Silent Killing

Chapter 612

When the battle at Imperial Capital was in full swing.

In the depths of Imperial Capital, there are countless defense magics, traps of institutions, the deepest layers of shields and armor.

Named by the Ministry of Magic or the Emperor as the center of the final parish, the Lonely Castle, or Lone Castle.

Avar walked slowly in the alley, his clothes were ragged and his hands, feet and back were stained with blood.

And around his all around, the wall was covered with a layer of dust, each and everyone’s door like a ward stood there every few dozen meters.

The small window on the gate was so dark that it was bottomless, as if something was hiding in it.

The sound of chewing something, the sound of metal tearing, the howling of animals, and all kinds of strange sounds came from inside, making people feel cold.

Avar walked very slowly. His feet even limped. It seemed that his physical condition was very bad, and there was panic, panic in his eyes, and a touch of fear he had never seen before.

‘Emperor … what the hell are you? ‘

Just then, his head suddenly lifted up, and he saw him in front of him, wondering when he was sitting an old man.

The old man’s head was bare, with only a few strands of white hair left. The whole man sat leaning against the wall, his eyes straight, as if stupid.

His body was wearing blue striped clothes and pants from head to toe, just like everyone else here.

At the same time he saw the old man, Awal was immediately on alert. This was not the first person he met in the lone fort, but after several previous encounters, he brought very bad results.

In the Lonely Castle, monsters created by the emperor are everywhere.

But after being alert for a while, Avar found that the old man seemed to ignore him, or at least it seemed. The old man in front of me seemed not at all dangerous.

He glanced up, and his distance of more than ten meters was filled with his Avatar, so he settled down. Slowly moved towards old man walked a little bit past.

Speaking of Avatar, I have to mention one point. That was something that Aval discovered shortly after entering the lone fort, that is, the spatial structure of the entire lonely castle was strange.

Up here can be down, down can be up, left can be right, right can also be left.

The direction doesn’t seem to make sense here, as the space is forcibly distorted and divided, leaving Avatar’s Avatar to work only in a very limited range.

As for what this range is, it varies with the movement of Avar and the spatial structure of his space.

Step by step cautiously walked in front of the old man. Avar asked: “This … old mister, do you know how to get out here?”

“Go out?” The old man immediately raised his head and looked at Avar with interest. “This is a lonely castle, you can’t go out.”

‘Can communicate. ‘Awal eyes shined, I didn’t expect the old man in front of him, as he had expected, to be a communicable character.

“My name is Avar, please tell me what old mister is.”

“Fishball.” The old man said a strange name seriously: “Do you really want to go out?”

“Do you have a way?” Awal felt startled.

The old man said directly, “I can go out.”

“How come out?”

“You can go out if you just want to go out.” The old man closed his eyes, and opened his eyes after a while, and said, “Well, I went out. I came back again.”

“What a joke.” Aval frowns saying, he thought he was playing with him.

“I’m never kidding.” Fishball said solemnly: “Close your eyes and go wherever you want. This is my ability.”

“Ability?” Avar suddenly felt that what Fishball said before him didn’t seem so simple. He patiently asked, “But I’ve just been by your side, your body has not moved at all.”

“It’s too fast, you can’t see it,” Yumaru said as it should be by rights. “I can appear anywhere in an instant and then come back in an instant.”

“Hehe,” Avar said with a sneer. “Why are you still here?”

“Because I’m healing.”

“Cure?” Awal frowned again. “Cure what?”

“None of your business?” Yumaru gave him a sideways glance. “Anyway, wherever I want to go, what’s the difference between staying inside and outside?”

Awal froze, “How on earth did you go out and come back?” Although he still thought the other party was talking nonsense, Awal found that the other party’s logic was very complete, and he wanted to prove that the fish ball had not left. It seemed that he couldn’t do it at his current conditions.

“What’s the matter, naturally you want to go out. Single thought.”

Then when a person encounters something that cannot be proved true or false. Should I believe it or not?

It was clear that the refutation was meaningless, and Avar did not continue to refute. Instead, he asked, “Can you take me out?”

“No, you can’t bring anyone.” Fishball shook the head, and no matter how Avar said, he didn’t answer.

Awal stood up at this moment, and suddenly found a door not far from the fish ball, and slightly opened a gap.

He suddenly understood that the fish ball wasn’t sitting in the hallway from the beginning, he obviously walked away from the room on both sides of the aisle.

This is the first time Avar has encountered a door that can be opened.

Looking at the dark door slits, Avar walked over and opened the door, and exposed a room of about ten square meters. The decoration of the room is very simple, there is only one bed, a simple toilet, apart from this everything No, not even a window.

Avar followed the light from the corridor, which allowed him to look at the layout of the room slightly. This shows that once the door is closed, I am afraid that the whole room is almost in a kind of darkness.

Just in front of the bed, a document was hung there.

“This is …” Avar picked up the document and swept through the content page by page, his frowning grew more and more as he looked.

“Case …”

“Don’t think … hallucinations … slight schizophrenia …”

“… no violence.”

Aval frowns, slowly thinking in his mind, “Is this a test report of the psychological condition? Why do you want to do this thing.”

Awal is even more curious if this room has something like this, isn’t everything in each room something like this.

At this moment, a series of violent vibrations suddenly came from the ceiling above his head, and Awal’s body flickered, and he transmitted to the corridor outside the door. He saw a slight vibration, and stood still on the ground. “what happened?”

At this time, he suddenly looked towards all around, especially where the old man was just sitting.

The fish ball is gone.

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