicheng with a pair of innocent eyes. “From now on, you will become God, and I will be your most faithful bishop.”

“Don’t use this set for me, you know it’s useless.” Zuo Zhicheng coldly said: “First promote it in a small area, try it out. Start with my private assassination force. Use your method, try it.”

“Wait, boss.” Charlie laughed. “I’ll give you an army full of fighting spirit and even willing to fight to your death.”


A few days later, a series of tests on assassination, stealth, fraud, stealing, etc. were conducted in Tianshezhuang. The scores were intentionally bad, but the top 100 people were actually retrenched. In fact, they added a A confidential unit named Pale Guard.

In addition to the best resources, including psionic food, Tianhe pie, and marial arts by Hell Sect, they were also required to take part in Charlie’s course.

Zuo Zhicheng stood at the back wall of the classroom, calmly listening to the voice of Charlie next door.

“Look at yourself, a bunch of chicks of mother’s milk not yet dried.”

“Are you afraid of death? If you are afraid of death, immediately open this room full of successful people, because for one year, note that as long as one year, you will meet any one of you here again, that person is already Qi The master of Practitioner Great Accomplishment, he can press you with just one finger, and he will become a pale Guard and the most sublime subordinate of Sir Wang.

The wealth they get in one day is enough for your life.

They can choose any pretty woman they can see.

After he died, he would enter the Hall of Spirits and be blessed by the gods. “

“And if you want to stay, the only thing you have to do is desperately, believe in Holy Son, that is, Master Zuo Zhicheng, and then pick up your knife, pick up your gun, whatever bench, wrench, iron rod, etc. For Holy Son, stuff these things into your enemy’s throat.

Then I will use your blood to make you richer and stronger than any Sect Master in Central Plains. I hope you can use power and wealth to solve any problem, as long as you believe me, believe Holy Son. “

“I want you to be cruel, ruthless, crazy, and I want everyone in the world who is right with us to be afraid we can’t sleep.”

“Now, since no one wants to leave, open the book in your hand, let’s take the first lesson and be born.”

This chapter describes the birth of Holy Son. “

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