Walking to the chair behind Els, in front of Blood Rakshasa, Zuo Zhicheng shook his finger: “You are so shouting, so I sealed your mouth, I can let you speak now, but you Better not call it. “

Taking away the cloth strips that were stuck in each other’s mouth, Blood Rakshasa looked at Zuo Zhicheng in front of her, and a laughter like a female ghost came out of her mouth: “Who can think of the so-called ghost fist, it is Haoran A poor boy in dojo. “Although she was laughing, she had shock and incredibleness in her eyes.

Thinking of having been to Hao Ran dojo before, and showing off one’s military strength in front of the other, she shook her head and smiled bitterly.

“What? Senior Sister, do you know him?” Els wanted to turn his head, but couldn’t move because he was bound. It was Zuo Zhicheng who helped him, turned his chair around, and sat face to face with Blood Rakshasa.

Blood Rakshasa sneered and looked towards Zuo Zhicheng: “Since you have shown us your true colors, naturally you will not consider letting us go. Do you think we will tell you what you want to know?”

Zuo Zhicheng said lightly: “I’ve seen many people who have been die than submit before, and many of them are more afraid of death, crazy, and mental disorder than you, because they have faith or have been specially trained. .

But with the exception of one of them, I opened my mouth. He said, hitting Els on the neck with a knife, he stunned the opponent.

“Come one by one.”

“Trust me, you’re not as strong as you think, and you can’t bear it as much as you think.” As Zuo Zhicheng said, he opened the drawer under the experimental table and took out a pair of pliers and a small knife. Then he put on a black coat, which seemed to prevent blood from splashing on him.

“The first question, what’s your name?”

At this time, five days have passed since the fierce battle of Rising Sun Dojo. Because Zuo Zhicheng was injured, he has been closely watched by Jiang Qing and Xiao Lan, so there is no time to interrogate the two people. .

So after bandaging them, he could only deliver some food from time to time during these five days, and then prevented them from escaping and fainted them.

As for the method of fainting them, it is based on the hallucinogenic ability of feces. Yes, shit, which is methane, has considerable hallucinogenic power and is called the poor’s drug. In the past, there were many poor people who could not afford drugs, so they used shit to achieve similar results.

Of course, what exactly Zuo Zhicheng did and how to control the degree between methane poisoning and hallucinations is too disgusting to say.

It is estimated that Rakshasa and Els did not want to know at all.

After all, this person, Zuo Zhicheng, doesn’t have any nausea or filth in his mind.

After spending several hours, Zuo Zhicheng finally pried open the information he wanted from the two people’s mouths.

First are the names of two people. Blood Rakshasa’s real name is Qin Luoni, and the man’s name is Els. He is a hybrid of a Westerner and a Great Qi. They were adopted by Hell Sect from an early age. On the surface they are killers, mercenaries, fugitives, but in fact Hell Sect’s ecstasy messenger.

The so-called Hell Sect is a huge evil Sect in the south of the Central Plains. More than ten years ago, because of continuous suppression by the forces of Dao Palace, Mount Meru and Imperial Court, they gradually transferred their power to the new continent.

The inspectors here initially lacked the force to support themselves, and Hell Sect lacked the soil to survive. So the two sides hit it off, Hell Sect and one of the three inspectors joined together, and in just over ten years, they captured more than half of the new continent’s drugs, weapons, population and other businesses. And became a huge rare beast that has been in the dark.

As to which one of the three inspectors was cooperating with them, Qin Luoni and Els are not of enough status to know.

The ecstasy messengers are served by the elite disciple of Hell Sect. Each is a monster that transcends ordinary people. Their existence is to perform a variety of difficult tasks.

The Martial Arts Legacy trained by Qin Luoni and Els are Firestream sword and Hell King Golden Body, respectively.

However, Zuo Zhicheng, the key to these two skills, only asked about the actual practice and how to use them. He still needed to interrogate with two people to confirm that the two guys had not cheated.

The two people covered with blood were re-bandaged. Els and Qin Luoni looked at Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes full of fear. Every time his fingertips touch two people, they will cause a strong tremor.

Until Zuo Zhicheng stuffed the blood-stained fabric into an iron bucket, and then left with the iron bucket, the two men relaxed. But in his eyes, he was already full of despair.

While burning the rubbish in the iron bucket, Zuo Zhicheng started the practice of true martial arts today.

With the deployment of the martial arts of the North Peng Approaching Heaven Form, blood and muscle strength are mixed together, turning into a rolling heat flow in his within the body.

If it was the last life, he had fractured ribs and bones. I am afraid he can only stay in bed as much as possible. However, with the current physical fitness, after Xiao Lan and Jiang Qing left, he could do some light-weight exercises when he was alone, but even then, there would still be a slight pain, but he also You can feel the power of within the body becoming more powerful after this battle.

Purple’s congenital energy has reached 40%, and even a trace of congenital energy has penetrated to the position of the chin.

It can be seen that the destruction in battle and the repair of * have great benefits for the continuous evolution of the innate.

‘It seems that high-intensity battles can also increase innate completion. ‘

He took a deep breath and completed today’s exercise. Zuo Zhicheng put the burnt-out iron bucket back, then sat in the courtyard, and began today’s practice of raising vitality.

Through this period of practice, he found that his distractions were indeed decreasing, and it was easier for the whole person to meditate, similar to the Qigong meditation of the previous life.

About half an hour or so, you can enter a state of mindfulness. This method, coupled with the original deep sleep method, reduced his sleep time again every day, only about three hours. It also gives him more time to Qi Practitioner, refining spirit, and monitor the situation of the entire new dry port.

Day by day, Zuo Zhicheng continues to progress.

About half a month later, Zuo Zhicheng confirmed that the Firestream sword and Hell King Golden Body in his hands were indeed the correct training and playing methods that they knew, and then killed Qin Luoni and Els. Two Qimen weapons, Zhan Hongchen and Vulgarity also remained at his underground base.

Two Hell Sect elites, who had been in the limelight, died in an unknown corner.

The next morning, Zuo Zhicheng was like an ordinary young man, and went to dojo with Xiao Lan to start a day of work.

Speaking of which, since Rising Sun Dojo, the Master Jiang has been busy setting up martial arts associations and going out every morning. So now morning exercise, every day is Jiang Qing and Zuo Zhicheng together.

However, due to the fracture of Zuo Zhicheng’s ribs, he just did a simple rehabilitation exercise. It was not until two months later that the doctor confirmed the rehabilitation and started normal practice.

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