Silent Killing

Chapter 483

The speed of each step of the man is extremely slow, but the speed of the entire person is extremely fast. Each step is a distance of hundreds of meters. After a few steps, he has already come to the field.

I saw a man with black hair flying up and down like a flame, and eyes like black holes, with a magical power that couldn’t be extricated.

Seeing such an astonishing man, both Master Wandu and Wang Wei also stopped, each withdrew, and looked towards the man like Demon God, all thinking they were helpers from the other side.

Lord Wandu looked towards the man shouted loudly: “Who is coming?”

The man didn’t speak, but looked at Wandu Master and said, “Weak.”

The words didn’t fall, he had already moved towards Wandu Master blasted in the past, this throws a punch, Wandu Master’s heart immediately gave birth to a twisting feeling, under the action of the power of the mind, he only felt this fist seems to move forward, it seems to be backing, it seems to be reaching the extreme, and it seems to be still, as if it completely violates the laws of time and space.

When Wan Du Shang’s response came, the man’s punch had hit Wan Du Shang’s forehead.

At this moment, the whole world seems to have disappeared. The whole world seems to have only Wandu Master and this fist in front of him. Wandu Master feels that two opposing forces in the fist are banging at the same time. On his forehead, he seemed to be caught in a tornado, and the whole person was pulled by hundreds of elephants.

Pu chi sounded, the original slashing of the sword and stab was just a layer of flesh, the poisonous Master, and the whole head burst in this fist.

Until this moment before his death, his eyes still seemed to contain strong incomprehension and doubt, and he still seemed to be obsessed with the mystery of the man’s punch.

The man who punched Wandu with a punch was naturally Zuo Zhicheng, or not Zuo Zhicheng.

Six Desires Demon through split consciousness. Let your consciousness grow and then devour the consciousness of division to increase your strength. In this process, of course, the stronger the sense of division. The more power you increase, the more difficult it will be to devour.

The first split consciousness created by Zuo Zhicheng. It was created by part of his worst, cruelest, most demon character.

And in order to maximize the potential of this split consciousness, it will not be too difficult to make the first swallow, which will make the next five swallows sad.

When he created and designed the split consciousness, he intentionally added the character and experience of many virtual characters to make this split consciousness into a schizophrenic.

In other words, schizophrenia created a new patient with schizophrenia. Plus his outer skeleton skin. The free control of the muscle skeleton allows him to become a perfect person almost when he releases his split spirit.

All around, I saw Master Wandu being so simple and single boxed by evil men, and his face was full of horrified expression.

The tension and dignity in Wang Yiyi’s eyes reached a certain extreme. He stared at the evil man in front of him, solemnly asked: “Who is your Excellency?”

“Pangban.” The evil man faintly smiled, it seems that the entire world has changed the change color, and the two words arbitrarily spoken, but the color of pride in his eyes cannot be resisted, it seems everyone should know and understand. Respect those two words.

All the people in the room stared at the spot in front of them, watching the arrogant and ridiculous Supreme Master before, which had turned into a headless body and fell to the ground.

“The only king?” Pang Bian looked at the middle-aged Ruya in front of him and said, “I don’t know if the strength of Xi Zong is better than me. To what extent?”

Wang Yiyi’s eyes narrowed, said solemnly: “Although your martial arts are amazing, they are still far from the Great Demon.”

“That’s it.” Pangban smiled dumbly, one palm with breathtaking charm, already moved towards Wang Wei one after another and grabbed it: “Let’s find a place to talk about it.”

As he grabbed it with his hand, the air seemed to be stirred in an instant, turning into a gust of wind that wrapped him up and down, and at the same time he stepped out. There was a sound like a thunderous thunder, and a loud noise was heard in the mountains. The repercussions are endless.

The whole forest seemed to shake. Attracted everyone’s attention to that punch.

I saw that the clothes on Pangban’s body were violently violent, his fist banged directly on the sole of Wang’s sword. At this time, although he didn’t have the so-called Inner sect True Qi, he was covered by the outer skin of the skeleton. He has long been impervious to sword or spear.

The long sword was directly smashed into a curved bow by the giant force, and finally burst suddenly under the pressure of pressure. After a ghost-like blow, Wang Yihui vomited blood and went backwards. Next moment, the whole person was held in the hands by Pompom, as if It’s like a big man holding a child boy.

In the long laughter of Yang Tian, ​​Pang Ban had carried Wang Yiwei away.

The crowd watched each other so silently, and they still seemed to be immersed in the nightmare punch. The height of the opponent’s martial arts has completely exceeded their imagination. Seeing that Wang Yiwei was taken away in this way, everyone in the audience did not even have the idea of ​​raising resistance. It seems that everything in front of them is so reasonable.

“Wang only person and sword unites, I thought I was already the best master in the world, but I was defeated in this way.”

“Luo Old Master just shot with 200 Jin’s steel essence sledgehammer, but he didn’t tell the XNUMX poisonous man to hurt the slightest. This dazzling smashed the opponent’s head with a punch.”

The moment the Pangban disappeared, the crowd boiled immediately. The two names of Pangban are destined to spread to the world after today.

In the distance, Shen Xiaoling and Shen Xiaobei looked at each other in shock, “When in the rivers and lakes, when did such masters appear again?”

“Pangban?” Shen Xiaobei took a deep breath: “You must go back and tell everyone immediately.”


However, there are more than one masters to appear in the rivers and lakes. Zuo Zhicheng has released the first sense of division in order to speed up the progress of Six Desires Demon.

As the subject consciousness, he can suppress the first split consciousness at any time by virtue of steel-like willpower. It is with this advantage that he spurs the first split consciousness, referred to as the first consciousness constantly fighting with the master, waiting for the opportunity to devour the first One consciousness.

And being itself set as the first consciousness of schizophrenia, it will incarnation countlessly, causing the Southwest Wulin to become a mess.

Jiqing City, as an important gateway to the Central Plains area in the southwest, is at this time windy and rainy.

Only because of the two major martial arts Shi Family in the city, Pei House where Optimus Primer Pei Jun was located, and Mo Yunzhang Li Chang had a major event in his Li Family.

Both are the top 20 masters in the southwest, and the family they belong to is the martial arts magnate, but just last night, they were poisoned by the whole family and the whole family was destroyed. The whole city is already full of rumors and hearts.

At this moment, in the outer building of the largest restaurant in the city, countless people gathered together to discuss the arrest of the killer.

And the famous heroine Liu Bingli of Tian Dao Palace also sat in the seat and was listening carefully to the discussion. I didn’t know that she heard half of it, but suddenly there was a chuckle in her ears, and she turned to look, but it was a jade face with red lips, and a handsome young man in a rags clothing showed scorn.

The slight smile, but Liu Bingli who looked at it, stayed for a while.

The boy in the clothing suit seemed to notice Liu Bingli’s gaze and turned his head to say with a smile: “Fairy knows who the real murderer is?”

Liu Bingli’s eyebrows were down, indifferently said: “I heard recently that a magic master named Pangban from Southwest Wulin has appeared, but I don’t know if it is him.”

“Demon Master Pang Ban, although extremely evil and evil, may not indiscriminately kill innocent people.” Said the boy in the clothes and shook his head said with a slight smile: “The extinguish sect tragic incident in the two cities of Pei and Li is probably caused by the evil king from Shi Zhixuan. “

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