Silent Killing

Chapter 617

The dazzling rays of light projected from the four eyes of the Type A machine.

His mouth kept opening, and for the first time since he appeared, he spoke and made a sound: “I … I feel …”

Raphael’s voice came from the mouth of the A-type machine: “Now, I’m Invincible.”

He patted it down from the palm of his hand, and the colorful light, that is, the True Yuan of the A-type machine, has been turned into layers of barriers and hit the ground directly.

In the loud sound of hong long long, the earth cracked, countless buildings collapsed, and smoke and dust mixed with air waves kept flying around.

“What is he doing?” Asalika yelled.

“He’s heading into the underground space.”

“Fast speed, the Magic Energy system is paralyzed.”

“He’s reaching the final parish, and he’s heading for a lone fort.”

Assalija’s brows tightly knit, moved towards a type of aircraft dropped into the ground and flew to the past: “Is your target Your Majesty?”

He shouted at the communicator: “Send all the current situation to the lone fort.”


Underground, lonely castle.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridor behind Awal. The moment the sound appeared, the angry fish ball immediately saw the cat like a mouse, and it scared into a corner and shivered in a moment.

“Who would en ??”

Avar put out a breath, turned around, and looked through the groove outside the door of the ward, barely able to see a part of the floor outside the door.

The sound of footsteps gradually increased, which means that the other party is getting closer and closer, and it feels that Aval’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Da, da, da, da As the footsteps got closer and closer, Avar held his breath and stared out of the groove with his eyes dead.

Almost as soon as the sound came to his ears, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared again.

The entire corridor was silent. In the weird silence, Avar felt that the sound of his breath seemed strangely loud.

The fish ball curled his entire body together almost in a twisted posture. Hiding in the corner.

In a tense atmosphere, Avar’s breathing couldn’t help getting faster and faster. Increasingly heavy.

But after a few minutes, the sound of footsteps never remembered, and nothing was seen on the floor of the corridor, as if everything just was just an illusion.

‘Have you gone? Where did you go……’

As Awal thought about it that way, a pair of green pupils suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, staring at him at the position of the door.

Aval stepped back sharply, and saw the door opened slightly.

After the door opened, the corridor was still empty. Avar calmed down and controlled Avatar to walk out the door. From the vision of Avatar, there was nothing in the corridor.

In a flash, Avar had teleported to Avatar’s location: “Just that one, what the hell is in the end.”

Just then, the door behind him slammed and was closed.

Aval lightly said with a smile: “I really don’t welcome me.”

However, he did not use Avatar to teleport back, but cautiously walked in the corridor step by step. Just now he definitely read it right, something did appear in the corridor. And the other side opened the door, apparently wanting him out.

“I came out, so where are you?”

suddenly. A silhouette of green in the corner flickered, Avar’s eyes narrowed, the pistol buckled, and the whole person sprinted at high speed with the blast of the shock wave.

However, the opponent’s speed is obviously not satisfied, and he is very familiar with the terrain around all around. Although Aval sprints hard, he can almost stop the opponent every time.

And he soon found something wrong.

“There is a problem, this thing seems to lead me somewhere.”

eyebrows slightly frowned. Avar decided to follow up, after all, after coming to the lonely castle. Except for his injuries, he found nothing. Rare clues he didn’t want to give up.

I sprinted all the way down, and I walked through almost exactly the same long corridor, and there were countless large iron gates, making Avar unable to tell whether it was really moving or turning. .

Just as he was about to stop, his body turned over a corner, and a dark gate appeared in front of his eyes.

The slightly opened door slit flashed a silhouette of green.

“Come again.” Avar thought for a while or walked slowly, then sent an Avatar into it.

The room was very dark, but it could be seen to be many times larger than other rooms, and the door was filled with all sorts of messy furniture.

So while controlling Avatar’s progress, Awar hid behind ten meters and cautiously observed all around.

After the messy storage area, a row of huge bookshelves more than ten meters high was introduced into the eyes, all the way to the depths of the room. I don’t know how many books there are.

Awal randomly extracted a volume of documents and found that, like the previous case, it was also some kind of mental assessment report.

Looking at the row after row of report documents, Awal was shocked: ‘How much mental illness was received in this place. ‘

Awal then went in again, and after passing dozens of rows of bookshelves, there was an empty hall in front of him, but although the hall was empty, a densely packed silhouette on the ceiling was hung.

“So many corpses?” Avar was shocked to see the corpses hung by each and everyone like dead pigs on the ceiling, but then he looked at himself and realized that each and everyone silhouette was not a real person, but It is a wonderful puppet of each and everyone.

There were old people, young children, young girls, and young people. They all had weird smiles on their faces, as if looking at the direction of Avar, giving him a furry feeling.

Just then, in the silence, a sound of pumping sounded suddenly.

Avar quickly turned to look around, only to find that there was a doorknob there in the shadow, and a faint light hit the door.

After the pumping sound was over, the sound of flowing water was again, and then for a moment, the door opened.

A slender silhouette came out.

Long white lab coat, slightly scattered long shawl hair, pale skin, deep black eyes. Although she looked pale, she could still see an outstanding beauty.

In the corner of the white lab coat, the word whi can still be seen, but it is also very vague.

In such a place, seeing such a beautiful girl surprised Awar.

Seeing Awal in front of her, she froze and said, “Are you looking for me?”

“Well.” Suddenly she covered her belly with another hand, and said ugly, “Wait a minute, I’ll go to the bathroom again.”

After speaking, she did not wait for Awal to answer, and a flashback entered the door behind her again.

puchi puchi’s voice keeps ringing.

“Ah ~~ It hurts.”

Awal froze for a moment, and finally walked helplessly.

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