Silent Killing

Chapter 620

Raphael’s voice didn’t fall, and countless iron bars in the sky lit up a flash of flashes, as if it were countless cameras shooting.

“What’s going on?” Azalija looked at the densely packed light spots in the sky, wondering, “what exactly does he want to do?”

The iron rod in the sky releases the rays of light, which looks like Star River dropping from the sky.

Inside the lonely castle in the underground, the woman wearing researcher’s overalls raised her lips: “It’s interesting, you even think of doing this kind of thing. Are you guys so vain?

It’s so stupid. “

“What are you talking about?” Avar asked a momentarily frown.

“It’s nothing,” said the woman, moving towards the sky, nodding her mouth. “I’m really more and more curious now, what will this guy do?”


Type A Raphael floated in the sky and laughed heartily: “Emperor.”

He looked at Yan Jiao, who was standing on the ground without saying a word, and said, “Don’t you know what it is? To be honest, it’s so easy for me to kill you now. To what extent has the A-type machine been integrated.

To be honest, this power, even I feel fear.

But rest assured, I not at all will kill your plan directly.

I will enjoy the thrill of revenge, shame you well, before the world … “

At the same time, a huge image emerged from the sky above the Imperial Capital. It was the image of the A-type machine and the emperor.

The woman said indifferently: “Is laser imaging in the air? It takes a lot of time for this air projection system, and it is really difficult for him.”

A moment later, all the large cities and towns like Thanos across the entire territory of Europa. The atmosphere started to shake.

Soon a layer of water mist was born at high altitude. This is the effect of light and shadow transmission through the water curtain at high altitude and the particles in the air.

By taking total control of the Ministry of System. With the authority of the beacon and the mage’s beacon, Raphael completed his secret preparation for a long time. A miracle-like strong demon method.

So in the eyes of countless empires’ astonishment, shock, and panic, the current ruins of Imperial Capital are reflected in everyone’s eyes. At the same time, the spiritual leader of the emperor, the emperor, also appeared in the eyes of everyone Inside.

On the street, a housewife buying food looked up at the sky. The surprised mouth kept widening, and the wallet in his hand fell directly to the ground.

The patrolling soldiers stared blankly at the sky, posing with a group of comrades behind him.

Nobles also looked their heads towards the sky, and there was a loss one’s head out of fear in their eyes.

“Is that Imperial Capital?”

“Why is it like this?”

“Emperor … why is Your Majesty fighting?”

“Impossible, forbid all civilians to look up into the sky, and never let them see this sight.”

Not to mention that Europa was caught in an unprecedented panic and marvel at this time, Raphael’s preparations were not just Europa. He was like a kid who had been asleep for more than ten years, and could not wait to show off his power to the world.

“Hahaha.” Raphael laughed and looked towards the emperor: “Don’t you understand? The whole world will understand my strength, understand your weakness, and see your ugliness. The whole world will be trembling with the power of this god. Everyone will be at my feet. “

Soon, in just a few minutes, the new continent and the Central Plains except for Europa. A total of 12 cities have seen similar mutations.


The new continent, the main force of Emperor *, where the headquarters is, the former Dongmu Imperial Capital Mole City.

In the suburban location, in a pergola, countless civilians on the road are drinking tea to cool.

“Have you heard? Someone was killed in the city.”

“Great Qi or West Indian?”

“Great Qi, I heard that I’m still a student, it’s terrible …”

The sound of whispered conversation in Searso’s ears was all about the recent tragedy about Morale. Because of the peace talks issued by the Ministry of Magic. Make countless empires angry and racially honored. The wave of demonstrations that brought down slogans such as betrayal thieves and so on.

As a result, some particularly extreme empires. In other words, hawks even resorted to killing other ethnic civilians and slaves.

In the corner of the pergola, Sun Feibai’s brow frowned and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The woman on the side gently extended the hand, smoothing the wrinkles on his eyebrows: “Don’t frown, these things don’t blame you, it has nothing to do with you.”

“Nothing, I just …”

Just then, the sound of whistling and horseshoes suddenly came from the avenue in the distance.

Although Sun Feibai was sealed, but his years of experience in marching still remained, he suddenly stood up: “A lot of people are here, is it the army?”

“do not know.”

At this moment, a black man covered in blood rushed in and shouted: “The empires are here. They will kill them when they see them. Run away!”

With a bang, a black blood burst from the chest of the black man, and the whole person was moved towards the ground.

At the next moment, the people in the entire pergola ran out, but the sound of gunfire continued to sound, and the mad people on the street soon fell like wheat.

“Kill these pigs!”

Groups of imperialists on horses, guns in their hands, and white masks rushed over to kill the civilians in front of them.

There was a flash of anger in Sun Fei’s eyes, and the whole person was about to rush out the door, but was dragged by Zhou Yuting behind him: “Are you crazy? You have no trace of Taoism now, and you will be killed if you go out.”

“But …” Sun Feibai’s chest fluctuated violently, but he was quickly dragged away by Zhou Yuting when he was incompetent.

The gunfire of peng peng peng peng kept coming from behind, the wanton laughter of the imperialists, and the screams of the poor kept flowing into their ears.

“There are two more people there!”

“That woman is pretty good, stay alive.”

The sound of horseshoes came from afar, and Sun Feibai’s heartbeat began to speed up all of a sudden. Tensions that had not been experienced for a long time came to his mind. But with his eyes unable to look at him, he could only run along with Zhou Yuting stupidly. For him all around was endless darkness and mockery.

With a plop, the two fell to the ground and could only immediately get up and run, with the mocking laughter of the Empire in their ears.

With a bang shot, Sun Feibai felt only a sharp pain in his calf, and the whole man could not help falling to the ground.

“Haha haha, run, then run, why don’t you run?”

Sun Feibai’s hand and Zhou Yuting’s hand were tightly clasped together, but they could still feel each other’s trembling body.

His fists were pinched together, and even his palms were blooded from his nails.

‘Are you going to die here …’

At this moment, all around was quiet for a moment, and the imperialists seemed to disappear, without saying a word.

“what happened?”

“Yuting, are you still there?”

“Yes, I am.”

“What’s wrong? Are they gone?”

“No …” Zhou Yuting stared blankly at the sky: “There is something in the sky …”

An empire’s mouth widened, and the machine gun in his hand fell unconsciously to the ground.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?”

“Why Imperial Capital was ruined!”

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