Silent Killing

Chapter 627

As Frieza finishes saying this, the black flames continue to emerge from his within the body, which is to communicate the imaginary space with True Yuan in one breath, belonging to Blackbeard’s Prominent Saint specialty.

This ability can store various attacks directly into the imaginary space. Compared to Da Hei Tian’s ability to be completely immune to all kinetic energy attacks and absorb other types of attacks, Blackbeard’s strengths are slightly weaker, but it is better at consuming less.

Originally this Lai Pi ability, with Frieza’s arrogance, was too lazy to show it, but at the moment was filled with rage by his mind, Frieza had completely ignored that many.

And now his entire skin is changed to golden, and the whole person looks like a golden man, which belongs to his Prominent Saint specialty.

After being transformed into golden Frieza, whether it is strength, speed, or the amount of True Yuan, the strength, the destructive power will have a large increase.

But at this time Frieza, wrapped in black golden flames, didn’t attack the dumplings and crabs *. With the last sentence, he bent down and pressed his hands to the ground.

“What is he going to do?” Michele frowns looked towards the screen: “Even if his destructive power is increased again, but facing the” unchanging past “and the” reversing future “, facing these two absolute abilities, pure power Changes in speed, speed, and intensity are meaningless. “

But despite that, Michele urged: “Hurry up and kill him, don’t let him mess with the basket.”

At the same time, around Frieza’s body, many things came out of the void, there were various guns and sticks operating at supersonic speeds, strong acids, alkalis, and other large doses of liquids. There were explosive arrows, and even many books were dropped directly.

Various weapons and items fell out like rain.

In consciousness, Zuo Qingcang coldly said: “What are you doing. Stop.” Under his control, Yellow Spring’s mouth closed quickly, and nothing fell out of it.

But even with Zuo Qingcang’s current strength and awareness. Frieza, who wanted to suppress her transformation, was also a bit weak.

But Frieza didn’t argue with Zuo Qingcang, just stopped. Coldly smiled said: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, this is enough.” Previously, the spot has used all the meteorite. Now Frieza has thrown out a lot of scattered things, and almost 95% of the entire imaginary space is almost Empty.

Only 3 Super Dao Techniques, the most important things such as life clusters, cloud explosions, nuclear bombs and so on, are retained by Zuo Qingcang.

At the next moment, the light of purple emerged from the ground. A neat box was cut out at a distance of 200 meters.

But just as Frieza did this, shua shua shua brushed, and more than a dozen photon stream guns shot at him in sequence, blasting directly on his body.

The blood-swallowed Yan Jiao rushed up with a series of afterimages.

However, in the face of the attack by the two at this time, Frieza chose to completely ignore it, only to see that the Photon Streaming Cannon hit him unreservedly and exploded, running through Frieza’s body many times, but the effect of this time But it is far less than the serious injuries after the first few hits.

Because the photon flow cannon just hits, regardless of the heat wave, the shock wave or the photon flow itself. All were absorbed by a large number of black True Yuan at one go, and stored in the imaginary space. The damage that made him tight was a little explosion at the instant of hit.

“That black True Yuan is weird at once.” Crab * frowns saying.

Michelle’s voice came from the communicator in their ears: “This guy has a strange subspace and can communicate with it in True Yuan. Find a way to bypass True Yuan in one go.”

I saw Crab * and Yan Dumpling attacking Frieza madly from left to right, but Frieza at this time is like a tortoise, letting the dark golden flame wrap itself around, letting Yan Dumpling and Crab * randomly Attack yourself.

If it weren’t for the fury of his eyes, one might even doubt that he was a statue.

At the same time, where the hands of his hands touch the ground, more and more distortions are constantly generated, and it looks as if the earth is wrapped in layers of time and space.

“What the hell is he doing?” Michel suddenly had a very unpredictable hunch.

Just as Yan Dumpling and Crab * fought their frantic attacks on Frieza, the distortion of the ground expanded rapidly. In just over 20 seconds, the twist has wrapped the ground more than two hundred meters.

next moment. There was a flash of light in front of everyone’s eyes, and the ground beneath them had disappeared.

Yan dumplings and crabs * changed their faces suddenly. I felt empty at my feet, and had to start an extinguishing soul armed flight engine. There were flames under my feet, flying to the ground aside.

“How can the ground disappear?”

“He put the earth into subspace.”

Michel’s voice came at the same time: “For a rock formation with a length, width, and height of 200 meters, the density of the condensate below Imperial Capital is about 2.5 tons per cubic meter. Regardless of the impact of the explosion, the hill he put into the subspace must have been With more than 2000 million tons, what is he going to do? “

Frieza, who completely filled the imaginary space, sneered, looking at the doubtful Yan Dumplings and Crabs * 200 meters away, and he said sullenly: “hehehehe, if you kill all the human beings, I will look at you How can you stop me? “

Frieza’s personality was obviously extremely irritable. After several ineffective attacks, he not only killed the emperor, but also destroyed the entire human race.

I saw him twisting his waist and stepping on his feet. In the bursting air waves, he had torn the atmosphere and moved towards the sky in the blast of air.

1000 meters, 2000 metres, Frieza’s speed is getting faster and faster. Not only are the feet bursting into the air, but True Yuan, who is full of purple, blows the air frantically, raising his speed and height, and breaking through in a blink of an eye. ten thousand meters at high altitude.

“This guy … wouldn’t you want to throw that thing away?” Michele frowned: “No, he said that he would destroy humans. Although this formidable power is not bad, it is not enough to destroy the entire human race.”

The next moment, the picture was dark, and Frieza broke through the altitude of 5000 meters, and has already left Michelle’s vision.

“Catch up.” Without Michelle, Yan Dumpling and Crab * are already doing this. Two tail flames blasted out from their extinguishing soul armed feet, and quickly moved towards Frieza’s position in the sky.

But no matter how fast they got, they were getting farther and farther away from Frieza.

As Michel pulled with both hands, a structural diagram of the atmosphere had appeared in front of her, and a small golden dot was rapidly moved towards outer space and kept flying away.

100 kilometers … 150 kilometers … 300 kilometers …

“Damn, he’s already in the outer atmosphere.” Michelle gritted his teeth, looking at the electronic map in front of him. “He stopped.”

“More than 2000 million tons of things fell over a distance of more than 300 kilometers, and considering the acceleration provided by this guy, the energy was comparable to the Tunguska Big Bang.” Michelle stared at the electronic map tightly, suddenly complexion changed: “Damn, this direction is the North Pole? He wants to push this thing to the North Pole?”

At a height of more than 300 kilometers, while the mountain landed, Frieza pushed the entire mountain sideways, causing the meteorite to move obliquely towards the Arctic.

What Michelle didn’t know was that while Frieza was pushing the meteorite, she even put the remaining dozens of cloud detonations and nuclear batteries into the mountain, waiting for the big explosion at the time of the impact.

The calamity is coming.

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