Silent Killing

Chapter 495

ps: Sorry, too much work, and the novel is dizzy. The wrong name was written at the end of the last chapter. It is Yan Gucheng, not Du Gufeng.

Suppressed the 20% god Zuo Zhicheng put out a breath. Six Desires Demon quickly split up consciousness and enhanced experience and skills. It is almost Supreme’s classics, but the side effects are also great.

First of all, the whole process is irreversible, which keeps him under side effects until he trains Six Desires Demon to Great Perfection. As is the case now, so many masters are obviously very unsuitable for the 20% God to come out.

‘How can we wait until the matter of Zong Zong is resolved, and then resolve the matter of the 20% God. ‘

He said that he had looked at the information brought by Yan Gucheng and carefully analyzed the movements of various people.

“Tian Dao Palace and Lei Xiaofeng have formed an alliance. The Imperial Court is hiding behind and wants to take advantage of the fishermen. The people and horses of the Longevity Demon Palace are not gathered together, but are scattered in all aspects. Their purpose is also Zongzong. ? “

Zuo Zhicheng pinched his chin looking towards the scenes and analyzed, “The people of the Revolutionary Party are said to be behind the Shangqing Hall, one of the Seven Great Sects. Their goal this time seems not to be Zongzong, but to Imperial Court … … “

“Hmph, the Seven Great Sect of Central Plains, Xu Mi Temple was destroyed, and the Dao Palace, Lei Xiaofeng, Shangqing Temple, and the Longevity Demon Palace have all arrived, and the North Demon Sect and the Sword Tower Seven Great Sect are all here.” Zuo Zhi Sincerity’s mind is constantly calculating the intelligence of people from all sides, ideas one after another keep coming out of his mind.


Two hours later, Yan Gucheng once again wore steel battle clothes to the sky and went to detect intelligence.

Zuo Zhicheng is a black robe wrapped around his body, and walked to the place where he had a secret meeting with other experts today.

Just in the middle of the night, under the moonlight, one silhouette after another rushed into a ruined temple. Zuo Zhicheng leaned on a wall, coldly watching more and more people in the temple hall.

Some of them came in directly through the wall. Some fell from the sky, some suddenly appeared, and others even climbed out of the shadows.

The more than 50 people in front of us cannot talk about the top 50 in the world. But being able to stand out from thousands of rivers and lakes, obviously each one is enough to be one’s own. All kinds of martial arts Taoism are magical.

Just as Zuo Zhicheng was standing still against the wall, he suddenly reached out and moved towards the air, and then he heard a scream. A tall, thin man suddenly appeared, and was grabbed directly by Zuo Zhicheng.

“Why have you been looking at me?” Zuo Zhicheng stared at each other’s eyes, word by word.

“I’m not malicious.” The tall man swallowed: “Okay … curious, I’ve never heard your name in the rivers and lakes before, and suddenly such a master came up. Of course I’m curious.”

Looking at the other person’s bitter smile, Zuo Zhicheng slowly loosened his palm. The tall and relaxed guy did not leave, but stood beside Zuo Zhicheng, saying curiously, “Hello, my name is Lu Tiannan, Quanzhou’s invisible sect. I said, isn’t your Shen Family the best at purging corpses? Where is your ghoul, where is the corpse? “

Zuo Zhicheng recalled it in his mind, and then he remembered that the guy left a mark on the stone plate with a strange weapon. From this perspective. Seems to be one of the last few players present.

Seeing Zuo Zhicheng not talking, Lu Tiannan followed the other person’s eyes and looked at Long Xiaotian who was gathering with more than a dozen people. Long Xiaotian turned his head and gave Zuo Zhicheng a glance, and then turned a few sneer.

Although he knew the other person wasn’t sneering at himself, Lu Tiannan shook subconsciously and said, “Hey, how did you mess with Long Xiaotian, that guy is so domineering, and his dragon and tiger gang is more crowded. And, look at a few of them, Heavenly Dragon, Long Xiaotian, Xiao Minghe. It is clear that they are all old acquaintances. Even in this team, even those of us, Small Sect, are most disadvantaged. “

Zuo Zhicheng still ignored him. Just scanning the entire hall of the Buddhist temple, almost all the masters have arrived. As well-known figures in the rivers and lakes, they naturally knew each other. After a while, they had divided into several small groups according to their status, strength, and power.

Zuo Zhicheng and Lu Tiannan, who were either unfamiliar or weak, were excluded from the outermost areas.

A magnificent man with red hair also walked beside Zuo Zhicheng and Lu Tiannan. The big man named Chiren grinned when he saw the two: “It looks like we are all abandoned people. “

“Red big brother, you are so strong, who will give you up.”

When Lu Tiannan saw Chiren performing better than Zuo Zhicheng on the stage, he immediately gave up Zuo Zhicheng and became entangled with Chiren. The ass patted one after another, saying Akane laughed heartily.

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t care about this, but after sweeping the scene, he closed his eyes and continued to practice Void Refining martial arts in his heart.

After a while, Jing Chengtian struck white clothed and entered the hall with Cao Shuyao in the black robe.

“Everyone here is an experienced wind and rain veteran. I won’t say much if I don’t need more.” Unlike the daytime situation, Jing Chengtian was straightforward and said without any concealment: “Xizong is very strong , Very strong. So before killing him, I hope that you can be united and sincere, and that you can talk about everything after the destruction of Daizong. “

Speaking of this, Jing Chengtian once again took out the stone plate that was displayed on the stage for testing, but this time, the stone plate was not used for testing.

Just feeling the sudden inexplicable shock of the air in the entire hall, Jing Chengtian’s body suddenly exuded a layer of hazy rays of light, next moment, and saw his palm pressed gently on the stone plate, Under the attack of many masters, it was only a stone plate that slightly left the impression. At this moment, it seemed to become a fragile tofu.

puchi puchi, the entire stone plate has been crushed into pieces by Jing Chengtian, and his hand is like a knife with nothing and no cut. Anything that touches it will be directly decomposed.

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes narrowed slightly: ‘Has his entire body cured into a high frequency knife? ‘

Everyone else had eyes wide open and looked at the scene stupidly. Lu Tiannan first picked up the rubble on the ground and squeezed it, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead: “It’s true, it’s not replaced … it’s so easy … “

Many other masters couldn’t wait to pick up the stones that fell on the ground, and then there were shocked expressions on their faces.

Although Jing Chengtian didn’t say a word, Li Wei’s effect was immediate, which greatly facilitated his next work.

Wei Yan of the Sword Sect shook the head: “Heavenly Dao Ten Ways, Tianji First, Sure enough your name is not in vain, your Tianji Daozhen has been trained to be invincible and choppy. I am quite I want to see which of your Tianji Daozhen and my mote Sword Art is more powerful. “

“Brother Wei, rest assured, there will be opportunities in the future, but not this time.” Jing Chengtian dispersed the dim light from all over the body, said indifferently: “Everyone, if you don’t have any opinions, let me and Shu Yao talk about the next arrangements Right. “

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