Silent Killing

Chapter 489

On the carriage, Zuo Zhicheng sat alone with his knees crossed, and Shen Xiaoling, who was with him, was kicked out by him with a few excuses. He himself could finally cultivate and strengthen his strength.

In terms of Taoism, Zuo Zhicheng was trapped in bottleneck before he found a new life, and he has not put Taoism in the first place in the last half month. His Taoism is still the level of repairing Heavenly Palace. Only when the Life-Chart of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky is completely completed can the realm of Star River be achieved.

In terms of martial arts, he finally stepped into the coveted Void Refining realm. The Void Refining realm is divided into three steps, namely Prominent Saint, Good Fortune, and Heaven Opening.

After Zuo Zhicheng stepped into the Prominent Saint realm, the biggest change has two points. The first point is that his mental strength will gradually be transformed into True Yuan, which can affect the material world.

The second point is that due to the existence of True Yuan, he has a greater influence on the control and arrangement of *, and can also capture various fluctuations, rays, and energy in the air. Earth Bridge, his * can be greatly enhanced.

I saw Zuo Zhicheng holding his hands together, and made a ring gesture. A black and white breath rolled in the ring, and a white spirit came out from the left side of the ring. Come, on the right, it turns into a pure black True Yuan.

This is the power of Zuo Zhicheng to transform his mind. It’s like that after the Great Accomplishment of Breakthrough Gas, the transformation of the body needs to be slowly nurtured. After the Breakthrough Mortal Manifestation, the increase of mental strength needs to be slowly cultivated.

The same is true of Void Refining Prominent Saint today. It is impossible for you to be completely transformed as soon as you break through. Realm is realm, and human body is still human body. Although Zuo Zhicheng’s realm has arrived at Void Refining’s realm, the original mental power also needs to be transformed once and becomes innate.

Therefore, this is also a stage of Zuo Zhicheng’s rapid improvement in strength. As the power of the mind was transformed into True Yuan at a stroke, his strength was growing rapidly almost every moment, and a wave of violent power gradually filled his within the body.

And hit the door to Heaven Opening. Zuo Zhicheng’s * is no longer bound by mankind in the true sense. It can be said that he only needs to continue the pastoral practice every day. * The quality and physical strength can be improved again.

But this is still a method for mortals to exercise. What Zuo Zhicheng lacks is Void Refining Prominent Saint. After hitting Heaven Opening, the martial artist cultivates the flushy body.

After all, how precise and complex a * structure is, it does not mean that you can increase the power of speed by absorbing energy from the outside into the body.

It must be like extraordinary martial arts, or blood flow capacity. Either the air jet forces out, in short, a special structure is inevitably needed, and the structure can let the power behind the Prominent Saint play out.

Instead of just absorbing some energy into the *, the speed of the omnipotent power has greatly increased.

Zuo Zhicheng sitting cross-legged, the breath between his palms became more and more intense, and his strength became more and more powerful with the continuous conversion of the power of the mind.


Eight days later, Silong Town.

Under the arrangement of Zuo Zhicheng’s intentional delay, the Liu Family came a few days later.

Silong Town, which was originally just an ordinary border town, has become very lively this month. Various Three Sects in the rivers and lakes. One after another came here.

Among them are the masters and heroes of the Great prestigious families, and the gangsters and thugs of the gangsters. Various people gather here only for the martial arts, Taoism, and Magical Treasure owned by the legendary Nan Shengmen.

Of course, so many people with supernatural power came together. All kinds of contradictions and quarrels have not been broken, but because of the advance preparation and strong suppression of Tian Dao Palace, a total of three Supreme Elders sat down, but no one really did.

After all, even the Zongzong people didn’t see it, and it was too unwise to start killing them.

And because more and more people were present, the only inn in the town was naturally full, and most people in the rivers and lakes could only rent ordinary people’s houses to live in. Later, all the houses were full. Many latecomers can only live in the wild near the town. People live by building camps.

So when the Liu Family entire group arrived in the town, the whole town was overcrowded. At least more than 1500 masters from all walks of life gathered here, and the number of people who have been secretly hidden is even more difficult to determine.

The entire group arrived at the gate of Silong Town. He was directly stopped by the guards of Tian Dao Palace. It turned out that the town was already full of people, and they were transferred to a nearby camp to arrange accommodation.

Shen Xiaoling and Shen Xiaobei were about to leave with a group of people, but found that the other team was dressed in a gorgeous and rigorous team has slowly entered the town of Silong.

Shen Xiaoling frowned: “Why can they go in!”

Shen Xiaobei was too late to stop her. On the other side, Dao Palace disciple heard a sneer and looked up and down for a few moments before he said, “The position of the others is already reserved, naturally you are not In the same way, don’t be dissatisfied. People earn their status and fame. If the two are not convinced, they will earn a lot. “

Shen Xiaoling still wanted to say something, but she was pulled back by Shen Xiaobei, and she grumbled, “Why …”

“Did you forget your grandma?” Shen Xiaobei said, “We have to think twice before we go out this time. Don’t bother the family members. This kind of moral dispute is the most important thing. Don’t think You’re like at home, everyone has to let you. “

Shen Xiaoling muttered and didn’t speak. Although he knew the reality was like this, he was young and full of energy and was always a little dissatisfied.

Shen Xiaobei was sighed, and moved towards the convoy who entered the town and said, “Do you not see who they are?”


“Grandma really taught you nothing. When you come out to confuse the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is the wink. In the convoy, there are thunder clouds, and there are several Taoists wearing purple electric robes, especially the horses that pull the carts are the horses in the northeast. , The horse is all white, without even a trace of hair.

This team of people is Lei Xiaofeng’s people, I’m afraid it is still Lei Xiaofeng’s high-level. “

After hearing this, Shen Xiaoling’s eyes moved towards the team carefully observed the past and said in his mouth: “No wonder, just do not know who this time Lei Xiaofeng came, Cao Shuyao did not know if it came.”

Next, the Shen Family’s men and women led by Tian Dao Palace disciple to a pre-planned camp. Fortunately, there were water and trees nearby, and the place was not bad.

The Shen Family had already prepared for camping in the wild long ago, and it seemed unhurried.

However, not long after they set up camp, they saw smoke and dust in the distance. Dozens of riders ignored the guards and rushed into the camp directly.

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