A thunder blew, Xiao Jingyang rushed forward, and a pair of iron claws made a metal-like sound, causing a roar of whistling, and moved towards Blood Rakshasa grabbed it. This is Rising Sun Dojo’s Eagle Claw.

But in the face of this horrible claw, Blood Rakshasa just chuckled, and the soft sword in his hand was moved towards the other side.

The soft sword more than three meters long was swung by the blood Rakshasa in his hands, like thousands of troubles, and turned into countless illusory shadows, and moved toward Xiao Jingyang from different angles.

Before Xiao Jingyang touched the other side, he let out a scream, his body was cut open, and he didn’t know how many wounds, and retreated madly.

At this time, other talents gathered around, but the blood Rakshasa only moved a few times in a row, turned around, and waved his double sword to break the containment.

As if she were a shark, she randomly walked in the courtyard, and every time she waved a long sword, she would take away a life.

At this moment, a fist did not bring a trace of wind, and in a weird stillness, the vest of Blood Rakshasa was printed. It wasn’t until the slightest breeze on the fist’s face that his body was full of blood. Rakshasa did not have time to react and flashed forward, but still felt a pain from his back because he was too late to escape.

This was the first time she had been injured since the war began.

Affected by this strength of Fist, Blood Rakshasa turned around and saw Jiang Master, who did not know when he moved behind him. The other party didn’t say a word, and banged him again in silence.

The feeling of serenity and peace shrouded the blood Rakshasa’s thoughts, making her action slowed a little, barely blocked by the sword ridge, and she had to back away again.

“Refining spirit technique?” Blood Rakshasa heart startled, but immediately responded again: “No, if it is really a refining spirit master, I am dead after this fist, but can I use the refining spirit technique in the Qi Practitioner stage?”

Blood Rakshasa sneered, Murderous aura on her body surged out, this time Murderous aura assaults the senses, the mind is full of ideas to kill each other, Jiang Master’s body did not reach the refining spirit realm after all, barely used refining spirit Manipulations will no longer work.

The two made a series of quick breaks, and saw a silver light blinking around Jiang Tianzheng, and soon left a wound on his left arm.

After all, Yang Qi’s strength has failed. Jiang Tianzheng’s strength and speed can’t keep up with the blood Rakshasa. If it is not his own rich experience and the mind has kept quiet under the effect of Yang Qi’s strength, I am afraid that he would have lost.

At this moment, a sharp pain came from the wound on his face and arm. Jiang Tianzheng took advantage of the siege of blood Rakshasa by two people and immediately flashed out. Thinking of the wound that was scratched on the sword before, he Loudly shouted: “Beware, she has poison on her sword!”

“Go get weapons!”

No one could think that Blood Rakshasa was so crazy that he chose a person and rushed in when their 18 dojos gathered.

Not even thinking that the blood Rakshasa woman was so powerful.

When the blood Rakshasa started to work, the whole yard was in a mess. Jiang Qing wanted to go to help, but was grabbed by Zuo Zhicheng and dragged away from the yard.

She didn’t know where Zuo Zhicheng’s power came from, but she couldn’t break free at all.

“What are you doing, let me go, I’m going to help my father!”

But Zuo Zhicheng was like a silent machine, ignoring Jiang Qing’s struggle, and quickly pulled her away from the battlefield.

Just then, an astonishing scream sounded in the courtyard, with a broken arm rising to the sky with blood.

Among the crowd, Jiang Qing could see that it was the owner of the dojo pavilion with the nickname Tie Luo Han, holding the broken arm and kneeling on the ground. Iron Cloth, who claims to be able to impervious to sword or spear, is so fragile at the moment in front of Blood Rakshasa.

Just as he screamed, several silver lights passed over his body, and countless pieces of meat shot out.

He had been divided by a three-meter-long soft sword.

And this is just one scene in the killing field, more broken arm stumps keep splashing out. With a sword length of more than three meters, every swing of Blood Rakshasa, the swing speed of the sword tip is almost close to the speed of sound.

The screams like ghosts and gods kept ringing in the air, accompanied by the screams and sorrows of Montreal, as if the door of Yellow Spring was opened.

When Jiang Qing reacted, she was pushed gently by Zuo Zhicheng, and after pushing to a wall, she struggled to stretch her head out towards the courtyard, but she could only watch a big red silhouette and kept rushing to the right. Hit, brought up pieces of blood.

She gritted her teeth and said, “What are you running for! We are going to help my father!” But her trembling legs prevented her from taking a step.

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t say anything, but looked calmly at Rakshasa, the blood of wanton killings in the field, without knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, several buddies pushed the car and rushed to it. In the car, there were dozens of machetes that had already been sharpened.

“Everyone fight with him with weapons!”

“Watch out for his strange gate weapon!”

Bare-handed fists and blades are indeed different. Everyone was completely unprepared killed by blood Rakshasa before. One reason is naturally that blood Rakshasa is really powerful, but the other reason is naturally two soft swords over three meters in hand.

At this moment, the Martial Masters went to take the machete, and then they were brave and moved towards Blood Rakshasa again.

However, Zuo Zhicheng narrowed his eyes and confirmed that Jiang Tianzheng had hid in the house. After the blood Rakshasa did not immediately chase him, he pulled Jiang Qing to run away again. No matter how Jiang Qing struggled, he was cold like a piece Like a hard stone, nothing changed.

And while he was leaving all the way, he always walked some corners, hand shadows, seems to have taken nothing, it seems nothing. In this chaos, no one found it.

Within a few seconds after Zuo Zhicheng turned around, the warrior who first got the machete was cried out in surprise, and the silver light flashed in the air. The blade in his hand was shattered into a smash, and the broken blade directly Shot on his face, chest, stomach.

Seeing two soft swords as powerful and flexible as a snake, someone began to throw the machete and other things in his hand.

Blood Rakshasa sneered and flashed aside.

Jiang Qing was held in his arms by Zuo Zhicheng. She watched with tears in her eyes as the courtyard of the slaughterhouse turned back. Suddenly, the courtyard dimmed, just like the Domino Bone Token. Being extinguished, the entire Rising Sun Dojo was suddenly dark.

“Be careful, she slipped out!”

“Here, here, she’s hiding in the house!”

“Master! Master you there!”

“She jumped on the roof!”

“Stop him!”

“Help! Help! ~~~~”

The cracking of metal, the cracking of furniture, the screams of humans, the collision of swords.

In the dark Rising Sun Dojo, all kinds of sounds are endless. Only in the light of the moonlight can we barely see a corpse lying on the ground constantly showing various distorted expressions.

In the darkness, which was only a few hundred square meters, Blood Rakshasa was harvesting everyone’s lives in the darkness as if he had come to his own home.

At the corner of the room, Jiang Tianzheng smiled bitterly and looked at the wound on his arm. The opponent’s later swords seemed to have no sex, and it appeared that only the first wound was poisoned. If you want to come this way, is one of the two swords wiped **?

Holding a machete and cutting a piece of meat directly from the poisoned wound, Jiang Tianzheng started to release Poison Blood again, and his face became paler after this action.

He didn’t expect that they had hundreds of martial artists, but they were almost overwhelmed by the blood Rakshasa alone. Where they want to fight, how they want to fight, how many people they want to fight, almost do as one pleases, but they have no way.

With puchi, another person broke into the window.

Jiang Tianzheng was about to act, but stopped.

“Xiao Master?”

“Jiang Master?”

In the darkness, both Mortal Manifestation smiled bitterly. At this time, Xiao Jingyang was absolutely can’t be called because of his condition. He had been completely red dyed by the blood dyed upper body, and there were several visible wounds on his back, making him frown every time he moved.

“Blood Rakshasa, even more terrifying than we thought. She was almost swept to death by her sword.”

“Xiao Qing doesn’t know what’s going on, I must go out and save her.”

On the other side, Jiang Qing has been tucked under a bed by Zuo Zhicheng, and he said coldly, “Hide here well, don’t come out.”

Zuo Zhicheng’s tone and state are far from normal. It can be said that he completely changed a person, but Jiang Qing can’t take care of it. Her eyes are dull, even the daughter of the dojo owner, Perennial girl. But this is also the first time she has seen so many dead people, so much blood. Before that, she hadn’t even killed a chicken.

These four words are usually so heavy and fragile in front of the bloody corpse.

In his mind, Tie Luo Han’s arm was broken by a sword, and then the corpse was divided, as if the movie was looped and kept flashing.

Human life turned out to be so worthless and so fragile.

She looked at Zuo Zhicheng in front of her and said, “Are we going to die? Is Dad already dead?”

“Rest assured, will not die.” Then there was a sound of Soso, Zuo Zhicheng seemed to take something from his arms from the closet in the room, constantly rummaging and sorting. However, Jiang Qing, who was hiding under the bed, could not see at all. He could only see the flash of light and shadow, and did not know what Zuo Zhicheng was doing.

According to the circumstances of the bloodshed in these days, Zuo Zhicheng had long guessed that the female lunatic might rush into Rising Sun Dojo directly, and even want to wipe out all dojo people.

So he also dived into Rising Sun Dojo in advance and prepared something. Such as the mask in the arms, some materials in the corner, and the coat in the closet of this room. He came all the way and finally collected all the preparations.

So in just a few minutes, through his own preparation, he has become a big man wearing a pure white mask.

But at the next moment, in this darkness, Jiang Qing’s heartbeat almost stopped.

“Two little mice.” The sound of Demoness teasing, like a death invitation, rang outside the door, next moment, silver light flashing in the dark, and two three-meter-long silver Flood Dragons have opened the door. , Directly twisted to Zuo Zhicheng.

It was also the moment when Jiang Qing’s mouth opened wide, and she was about to scream.

A Murderous aura, which is enough to freeze the blood, has risen to the sky, and the man who suddenly appeared is like a ghost and god. He shoots the sword spine with one hand and shoots the two swords stabbed.

Then he lifted his footsteps, and a crackling bang was heard in the air. Blood Rakshasa had already exited the house with a scream.

(At the end of the year, there are more work issues, so the code time is less. I got up to code this morning, and finally coded out three chapters, or my hand is slow …)

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