Silent Killing

Chapter 623

Yan Jiao frowns saying: “What happened to Dr. Michelle?”

The freak who now calls himself Frieza is far beyond normal. Yan Dumpling, which has a lot of combat experience, immediately understood that it was impossible to defeat the other side by itself.

After all, even if he can use both abilities by himself, the unconscious crab * cannot give him 100% assistance as he is awake, and his abilities cannot be fully exerted.

“What’s wrong? Are you asking for help?”

Yan Jiao raised his head, Frieza didn’t know when it had appeared in his eyes, and then there was a black shadow sweeping in front of him, his chest hurt, and the whole man had flew out.

The Yan Jiao tumbling in the air, with one hand resting on the ground, dragged a long gully directly. When he stopped, Frieza had appeared in front of his eyes again, and the afterimages flashed again.

hmph! Even if Yan Jiao was calm enough, he couldn’t stand the other person’s repeatedly disdain.

I saw that Frieza’s body was floating in mid-air, and she just kept kicking with her feet for various side kicks. She was stunned, and brought a burst of squalling wind, the air was crackling, and the shock caused by the thighs and thighs just breaking the air, Then a few whirlwinds were blown out directly, resulting in a flying sand running stone within several hundred meters.

But no matter how aggressive the attack is, it cannot change a fact …

“I really didn’t use my hands, but only used my legs to fight me.”

The anger was shot from the eyes of Yan Jiao. As the Constantine the Great, the Emperor of the Empire, when has he been so scorned?


I saw Yan Jiao stopped abruptly, with both feet, his hands folded, and the skin on his body turned red. He let Frieza kick her in the chest, leaving him motionless.

From the beginning Frieza has been interested in each other’s ability. Now seeing that the other party can even exempt himself from the power of this foot, the curiosity in his eyes became stronger.

“Then try this trick.” Frieza pointed out with a finger, and Purple’s True Yuan suddenly lit up. Turned into a light cluster at his fingertips, the next moment was moved towards the Yan Jiao in front of him like a laser cannon.

Not just the power of True Yuan. It is also mixed with dozens of high-energy lasers of Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire. The thick red beam of light instantly swallows the entire body of Yan Jiao, and it crosses more than half of the Imperial Capital all the way. Ruins, stones, and steel bars have completely evaporated into atoms.

Until the end of the line of sight, the beam of light swept across a hill, and the explosion caused by high temperature heating soared into the sky, turning almost half of the hill into a powder.

But under this blow of heaven shaking earth shattering, a shadow in the beam of light slowly emerged. That’s the silhouette of Yan Jiao.

He was like a person drowned by a waterfall. In the next moment, he broke through the violent energy flow, rushed out of the beam of light, folded his hands, and moved towards Frieza like a mountain.

I saw that his whole body was flushed with red blood, the blood and blood seemed to reach a limit, and the sound of explosions was constantly heard from all over his body. It was skeletons, blood vessels, and muscles that were constantly exploding.

The secret technique performed by Yan Jiao at this moment is exactly one of the three banned moves of the imperial family.

This is an instantaneous explosive force created by bursting blood and flesh through the explosion of qi and blood. A forbidden move that frantically destroys its own power within seconds.

With this outbreak of horror between Life and Death, a person can be motivated ten times more.

And Yan Jiao’s mastery of War God is far beyond the person who created this move.

Because at this moment the sound of the yanyan dumplings inside the body burst, except for the muscle skeleton’s internal organs. There seemed to be a faint, faint but long and deep voice in the trance.

As the world shattered and the planet exploded.

Within the body of Yan Jiao, numerous molecular structures were exploded alive, and then rearranged, new chemical bonds were formed, and excess electronic energy was released like the Yangtze River, forming a terrifying energy storm.

This is already close to Good Fortune, that is, the explosion of atomic power. It also shows the profound cultivation base of Yan Jiao. It is indeed the emperor who has been almost Invincible for 30 years.

boom! The terrible punch hits Frieza’s head directly. It was as if a mountain had come down. The continuous tremor of the brain turned Frieza’s consciousness temporarily blank.

Blood was constantly shooting up and down the body. The whole body of Yan Jiao was covered with a layer of bloody flames, and his eyes turned almost completely white. Only an infinite anger was left burning in the chest.


The storm-like fist hit Frieza’s body. Every fist hit brought up waves of air, but every time the fist hit Frieza again before the air wave left.

Densely packed fists flickered like bloody stars on Frieza’s body, lighting up the midair.

It was so dense that I could hardly hear the interval, and the sound of thunder came like crazy, just like hitting tens of thousands of thunderbolt at the same moment.

In just a few seconds, Yan Jiao’s body completely disappeared from the eyes of everyone, leaving only Frieza, who was constantly shaking in mid-air, and blood light that flickered like stars on his body.

It was a high-speed attack of Yan Jiao, it was too fast, and it was almost invisible.

But in the underground lonely castle, researcher Michel from whi still brows tightly frowns.

‘Blood War God is the ultimate ban that can cause people to burst out dozens of times of battle strength in an instant, but die immediately after use. ‘

‘But relying on the ability of Yan Jiao,’ unchanging past ‘, this ability against the sky can allow him to use the Blood God War God in a way that has almost no side effects. ‘

‘It even gave him the upper hand for a moment. ‘

“But … but it’s Frieza, it’s Frieza, the emperor of the universe.” Michelle held her head up, and seemed completely unacceptable to the fact that Frieza appeared in front of herself.

It seemed to verify what she said. After four consecutive seconds of super-high-speed combos, Yan Jiao’s arm was grabbed by Frieza, and then a heavy knee hit him on the stomach of Yan Jiao, hitting him. His eyes were straight, and bones and muscles in his back were bulging.

The whole person flew out like a spinning top.

Rolling on the ground and flying out of several thousand meters, each hit the ground will hit a large pit and was bombarded several hundred meters. More than a dozen buildings fell to the ground and were instantly punctured.

But Yan Jiao’s mouth still showed a smile, and he looked sneerly towards Frieza, indifferently said: “I have my hand.”

“Hmph.” Frieza rubbed his neck with his hands before rubbing it, with naked killing intent in his eyes: “I got dust on my body, except for my father, you are the first.”

“But don’t worry, I still won’t use my full strength.”

With that said, Frieza moved towards three dumplings in the direction of Yan Jiao.

“30% strength should be enough to let you know what is really scary.”

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