Silent Killing

Chapter 603

“The aviation brigade is moving in the direction of Thanos.”

Above the clouds, dozens of empire’s latest models of fighters are moving towards the direction of Thanos. These fighters use the aerodynamic layout of a swept mid-wing monoplane with air intake on the nose. It is the latest development of the empire, the first generation Subsonic jet fighter.

You can see a big hole in the nose, and you can also see the rotating engine. Unlike the engines of past piston-driven propeller aircraft, the jet engines used in this generation are more powerful.

At the same time, on the outskirts of Thanos, the XNUMXrd, XNUMXth, and XNUMXth Division moved towards Susano.

Taking the armored war chariot as the vanguard, behind the tank hall, a large number of army soldiers were mixed, and all the artillery fire was aimed at several hundred meters tall Susano Nerhu. This huge body seemed to be the best target at this moment.

bang bang bang bang! The body of the tank vibrated violently, and the gun barrel shrank sharply. The alloy armor-piercing projectile with a diameter of more than 120 millimeters had been moved towards 1800 meters / second and fired towards Susano.

Such an armor-piercing round is enough to instantly destroy a reinforced concrete fortress. There are dozens of identical tanks and shells, which is enough to sweep most of the army’s tank forces of this era.

“Don’t save ammunition, fire it all, and destroy the target.”

On the other side, countless imperial soldiers wearing combat suits, assault suits, holding machine guns and grenades, and wearing helmets in a manner of enclosing the grid, scattered the packages in the direction of Suzano. The latest research and development by the Ministry of Magic, such as artillery, electromagnetic guns, etc., the most optimistic heavy fire single weapon was taken out by them, all aimed at the Suzuneng in front of them.

In the far sky, the black spots of each and everyone zoomed in rapidly at the speed seen by naked eye, and the aviation group flying at subsonic speed rushed towards Susano with a long white air wave.

Over 30mm heavy aircraft guns on the wings fired simultaneously. The bullet is swallowed at a rate of hundreds of rounds per minute, and the formidable power of each bullet is enough to completely tear the body into pieces.

Armor-piercing, rocket. Grenade, metal storm. Various deadly weapons strikes on Susano Nori’s blue body, the flames sweeping through it seem to completely cover his body, enough to instantly kill an army. The firepower is madly pouring on Susano Noi’s body .

“Kill him at all costs.”

“Let him taste our awesomeness.”

“All firepower hit the target.”

As the metal storm unfolded, the four missiles under the fuselage lit on each aircraft at the same time.

Until this time, the spot where Susano could feel was turned around slightly: “Did you even make this kind of thing …”

At the next moment, the missile directly hit Susano’s body, and dozens of flames spread wildly on Susano’s body. A huge explosion sounded throughout the Thanos area.

“how about it?”

“Is it effective?”

The aviation brigade descended as the missile dived, and passed over Susano in a short distance.

Suddenly, the blue serpentine giant sword pierced through the fire, and then swept across the air. A total of five planes turned into a rolling Fireball and fell to the ground.

“The target is still alive!”

When all the smoke and fire covered by the fire had dispersed, Su Zunneng’s unscathed body appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. Four blue serpent-shaped giant swords swept out. Under the power of terror, the earth broke and the mountains collapsed. Countless soldiers died in screams and shock waves.

One tank after another was cut open like toys. Picked up and smashed to pieces.

“Why? You hit it directly?”

“Continue firing and never let him cross the line.”

The Empire’s army quickly stabilized under command. Tanks, fighters, army soldiers, all kinds of missiles, armor-piercing shells, mortars, and rockets fired wildly. The sky ’s flames almost dyed the sky to a red yellow, but even so, it still could n’t stop the wanton slashing. .

Artillery fire, shock waves, heat and kinetic energy hit him as if tickling.

The entire ground is turned into scorched earth under the cover of Emperor * ‘s firepower. Even the powerhouse in the field of gods has no special ability to help. The frontal strike was dead, but Suzuno was only slightly paused. Then he rushed into the army.

A more than a hundred meters long giant sword swept across, and the shock wave shattered hundreds of soldiers. A dozen tanks turned into scrap iron.

“War chariot troops are all destroyed! Once again, war chariot troops are all destroyed!”

“No, kinetic weapons and shelling are completely ineffective. What a weirdness … Ah!”

“Support, we need support, this level of firepower is completely impossible.”

In the supreme command room, one after another roaring orders, intelligence kept echoing in the lobby, watching the giant of light moving on the display screen, watching the rapidly decreasing, and even beginning to retreat the imperial troops, all eyes were exposed A shocked and terrified expression.

“Where is the mage?” The chief of staff said calmly, “Using high-energy ray-like spells, directly hit the target with destructive blows.”

On the screen, the amazing light radiated, which was the result of the common cast of the mage.

A beam of white light with a diameter of five meters penetrated the atmosphere in an instant, colliding with the horrible high temperature on Susano’s body surface.

Bant’s eyes flashed an unexpected expression: “This power … has exceeded ordinary tail beasts.”

At the next moment, in the eyes of everyone’s joy, Susano’s shell burst into pieces, and the entire Susano was disappearing quickly, and soon completely dissipated in the air.


All the people in the command room stood up, shouting and cheering.

Only Raphael frowned: “No …”

On the battlefield, countless stars of fire shone.

The spot leaped high from the ground, and moved towards the direction of the army line loudly shouts: “Fire. The fire is gone.”

An astonishing Fireball with a diameter of more than hundreds of meters suddenly appeared from his mouth, and the army in front of it moved away in a frantic attack. The horror looked like it had smashed Supreme Yang to the ground.

Countless soldiers and tanks are directly wrapped by flames. They are melted, carbonized and transformed into a terrifying coke corpse at high temperatures.

The high-speed mantra sounded, and more than ten mages joined hands to display a series of water dragons, which temporarily prevented the further spread of the flames.

“Sure enough … this is the strength of True Yuan, Void Refining martial artist.” The entire command room was silent, and only the chief of staff coldly said: “Conventional weapons have no effect on him.”

On the screen, the giant of light just disappeared, replaced by a faint red dot of light burst into the army, dissipating the light of the green dot of each and everyone.

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